< Psalms 5 >

1 “To the chief musician upon Nechiloth, a psalm of David.” To my words give ear, O Lord, have regard to my mediation.
Til Sangmesteren; paa Nekiloth; en Psalme af David.
2 Listen unto the voice of my loud cry, my King, and my God, when unto thee I pray.
Herre! vend dine Øren til mine Ord, agt paa min Tanke!
3 O Lord! in the morning do thou hear my voice: in the morning will I set in order [my prayer] before thee, and 1ook up with hope.
Giv Agt paa mit Raabs Røst, min Konge og min Gud! thi til dig beder jeg.
4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: evil cannot abide with thee.
Herre! om Morgenen høre du min Røst! jeg vil fremstille mig om Morgenen for dig og vente.
5 The arrogant cannot stand up before thy eyes: thou hatest all workers of wickedness.
Thi du er ikke en Gud, som har Lyst til Ugudelighed; den onde skal ikke bo hos dig.
6 Thou wilt destroy those that speak lies: the man of blood and deceit the Lord abhorreth.
Daarer skulle ikke bestaa for dine Øjne! du hader alle dem, som gøre Uret.
7 But as for me—in the abundance of thy kindness will I enter thy house: I will bow myself down before thy holy temple in the fear of thee.
Du lader dem, som tale Løgn, gaa til Grunde: Herren har Vederstyggelighed til en blodgerrig og falsk Mand.
8 O Lord, lead me in thy righteousness because of those that regard me enviously; make straight before me thy way.
Men jeg vil komme til dit Hus ved din store Miskundhed; jeg vil tilbede imod dit hellige Tempel i din Frygt.
9 For there is not in their mouth any sincerity; their inward part is full of deception; an open sepulchre is their throat: they flatter with their tongue.
Herre! led mig i din Retfærdighed for mine Fjenders Skyld; jævn din Vej for mit Ansigt!
10 Condemn them, O God: let them fall through their own counsels; for the multitude of their transgressions cast them down; for they have rebelled against thee.
Thi i deres Mund er intet bestandigt; deres Indre er Ondskab; deres Strube er en aaben Grav, de smigre med deres Tunge.
11 Then will rejoice all those that put their trust in thee; for ever will they shout for joy, when thou protectest them: and then will exult in thee those that love thy name.
Gud! døm dem skyldige, at de falde formedelst deres Anslag; nedstød dem for deres mange Overtrædelsers Skyld, thi de ere genstridige imod dig.
12 For thou wilt bless the righteous, O Lord; as with a shield wilt thou encompass him with favor.
Men alle, som forlade sig paa dig, skulle glæde sig, de skulle fryde sig evindelig, og du skal skjule over dem; og de, som elske dit Navn, skulle fryde sig i dig. Thi du, Herre! velsigner en retfærdig, du dækker ham med Naade som med et Skjold.

< Psalms 5 >