< Psalms 40 >

1 “To the chief musician, a psalm of David.” I had waited patiently for the Lord, when he inclined himself unto me, and heard my cry.
我たへしのびてヱホバを俟望みたり ヱホバ我にむかひてわが號呼をききたまへり
2 And he brought me up out of the noiseful deep, out of the miry clay, and he set up my feet upon a rock, making firm my steps.
3 And he placed in my mouth a new song, a praise unto our God: many will see it, and fear; and they will trust in the Lord.
ヱホバはあたらしき歌をわが口にいれたまへり此はわれらの神にささぐる讃美なり おほくの人はこれを見ておそれ かつヱホバによりたのまん
4 Happy is the man that maketh the Lord his trust, and turneth not unto the proud, nor such as stray aside unto lies.
5 Many things hast thou done, O Lord my God; thy wonderful deeds and thy thoughts toward us—there is none to be compared unto thee—will I tell and speak of, [though] they are too numerous to be counted.
わが神ヱホバよなんぢの作たまへる奇しき迹と われらにむかふ念とは甚おほくして汝のみまへにつらねいふことあたはず 我これをいひのべんとすれどその數かぞふることあたはず
6 Sacrifice and meat-offering thou desirest not—ears hast thou hollowed out unto me—burnt-offering and sin-offering thou demandest not.
なんぢ犠牲と祭物とをよろこびたまはず汝わが耳をひらきたまへり なんぢ燔祭と罪祭とをもとめたまはず
7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the roll of the book it is written down for me;
そのとき我いへらく 觀よわれきたらんわがことを書の巻にしるしたり
8 To fulfill thy will, O my God, do I desire; and thy law is within my heart.
わが神よわれは聖意にしたがふことを樂む なんぢの法はわが心のうちにありと
9 I announce [thy] righteousness in the great assembly: lo, I will not refrain my lips, O Lord, thou well knowest it.
われ大なる會にて義をつげしめせり 視よわれ口唇をとぢず ヱホバよなんぢ之をしりたまふ
10 Thy righteousness have I never hidden within my heart; thy faithfulness and thy salvation have I spoken of openly: I have not concealed thy kindness and thy truth before the great assembly.
われなんぢの義をわが心のうちにひめおかず なんぢの眞實となんぢの拯救とをのべつたへたり 我なんぢの仁慈となんぢの眞理とをおほいなる會にかくさざりき
11 Do thou, O Lord, not withhold thy mercies from me: let thy kindness and thy truth continually watch over me.
ヱホバよなんぢ憐憫をわれにをしみたまふなかれ 仁慈と眞理とをもて恒にわれをまもりたまへ
12 For evils without number have compassed me about; my iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to see: they are more numerous than the hairs of my head; and my courage hath forsaken me.
そはかぞへがたき禍害われをかこみ わが不義われに追及てあふぎみること能はぬまでになりぬ その多きことわが首の髮にもまさり わが心きえうするばかりなればなり
13 Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; O Lord, hasten to my help.
ヱホバよ願くはわれをすくひたまへ ヱホバよ急ぎきたりて我をたすけたまへ
14 May those be made ashamed and put to the blush together that seek after my soul to take her away: let them be driven backward and be confounded, that wish for my mishap.
願くはわが霊魂をたづねほろぼさんとするものの皆はぢあわてんことを わが害はるるをよろこぶもののみな後にしりぞきて恥をおはんことを
15 May they be astonished in consequence of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha!
われにむかひて ああ視よや視よやといふ者おのが恥によりておどろきおそれんことを
16 [But] may all those that seek thee be glad and rejoice in thee: may they say continually, The Lord be magnified, —those that love thy salvation.
願くはなんぢを尋求むるものの皆なんぢによりて樂みよろこばんことを なんぢの救をしたふものの恒にヱホバは大なるかなととなへんことを
17 But though I be poor and needy, the Lord will think of me: my help and my deliverer art thou: O my God, delay not.
われはくるしみ且ともし 主われをねんごろに念ひたまふ なんぢはわが助なり われをすくひたまふ者なり ああわが神よねがはくはためらひたまふなかれ

< Psalms 40 >