< Psalms 89 >

1 “A Maskil of Ethan the Ezrachite.” The kindnesses of the Lord will I for ever sing: from generation to generation will I make known thy faithfulness with my mouth.
Nkunga Etani muisi Ezilakite. Ndiela yimbidila mamboti manneni ma Yave mu zithangu zioso. Mu munu ama ndiela zabikisila kikuikizi kiaku muidi zitsungi zioso.
2 For I have said, To eternity will kindness be built up: the heavens—yea, in these wilt thou establish thy faithfulness.
Ndiela samuna ti luzolo luaku luidi lutelama dio ngui mu zithangu zioso. Ti ngeyo wutula kikhuikizi kiaku mu diyilu.
3 “I have made a covenant with my elect, I have sworn unto David my servant,
Ngeyo wutuba: “nditula Nguizani ama ayi mutu ama wowo ndivinda mafuta; Ndidia ndefi kuidi Davidi, kisadi kiama:
4 Unto eternity will I establish thy seed, and I will build up thy throne, from generation to generation.” (Selah)
Ndiela bieka nkunꞌaku mu zithangu zioso; ayi ndiela kitula kundu kiaku ki kipfumu kikinda mu zitsungi zioso.”
5 And the heavens praise thy wonder, O Lord: also thy faithfulness in the assembly of holy ones.
Diyilu dinzitisa matsiminanga maku, a Yave kikhuikizi kiaku mu lukutukunu lu banlongo.
6 For who in the sky can be compared unto the Lord? who can be likened unto the Lord among the sons of the mighty?
Bila nani mu matuti wulenda dedokoso banga Yave? Widi banga Yave mu bivangu bi diyilu e?
7 God is greatly terrific in the secret council of the holy ones and fear-inspiring over all that are about him.
Mu lukutukunu lu banlongo, Nzambi wulembo kinzuku ngolo tsisi kadi yiviokidi batu bobo banzungididi.
8 O Lord God of hosts, who is powerful, like thee, Eternal! and thy faithfulness is round about thee.
A Yave, Nzambi nkua ngolo yoso, nani widi banga ngeyo e? Widi nkua ngolo, a Yave, ayi kikhuikizi kiaku kizungididi.
9 Thou rulest over the pride of the sea: when its waves are lifted up, thou assuagest them.
Ngeyo weti yadila mbu wufuemini, Mayo mandi mawu telama ngeyo weti lembika mawu.
10 Thou didst crush Rahab as one that is slain: with thy strong arm didst thou scatter thy enemies.
Ngeyo wukosikisa Lahabi banga mutu wuvondo mu koko kuawu ku lulendo ngeyo wusasikisa bambeni ziaku.
11 Thine are the heavens, also thine is the earth: as for the world and what filleth it, thou hast founded them.
Ngeyo vuidi diyilu ayi ntoto diaka ngeyo vuidi wawu. Ngeyo wuvanga nza ayi bibio bidi muawu.
12 The north and the south—these hast thou created: Tabor and Chermon shall rejoice in thy name.
Ngeyo wuvanga Nodi ayi Sude; Taboli ayi Helimoni bieti yimbila mu khini mu diambu di dizina diaku.
13 Thine is the powerful arm, with might: strong is thy hand, and exalted is thy right hand.
Koko kuaku kufulukidi mu lulendo; koko kuaku ngolo kuidi koko kuaku ku lubakala kuyayusu ngolo.
14 Righteousness and justice are the prop of thy throne: kindness and truth precede thy presence.
Busonga ayi bufuana biawu fundasio yi kundu kiaku ki kipfumu. Luzolo ayi kikhuikizi bindiata ku ntuala.
15 Happy is the people that know the cornet's sound: O Lord, in the light of thy countenance will they ever walk firmly.
Lusakumunu kuidi batu bobo banlonguka kubudila zitsiaki; bobo bandiatilanga mu kiezila ki meso maku, a Yave.
16 In thy name will they be glad all the day, and in thy righteousness will they be exalted.
Beti mona khini mu dizina diaku mu lumbu kimvimba beti yangalala mu busonga buaku.
17 For thou art the glory of their strength; and through thy favor will our horn be exalted.
Bila ngeyo nkembo awu ayi zingolo ziawu ayi mu nlemvo aku, ngeyo wuyayisa phokꞌeto.
18 For of the Lord is our shield; and of the Holy One of Israel is our king.
Bukiedika, nkaku eto wuviulu kuidi Yave ntinu eto kuidi mutu wunlongo wu Iseli.
19 Then spokest thou in a vision to thy pious [servant], and saidst, “I have bestowed help to one that is mighty; I have exalted a youth out of the people;
Khumbu yimosi ngeyo wuyolukila mu tsongolo kuidi batu baku bakuikama ngeyo wutuba: “Ndivana zingolo kuidi mutu wu ngolo. Ndiyayisa muana ditoko va khatitsika batu.
20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him;
Ndibakula Davidi kisadi kiama, mu mafuta mama manlongo, minu ndimvindila.
21 With whom my hand shall be firmly established; also my arm shall strengthen him;
Koko kuama kuela kunsimba; bukiedika koko kuama kuela kumvana zingolo.
22 The enemy shall not exact from him like a lender: and the son of injustice shall not afflict him:
Kadi mbeni yimosi yilendi kutula ku tsi minsua miandi ko. Mu diambu di futa phaku. Kadi mutu wumosi wumbimbi kalendi kunyamisa ko.
23 And I will beat down before his face his assailants, and those that hate him will I plague.
Ndiela kosikisa va meso mandi batu bobo beti kunlenda ayi ndiela buisa bobo beti kunlenda.
24 But my faithfulness and my kindness shall be with him: and through my name shall his horn be exalted.
Luzolo luama lukuikama luela ba yandi mpe mu dizina diama phoka ziandi ziela tombolo.
