< Psalms 88 >

1 “A song or psalm of the sons of Korach, to the chief musician upon Machalath-le'annoth, a Maskil of Heman the Ezrachite.” O Lord the God of my salvation, by day do I cry, [and] at night I am before thee.
Rabbiyow, Ilaaha badbaadadaydow, Habeen iyo maalinba hortaadaan ka qayliyey,
2 Let my prayer come unto thy presence; incline thy ear unto my entreaty.
Baryootankaygu hortaada ha yimaado, Oo qayladayda dhegta u dhig,
3 For my soul is sated with troubles; and my life draweth nigh unto the nether world. (Sheol h7585)
Waayo, naftayda waxaa ka buuxa dhibaatooyin, Oo noloshayduna waxay ku dhowaanaysaa She'ool. (Sheol h7585)
4 I am counted with those that descend into the pit; I am become as a man without vigor:
Waxaa laygu tiiriyey kuwa hoos ugu dhaadhaca yamayska, Oo waxaan ahay sida nin aan xoog lahayn,
5 Free among the dead, like the slain that dwell in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more; and those that are cut off by thy hand.
Oo meydadka lagu dhex tuuray, Sida kuwa la laayay oo xabaalaha yaal, Oo aanad mar dambe soo xusuusnayn, Kuwaas oo ah kuwa gacantaada ka go'ay.
6 Thou hast laid me in the pit of the lower world, in darkness, in the depths.
Waxaad igu ridday yamayska ugu hooseeya, Iyo gudcurka, iyo meelaha dhaadheer.
7 Upon me lieth heavily thy fury, and with all thy billows hast thou afflicted me. (Selah)
Cadhadaadii baa igu soo degtay, Oo waxaad igu dhibtay hirarkaagii oo dhan. (Selaah)
8 Thou hast removed my acquaintances far from me; thou hast rendered me an abomination unto them: I am imprisoned, and I cannot go forth.
Kuwii aan iqiin waad iga fogaysay, Oo karaahiyaad iga dhigtay xaggooda. Waa lay xidhay, oo sooma aan bixi karo.
9 My eye languisheth by reason of affliction: I call on thee, O Lord, every day, I stretch out unto thee my hands.
Indhahaygu waxay la gudheen dhibaatada daraaddeed, Rabbiyow, maalin kasta waan kuu yeedhay, Oo gacmahaygana adigaan kuu hoorsaday.
10 Wilt thou display wonders to the dead? shall the departed arise [and] thank thee? (Selah)
Ma yaabab baad tusaysaa meydadka? Kuwii dhintay miyey soo sara kacayaan oo ku ammaanayaan? (Selaah)
11 Shall thy kindness be related in the grave? thy faithfulness in the place of corruption?
Raxmaddaada miyaa qabriga lagu sheegayaa? Aaminnimadaadana miyaa halligaadda laga dhex sheegayaa?
12 Shall thy wonders be acknowledged in the darkness? and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
Yaababkaaga miyaa gudcurka lagu ogaanayaa? Xaqnimadaadana ma waxaa lagu ogaanayaa dalka illoobidda?
13 Yet I cry indeed aloud unto thee, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer come before thee.
Laakiinse Rabbiyow, adigaan kuu qayshaday, Oo baryootankayguna subaxduu hortaada imanayaa.
14 Why, O Lord, wilt thou cast off my soul? [why] wilt thou hide thy face from me?
Rabbiyow, bal maxaad naftayda u xooraysaa? Oo bal maxaad wejigaaga iiga qarinaysaa?
15 I am afflicted and perishing from my youth up: I bear thy terrors, I am distracted.
Waan dhibaataysnaa oo waxaan ku dhowaa inaan dhinto tan iyo yaraantaydiiba, Intaad cabsidaada igu riddayna waan caataysnaa.
16 Over me have the fires of thy wrath passed; thy terrors have destroyed me;
Cadhadaadii kululayd ayaa i kor martay, Oo waxaa i baabbi'iyey waxyaalihii aad igu cabsiisay.
17 They encompass me like water all the time; they have closed in round about me together.
Maalintii oo dhan waxay hareerahayga ugu wareegsanaayeen sidii biyo oo kale, Dhammaantood way i wada hareereeyeen.
18 Thou hast removed far from me lover and friend, my acquaintances [are in] darkness.
Kii i jeclaa iyo saaxiibkayba waad iga fogaysay, Oo kuwii aan iqiinna gudcur baad iga gelisay.

< Psalms 88 >