< Psalms 64 >
1 “To the chief musician, a psalm of David.” Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint: preserve my life from the dread of the enemy.
Načelniku godbe, psalm Davidov. Čuj, o Bog, glas moj, ko premišljujem; strahu sovražnikovega varuj življenje moje.
2 Hide me from the secret counsel of evil-doers, from the tumultuous assault of the workers of wickedness;
Skrivaj me skrivnemu naklepu hudobnih, ropotanju njih, ki delajo krivico:
3 Who whet their tongue like a sword, who aim with their arrow, the bitter word:
Ki brusijo kakor meč jezik svoj, napenjajo kakor pušico svojo bridko besedo.
4 To shoot in secret at the innocent; suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.
S kopjem napadajo poštenjaka iz zakotja; nenadoma ga napadajo s kopjem in se ne bojé.
5 They encourage themselves in an evil plan; they tell secretly of laying snares: they say, Who will see them?
Potrjujejo si reč hudobno; o skrivanji zank govoré; pravijo: Kdo bi jih videl?
6 They search out iniquities; “We are ready with the carefully searched out device:” and the inward thought and heart of each is deeply [hidden].
Preiskujejo krivice; oslabeli smo po tem, kar so tako zvito preiskali; tako globoko je osrčje moža in srce.
7 But God shooteth at them suddenly [his] arrow; —[thence] are come their wounds.
Ali ko jih bode Bog napadel s kopjem, pušica nagla bodejo njih udarci.
8 And their own tongues will stumble over themselves: all that look on them will shake their head.
In storili bodejo, da sè samim jezikom svojim udarijo sebe; razkropljeni se bodejo spustili v beg, kdorkoli jih bode videl.
9 All men shall fear, and shall declare the deeds of God, and understand his works.
Katerikoli pa ljudjé se bojé, oznanjali bodo delo Božje in dejanje njegovo stavili pred óči.
10 The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glorify themselves.
Veselil se bode pravični v Gospodu, in pribežal k njemu; ponašali se bodo vsi, ki so pravega srca.