< Psalms 38 >

1 “A psalm of David, to bring to remembrance.” O Lord, correct me not in thy wrath, nor chastise me in thy fury.
Zabura ta Dawuda. Roƙo ne. Ya Ubangiji, kada ka tsawata mini cikin fushinka ko ka hore ni cikin hasalarka.
2 For thy arrows have penetrated into me, and thy hand presseth down upon me.
Gama kibiyoyinka sun soke ni, hannunka kuma ya fāɗo a kaina.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of thy indignation: there is no peace in my bones because of my sin.
Saboda hasalarka babu lafiya a jikina; ƙasusuwana ba lafiya saboda zunubina.
4 For my iniquities are passed over my head, as a heavy burden are they too heavy for me.
Laifofina sun mamaye ni kamar nauyin da ya sha ƙarfin ɗauka.
5 Foul, corrupt are my bruises because of my folly.
Miyakuna sun ruɓe suna kuma wari saboda wawancina na zunubi.
6 I am bent double; I am bowed down to the utmost; all the day long I go about full of grief.
An tanƙware ni aka kuma ƙasƙantar da ni; dukan yini ina ta kuka.
7 For my loins are filled with a burning disease, and there is no soundness in my flesh.
Bayana yana fama da zazzaɓi; babu lafiya a jikina.
8 I am made faint and crushed to the utmost; I cry aloud because of the groaning of my heart.
Na gaji sharkaf an kuma ragargaza ni; ina nishi da wahala a cikin zuciyata.
9 Lord, before thee is all my longing; and my sighing is from thee not hidden.
Dukan bukatata tana a shimfiɗe a gabanka, ya Ubangiji; ajiyar zuciyata ba ta ɓoyuwa daga gare ka.
10 My heart is restless, my strength hath left me; and the light of my eyes—that also is no more with me.
Zuciyata na bugu, ƙarfina kuma ya ƙare, har ma haske ya rabu da idanuna.
11 My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my plague; and my kinsmen stand afar off.
Abokaina da maƙwabtana sun guje ni saboda miyakuna; maƙwabtana ba sa zuwa kusa.
12 They also that seek after my life lay snares; and they that wish for my mishap speak wicked falsehoods; and deceits do they devise all the day long.
Waɗanda suke neman raina sun sa tarkonsu, waɗanda suke so su cuce ni suna zance lalatar da ni; yini sukutum suna ƙulla mini maƙarƙashiya.
13 But I, as a deaf man, hear not; and I am as a dumb man that cannot open his mouth.
Ni kamar kurma ne, wanda ba ya ji, kamar bebe, wanda ba ya iya buɗe bakinsa.
14 Thus am I as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no words of defence.
Na zama kamar mutumin da ba ya ji, wanda bakinsa ba ya iya ba da amsa.
15 For in thee, O Lord, do I hope: thou wilt answer, O Lord my God.
Na dogara gare ka, ya Ubangiji; za ka amsa, ya Ubangiji Allahna.
16 For I said, Perhaps they might rejoice over me: when my foot slippeth, they might magnify themselves over me.
Gama na ce, “Kada ka bar su su yi farin ciki a kaina ko su yi kirari a kaina sa’ad da ƙafata ta yi santsi.”
17 For I am prepared for [my] downfall, and my pain is continually before me.
Gama ina gab da fāɗuwa, kuma cikin azaba nake kullum.
18 For I will tell of my iniquity; I will be grieved because of my sin.
Na furta laifina; na damu da zunubina.
19 But my enemies are strong in life; and numerous are those that hate me wrongfully;
Da yawa ne masu gāba da ni da ƙarfi; waɗanda suke kina ba dalili sun yi yawa.
20 They also that repay [me] evil in lieu of good; they hate me bitterly because I pursue what is good.
Waɗanda suke sāka alherina da mugunta, suna cin zarafina sa’ad da nake bin abin da yake daidai.
21 Forsake me not, O Lord: O my God, be not far from me.
Ya Ubangiji, kada ka yashe ni; kada ka yi nesa da ni, ya Allahna.
22 Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation.
Zo da sauri ka taimake ni, Ya Ubangiji Mai Cetona.

< Psalms 38 >