< Psalms 63 >

1 “A psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.” O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry land, and it is faint without water.
Nkunga Davidi mu thangu kaba mu dikanga di Yuda. A Nzambi! Ngeyo widi Nzambiꞌama, mu kiedika ngeyo ndintomba; muelꞌama wulembo moni phuila yi ngeyo; nitu ama tsatu yidi mu kumona mu tsi yi yuma; yibiva; yikondolo nlangu;
2 As I have beheld thee in the sanctuary, seeing thy strength and thy glory;
Ndimmona mu buangu kinlongo ndimona lulendo luaku ayi nkembo aku.
3 Because thy kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee:
Bila luzolo luaku luviatukidi luzingu; bididi biama biela kukembisa.
4 Thus will I bless thee while I live; in thy name will I lift up my hands.
Ndiela kuzitisa thangu yoso ndidi moyo. Mu diambu di dizina diaku, ndiela vumuna mioko miama ku yilu.
5 As with fat and marrow will my soul be satisfied; and with tuneful lips shall my mouth praise thee.
Muelꞌama wela yukuta banga kimvuama kiwombo ki bidia mu minkunga bididi bi munu ama biela kuzitisa.
6 When I remember thee upon my couch, I meditate on thee in the night-watches.
Va mbukꞌama ndikutebukilanga moyo ndieti kuyindula builu bu mvimba.
7 Because thou hast been a help unto me; and in the shadow of thy wings will I sing rejoicingly.
Bila ngeyo lusadusu luama, ayi ndilembo yimbila ku tsi kitsusula ki mavavi maku.
8 My soul cleaveth unto following thee: me thy right hand upholdeth.
Muelꞌama widi wukangama mu ngeyo; ayi koko kuaku kulubakala kueti kukhindisa.
9 But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go down into the lowest deeps of the earth.
Bobo beti tomba luzingu luama bela bungana; bela kota kuna tsi ntoto.
10 They shall be delivered up to the power of the sword: they shall become a prey for jackals.
Bela kuba yekula mu lulendo lu sabala; bela kituka bidia bi zimbua zi nsitu.
11 But the king shall rejoice in God: every one that sweareth by him shall glorify himself; for the mouth of those that speak falsehood shall be stopped.
Vayi Ntinu wela mona khini mu Nzambi; baboso bobo banleva ndefi mu dizina di Nzambi bela kunzitisa. Bila miunu mi bankua luvunu miela kangama.

< Psalms 63 >