< Psalms 90 >
1 BOOK FOURTH: “A prayer of Moses the man of God.” Lord, a place of refuge hast thou been unto us in all generations.
Doa Musa, hamba Allah. Ya TUHAN, Engkaulah tempat kami berlindung turun-temurun.
2 Before yet the mountains were brought forth, or thou hadst ever produced the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
Sebelum gunung-gunung diciptakan, sebelum bumi dan dunia Kaubentuk, Engkaulah Allah yang kekal, tanpa awal tanpa akhir.
3 Thou turnest man to contrition, and sayest, Return ye children of men.
Engkau menyuruh manusia kembali ke asalnya, menjadi debu seperti semula.
4 For a thousand years are in thy eyes but as the yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
Bagi-Mu seribu tahun seperti satu hari, hari kemarin yang sudah lewat; seperti satu giliran jaga di waktu malam.
5 Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning [they grow] like the grass which changeth.
Engkau menghanyutkan kami; kami seperti mimpi, seperti rumput yang bertunas;
6 In the morning it blossometh, and is changed: in the evening it is mowed off, and withereth.
di waktu pagi ia tumbuh dan berkembang, tetapi menjadi layu di waktu petang.
7 For [thus] are we consumed by thy anger, and by thy fury are we terrified.
Kami terkejut oleh kemarahan-Mu, dan habis binasa oleh murka-Mu.
8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our concealed sins before the light of thy countenance.
Engkau menaruh kesalahan kami di hadapan-Mu, dosa kami yang tersembunyi terlihat oleh-Mu.
9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we consume our years like a word that is spoken.
Hidup kami pendek karena kemarahan-Mu, tahun-tahun kami berakhir seperti hembusan napas.
10 The days of our years in this life are seventy years; and if by uncommon vigor they be eighty, yet is their greatness trouble and mishap; for it soon hasteneth off, and we fly away.
Masa hidup kami hanya tujuh puluh tahun, kalau kami kuat, delapan puluh tahun. Tetapi hanya kesukaran dan penderitaan yang kami dapat; sesudah hidup yang singkat, kami pun lenyap.
11 Who knoweth the strength of thy anger, and thy wrath which is like the fear of thee?
Siapakah yang mengenal kedahsyatan murka-Mu, atau cukup sadar akan akibat kemarahan-Mu?
12 Let us then know how to number our days, that we may obtain a heart endowed with wisdom.
Sadarkanlah kami akan singkatnya hidup ini supaya kami menjadi orang yang berbudi.
13 Return, O Lord, how long yet? and bethink thee concerning thy servants.
Ya TUHAN, sampai kapan Engkau marah? Kembalilah dan kasihanilah hamba-hamba-Mu.
14 O satisfy us in the morning with thy kindness, that we may be glad and rejoice throughout all our days.
Limpahkanlah kasih-Mu kepada kami setiap pagi, agar kami gembira dan menyanyi seumur hidup kami.
15 Cause us to rejoice as many days as those wherein thou hast afflicted us, the years wherein we have seen unhappiness.
Berilah kami kebahagiaan seimbang dengan penderitaan yang kami tanggung dalam tahun-tahun sengsara.
16 Let thy act be visible on thy servants, and thy majesty over their children.
Tunjukkanlah karya-Mu kepada kami hamba-hamba-Mu, dan kuasa-Mu yang semarak kepada keturunan kami.
17 And may the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and the work of our hands do thou firmly establish upon us: yea, the work of our hands—firmly establish thou it.
Ya TUHAN Allah kami, berkatilah kami, supaya segala pekerjaan kami berhasil.