< Psalms 23 >
1 “A psalm of David.” The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Nkunga Davidi. Yave niandi nsungi ama, ndilendi kambu kadi kima ko.
2 In pastures of tender grass he causeth me to lie down: beside still waters he leadeth me.
Niandi wukuphundisanga muidi biti binlangu, Wukundatanga kuidi minlangu milembama.
3 My soul he refresheth: he guideth me in the tracks of righteousness for the sake of his name.
Niandi wunkindisanga muelꞌama. Niandi wukundiatisanga mu minsolo misonga mu diambu di dizina diandi.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear evil; for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff—they indeed comfort me.
Ka diambu ko ndilenda diata mu ndimba tombi ki lufua, buna ndilendi mona mbimbi tsisi ko bila ngeyo widi yama. Nkawa aku ayi nti aku, biawu bi kumbombanga.
5 Thou preparest before me a table in the presence of my assailants; thou anointest with oil my head: my cup overfloweth.
Ngeyo wukubika meza va ntualꞌama va meso ma bambeni ziama. Ngeyo wuvinda ntuꞌama mafuta mbungu ama yilembo sapika.
6 Surely, only goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord to the utmost length of days.
Bukiedika, mamboti maku ayi luzolo biela kundandakana mu bilumbu bioso bi luzingu luama. Ayi ndiela vuanda mu nzo Yave mu zithangu zioso.