< Psalms 66 >

1 “To the chief musician, a song or psalm.” Shout joyfully unto God, all ye lands:
Untuk pemimpin kor. Sebuah nyanyian. Bersorak-sorailah untuk Allah, hai seluruh bumi!
2 Sing forth the glory of his name; make glorious his praise.
Bernyanyilah dan agungkanlah nama-Nya, muliakanlah Dia dengan puji-pujian.
3 Say unto God, How fear-inspiring is every one of thy works! through the greatness of thy strength will thy enemies yield feigned obedience unto thee.
Katakanlah kepada Allah, "Sungguh mengagumkan perbuatan-Mu! Musuh tunduk kepada-Mu penuh ketakutan, sebab sangat besarlah kuasa-Mu.
4 All the lands shall bow themselves down unto thee, and shall sing praises unto thee; they shall sing praises to thy name. (Selah)
Seluruh bumi sujud menyembah Engkau, mereka menyanyi memuji nama-Mu."
5 Come and see the deeds of God: fear-inspiring is his doing toward the children of men.
Datanglah dan pandanglah perbuatan Allah, sungguh mengagumkan karya-karya-Nya di antara manusia!
6 He changed the sea into dry land: through the river they went on foot: there did we rejoice in him.
Laut diubah-Nya menjadi tanah kering, leluhur kami menyeberanginya dengan berjalan kaki. Maka kami bergembira karena perbuatan-Nya.
7 He ruleth by his might for ever; his eyes look upon the nations: the rebellious—these shall not be exalted. (Selah)
Ia memerintah dengan perkasa untuk selama-lamanya. Bangsa-bangsa diawasi-Nya, supaya pemberontak tak dapat menyombong terhadap-Nya.
8 Bless, O ye people, our God, and cause the voice of his praise to be heard:
Pujilah Allah kami, hai bangsa-bangsa, serukanlah pujianmu kepada-Nya!
9 Who hath appointed our soul to life, and hath not suffered our foot to slip.
Ia telah menjaga kami supaya tetap hidup, dan tidak membiarkan kami jatuh.
10 For thou hast proved us, O God: thou hast refined us, as silver is refined.
Ya Allah, Engkau telah menguji kami seperti orang memurnikan perak di dalam api.
11 Thou hast brought us into the net; thou hast placed fetters upon our loins.
Kaubiarkan kami jatuh ke dalam perangkap, dan Kauberi beban yang sangat berat.
12 Thou hast caused men to ride on our head: we entered into fire and into water; but thou broughtest us out to [the enjoyment] of overflowing plenty. a
Kaubiarkan kami diinjak-injak musuh; kami melintasi banjir dan api. Tetapi sekarang kami telah Kaubawa ke tempat yang makmur.
13 I will enter thy house with burnt-offerings: I will pay unto thee my vows,
Aku akan membawa kurban bakaran ke Rumah-Mu dan menepati janjiku kepada-Mu,
14 Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in distress.
janji yang kuucapkan waktu aku dalam kesusahan.
15 Burnt-offerings of fatlings will I offer up unto thee, with the incense of rams; I will prepare steers with he-goats. (Selah)
Kupersembahkan kepada-Mu kurban bakaran dari binatang pilihan, kambing domba dan sapi jantan, asapnya membubung ke langit.
16 Come, hear, and I will relate, all ye that fear God, what he hath done for my soul.
Datanglah dan dengarlah, hai semua orang takwa, akan kuceritakan apa yang dilakukan Allah bagiku.
17 Unto him I cried with my mouth, and a song of extolling was on my tongue.
Aku telah berseru minta tolong kepada-Nya; sekarang kunyanyikan pujian bagi-Nya.
18 If I had looked on wickedness with my heart, the Lord would not have heard;
Sekiranya aku senang memikirkan kejahatan, pasti TUHAN tak mau mendengarkan.
19 But verily God hath heard; he hath listened to the voice of my prayer.
Tetapi Allah sudah mendengar aku, Ia memperhatikan permohonanku.
20 Blessed be God, who hath not removed my prayer [from him], nor his kindness from me.
Aku memuji Allah sebab Ia tidak menolak doaku, dan tidak berhenti mengasihi aku.

< Psalms 66 >