< Psalms 60 >

1 “To the chief musician upon Shushan'eduth, a Michtham of David, to teach, When he fought with Aram-naharayim, and with Aram-zobah, and Joab returned, and smote of Edom in the Salt Valley twelve thousand [men].” O God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast made a breach in us, thou hast been displeased: restore now unto us [thy favor].
(Til sangmesteren. Al-sjusjan-edut. En miktam af David til til indøvelse, dengang han kæmpede med Aram-Naharajim og Aram-Zoba, og Joab vendte tilbage og slog edomitterne i Saltdalen, 12000 mand.) Gud, du har stødt os fra dig, nedbrudt os, du vredes - vend dig til os igen;
2 Thou hast caused the earth to quake; thou hast split it: heal her breaches; for she is moved.
du lod Landet skælve, slå Revner, læg nu dets Brist, thi det vakler!
3 Thou hast caused thy people to see hard things: thou hast made us to drink the wine of confusion.
Du lod dit Folk friste ondt, iskænked os døvende Vin.
4 Thou hast given to those that fear thee a banner, to elevate themselves, because of the truth. (Selah)
Dem, der frygter dig, gav du et Banner, hvorhen de kan fly for Buen. (Sela)
5 In order that thy beloved may be delivered: help with thy right hand, and answer me.
Til Frelse for dine elskede hjælp med din højre, bønhør os!
6 God hath spoken in his holiness: I will exult, I will divide Shechem, and the valley of Succoth will I measure out.
Gud talede i sin Helligdom: "Jeg vil udskifte Sikem med jubel, udmåle Sukkots Dal;
7 Mine is Gil'ad, and mine is Menasseh; Ephraim also is the strong-hold of my head; of Judah are my chiefs;
mit er Gilead, mit er Manasse, Efraim er mit Hoveds Værn, Juda min Herskerstav,
8 Moab is my washpot; upon Edom will I cast my shoe: Philistia, triumph thou but over me.
Moab min Vaskeskål, på Edom kaster jeg min Sko, over Filisterland jubler jeg."
9 Who will bring me into the fortified city? who will lead me as far as Edom?
Hvo bringer mig hen til den faste Stad, hvo leder mig hen til Edom?
10 Behold, it is thou, O God, who hast cast us off; and thou, O God, goest not forth with our armies.
Har du ikke, Gud, stødt os fra dig? Du ledsager ej vore Hære.
11 Give us help against the assailant; for vain is the help of man.
Giv os dog Hjælp mod Fjenden! Blændværk er Menneskers Støtte.
12 Through God shall we do valiantly: and he it is that will tread down our assailants.
Med Gud skal vi øve vældige Ting, vore Fjender træder han ned!

< Psalms 60 >