25 And I will place on the sea his hand, and on the rivers his right hand.
Ndiela tula koko kuandi va mbata mbu ayi koko kuandi ku lubakala va mbata minlangu.
26 He will call unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
Niandi wela kuthela: ‘Ngeyo widi dise diama, Nzambi ama ditadi dingolo Mvulusi ama.’
27 Also I will appoint my first-born, the highest among the kings of the earth.
Ndiela kunsobula diaka muanꞌama wutheti wowo lutidi zangama mu mintinu mioso midi va ntoto.
28 For evermore will I keep for him my kindness, and my covenant shall stand faithfully with him.
Ndiela simbidila luzolo luama va niandi mu zithangu ziozo ayi Nguizani ama va niandi yilendi ba babeba ko.
29 And I appoint for ever his seed, and his throne as the days of heaven.
Ndiela telimisa dio ngui nkunꞌandi mu zithangu zioso kundu kiandi ki kipfumu kiela zingila banga bilumbu bi diyilu.
30 If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my ordinances;
Enati bana bandi balozidi Mina miama ayi enati bakadi landakana zinzengolo ziama;
31 If they profane my statutes, and keep not my commandments:
enati babundudi zinzengolo ziama enati bakadi keba zithumunu ziama,
32 Then will I visit with the rod their transgressions, and with plagues their iniquity.
ndiela tumbudila masumu mawu mu lusuadi, mambimbi mawu mu bikoti;
33 Nevertheless my kindness will I not make utterly void from him, and I will not act falsely against my faithfulness.
vayi ndilendi ba botula ko luzolo luama mu niandi ayi ndilendi tunuka kikhuikizi kiama ko.
34 I will not profane my covenant, and what is gone out of my lips will I not alter.
Ndilendi ba bundula Nguizani ama ko voti ndilendi balula ko mambu momo bididi biama matotula.
35 One thing have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto David.
Mu khumbu yimosi, ndidia ndefi mu bunlongo buama ayi ndilendi ba vuna Davidi ko.
36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne shall be like the sun before me.
Buna nkunꞌandi wela zingilanga mu zithangu zioso ayi kundu kiandi ki kipfumu kiela zingila va ntualꞌama banga thangu.
37 Like the moon shall it be firmly established for ever, and as this faithful witness in the sky.” (Selah)
Kiela ba kitelama dio ngui mu zithangu zioso banga ngondi, mbangi yikuikama mu matuti.”
38 And yet thou hast east off and despised, thou hast become wroth with thy anointed.
Vayi ngeyo wunloza, wunlenza; wuba wufuema beni kuidi mutu aku wudukudila mafuta.
39 Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned, down to the ground, his crown.
Ngeyo wuvonda Nguizani ayi kisadi kiaku; ayi ngeyo wubundula budu ki kipfumu kiandi nate wuloza kiawu va difundu-fundu.
40 Thou hast broken down all his fences: thou hast brought his strong-holds to terror.
Ngeyo wumana tiolumuna bibaka biandi bioso ayi wutula bisuamunu biandi bingolo mu mbivusu.
41 All that pass by the way plunder him: he is become a reproach to his neighbors.
Babo baviokila vana, banziona bima; wuyika diambu di mvuezolo kuidi bafikimini yandi.
42 Thou hast raised up the right hand of his assailants: thou hast caused all his enemies to rejoice.
Ngeyo wuzangula koko ku lubakala ku bobo bakunlendanga, wumonisa bambeni bandi zioso khini.
43 Thou hast also turned the edge of his sword, and hast not let him stand erect in the battle.
Ngeyo wuvengumuna meno ma sabala kiandi ayi wusia kunsadisa ko mu mvita.
44 Thou hast made his brilliancy cease; and his throne hast thou thrown down to the ground.
Ngeyo wumanisa kiezila kiandi ayi wuloza kundu kiandi ki kipfumu va tsi.
45 Thou hast shortened the days of his youth: thou hast enshrouded him with shame. (Selah)
Ngeyo wukufisa bilumbu bi bumuana buandi; wumfuka yunga ki tsoni.
46 How long, Lord, wilt thou hide thyself, continually? how long shall thy fury burn like fire?
Nate thangu mbi a Yave wela suamina e? Nate thangu mbi miangu miaku miela lemina banga mbazu e?
47 Remember [what] I am, what my duration is [here], for what nothingness thou hast created all sons of men!
Tebuka moyo boso luzingu luama luididi lukhufi. A buevi, buna mu phamba kuandi wuvangila batu boso e?
48 What man is there that can live, and shall not see death? that can deliver his soul from the power of the nether word? (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
Mutu mbi wowo lenda zinga ayi wela kambu mona lufua e? Voti kukivukisa mu lulendo lu tsi yi bafua e? (Sheol h7585)
49 Where are thy former kindnesses, O Lord, which thou hast sworn unto David by thy truth?
A Yave, kuevi kuidi luzolo luaku lunene lukhulu, mu lolo wuzengila ndefi mu kikhuikizi kiaku mu diambu di Davidi e?
50 Remember, Lord, the disgrace of thy servants; that I bear in my bosom the [burden] of all the many nations;
Tebukila moyo a Pfumu, buevi kisadi kiaku bakisekinina; buevi ndilembo natina mu ntimꞌama bifingu bi makanda moso.
51 That thy enemies have defied, O Lord; that they have defied the footsteps of thy anointed.
Bifingu biobi bambeni ziaku basekinina, biobi basekinina kadika thama yi mutu aku wowo wudukudila mafuta.
52 Blessed be the Lord for evermore. Amen, and Amen.
Nzitusu kuidi Yave mu zithangu zioso.

< Psalms 89 >