< Psalms 59 >
1 “To the chief musician, Al-tashcheth, by David, a Michtham, when Saul sent, and they watched the house to put him to death.” Deliver me from my enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me.
Al maestro de coro. Por el tono de “No destruyas”. De David. Miktam. Cuando Saúl mandó hombres que vigilaran la casa para matarlo. Dios mío, sálvame de mis enemigos; defiéndeme de los que me atacan.
2 Deliver me from the workers of wickedness, and from men of blood do thou save me.
Líbrame de los que obran iniquidades y protégeme contra los hombres sanguinarios.
3 For, lo, they lie in wait for my soul, the mighty are gathered in troops against me: not for my transgression, nor for my sin, O Lord.
Mira: ponen asechanzas a mi vida, y hombres poderosos conspiran contra mí. No hay en mí delito ni pecado, Yahvé.
4 Without guilt [in me] they run and make themselves ready: awake, [come] toward me, and behold.
Sin culpa mía irrumpen y me asaltan. Despierta Tú, ven a mí y mira.
5 And thou, O Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to punish all the nations: be not gracious to any treacherous wicked one. (Selah)
Porque Tú, Yahvé, Dios de los ejércitos, eres el Dios de Israel. Levántate a castigar a todos los gentiles; no te apiades de ninguno de los pérfidos.
6 They will return at evening; they will howl like dogs, and go round about the city.
Vuelven al anochecer, aullando como perros, y giran en torno de la ciudad.
7 Behold, they sputter with their mouth: swords are in their lips; for who, [say they, ] doth hear?
Mira la jactancia en su boca, y cómo injurian sus labios: . “¿Quién hay que (nos) oiga?”
8 But thou, O Lord, wilt laugh at theme: thou wilt hold in derision all the nations.
Mas Tú, Yahvé te ríes de ellos; harás befa de todos los gentiles.
9 Because of [the enemy's] strength will I wait upon thee; for God is my defence.
Oh fortaleza mía, a Ti cantaré. Verdaderamente mi alcázar es Dios.
10 The God who showeth me kindness will go before me: God will let me see [my desire] upon those who regard me with envy.
La misericordia de mi Dios se me anticipará y me hará mirar con alegría a mis enemigos.
11 Slay them not, that my people may not forget: drive them about by thy power; and bring them down, thou our shield, O Lord.
No les des tregua, oh Dios; no sean tropiezo para mi pueblo. Confúndelos con tu poder y póstralos, oh Señor, escudo nuestro.
12 The sin of their mouth is the word of their lips: let them be caught through their pride, because of the cursing and lying which they relate.
Pecado de su boca es cuanto profieren sus labios; sean presa de su propia soberbia, de sus maldiciones y de sus mentiras.
13 Make an end in fury, make an end [of them], that they my be no more, and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob, as far as the ends of the earth. (Selah)
Destrúyelos en tu saña, destrúyelos hasta que ya no existan; entonces se sabrá que Dios reina en Jacob y hasta los confines del orbe.
14 And they will return in the evening; they will howl like dogs, and go round about the city.
Vuelvan al anochecer, aullando como perros, y giren en torno de la ciudad;
15 They will indeed roam about after something to eat, if they be not satisfied, so that they can be at rest.
vaguen buscando qué comer, y si no se sacian, den aullidos.
16 But I will truly sing of thy strength; yea, I will sing joyfully in the morning of thy kindness; for thou hast been a defence unto me and a refuge on the day when I was distressed.
Entretanto, yo cantaré tu potencia, y desde la mañana saltaré de gozo por tu misericordia; porque fuiste mi protector, y mi refugio en el día de la tribulación.
17 Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing; for God is my defence, the God of my kindness.
Oh fortaleza mía, a Ti cantaré. Verdaderamente mi alcázar es Dios, el Dios misericordiosísimo conmigo.