< Psalms 39 >

1 “To the chief musician, to Jeduthun, a psalm of David.” I said, I will guard my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, while the wicked is before me.
Načelniku godbe Jedutunov, psalm Davidov. Rekel sem: Pazil bodem na pota svoja, da ne grešim z jezikom svojim; uzdo bodem imel okrog svojih ust, dokler bode krivični pred menoj.
2 I was dumb in deep silence, I was quite still, even from [speaking] good; but my pain was greatly excited;
Umolknil sem bil molčeč, tih sem bil tudi dobremu; ali hujšala se je bolečina moja.
3 My heart was hot within me, in my self-communing there burnt a fire: [then] spoke I with my tongue,
Ko pa se je vnemalo srce moje v meni, ko je v premišljevanji mojem užigal se ogenj, govoril sem z jezikom svojim:
4 Let me know, O Lord, my end, and the measure of my days, what it is: I wish to know when I shall cease to be.
Daj, da zvem, Gospod, konec svoj, kaj je mera mojih dní, zvem, kako sem trpežen.
5 Behold, measured out with the span hast thou made my days; and my whole duration is nothing before thee: yea, as nothing but vanity doth every man stand here. (Selah)
Glej, po dlan dolge si naredil dnî moje, in čas moj je kakor nič pred teboj, zares, prava ničevost je vsak človek, še tako trden.
6 As nothing but a shadowy image doth man walk about, yea, for vanity only do all make a noise: he heapeth up his gains, and knoweth not who shall gather them.
Zarés, kakor senca mine človek, zares, zastonj tako ropotajo; zbira vsak, a ne vé, kdo bode to prejel.
7 And now, what shall I wait for, O Lord? my hope is in thee.
A kaj še čakam, Gospod? up moj je v tebi.
8 From all my transgressions deliver thou me: render me not the object of reproach of the worthless.
Vseh pregreh mojih reši me, nespametnim na sramoto ne izpostavi me.
9 I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because thou hadst done it.
Umolknem, ne zinem, ker ti si storil.
10 Remove thou thy plague away from me: from the blows of thy hand am I consumed.
Odvrni od mene udarec svoj, od udarca roke tvoje jaz omahujem.
11 When thou with corrections chastisest man for iniquity, thou causest his excellence to melt away as [if eaten by] the moth: yea, nothing but vanity is every man. (Selah)
Ako bi s kaznimi po krivičnosti pokoril vsakega, uničil bi kakor mola, kar je vrednega v njem: zares, ničevost je vsak človek.
12 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; be not silent at my tears; for a stranger am I with thee, a sojourner, like all my fathers.
Čuj molitev mojo, Gospod, in vpitje moje; uho nagni solzam mojim, ne delaj se gluhega; ker tujec sem pred teboj, naselnik kakor vsi očetje moji.
13 Leave off from me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and am no more.
Odstopi od mene, da se okrepčam: ko še ne odhajam, da me ne bode več.

< Psalms 39 >