< Psalms 17 >

1 “A prayer of David.” Hear, O Lord, [the cause of] righteousness, attend unto my entreaty, give ear unto my prayer, coming from lips without deceit.
Umkhuleko kaDavida. Zwana, Oh Thixo, ukuncenga kwami okulungileyo; lalela ukukhala kwami. Zwana umkhuleko wami, kawusuki ezindebeni ezikhohlisayo.
2 Let from thy presence my sentence come forth; let thy eyes behold what is right.
Ukugezwa kwami ecaleni kakuvele kuwe; sengathi amehlo Akho angabona lokho okuqondileyo.
3 Thou hast proved my heart; thou hast thought of me in the night; thou hast refined me—thou couldst find nothing: my purpose doth not pass beyond [the words of] my mouth.
Udungulule inhliziyo yami wangihlola ebusuku wangilinga, kawuyikufumana lutho olubi engiluhlelileyo; sengizimisele ukuthi umlomo wami ungenzi sono.
4 Among the deeds of men did I observe, by the word of thy lips, the paths of the dissolute.
Mayelana lezenzo zabantu, mina ngizazithiba ezindleleni zobudlwangudlwangu ngelizwi lezindebe zakho.
5 My steps held firmly to thy tracks, [and] my footsteps did not slip.
Izinyathelo zami zalela ezindleleni zakho; inyawo zami kazizange zitshelele.
6 I call on thee, for thou wilt answer me, O God: incline thy ear unto me, hear my speech.
Ngikhala kuwe, Oh Nkulunkulu ngoba uzangiphendula; ngilalela uzwe umkhuleko wami.
7 Show marvelously thy loving-kindnesses, O thou that savest those who put their trust [in thee] from those that rise up [against them] by thy right hand.
Tshengisa ukumangalisa kothando lwakho olukhulu, wena osindisa ngesandla sakho sokunene, labo ababalekela kuwe ezitheni zabo.
8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; conceal me under the shadow of thy wings,
Ngilondoloza njengegugu lakho; ngifihla emthunzini wamaphiko akho
9 From the wicked that despoil me, my enemies, who, to take my life, compass me about.
kwababi abangihlaselayo, ezitheni zami ezimbi ezingihanqileyo.
10 They are enclosed in their own fat: with their mouth they speak proudly.
Bagcika inhliziyo zabo ezingelazwelo, lemilomo yabo ikhuluma iqholoza.
11 On our steps they now encompass us: they direct their eyes to turn aside in the land.
Sebeze bangithola, manje sebengihanqile bangiqhuzulele amehlo bafuna ukungilahla phansi.
12 Every man is just like a lion that is greedy to tear his prey, and like a young lion lurking in a covert.
Banjengesilwane silambele loba yini esingayidumela, njengesilwane esesabekayo siquthile sicatshile.
13 Arise, O Lord, prevent him, cast him down; deliver my soul from the wicked, who is thy sword, —
Phakama, Oh Thixo, basukele, balahle phansi; ngilamulela kwababi ngenkemba yakho.
14 From these men—thy hand—O Lord, from the men of this world, whose portion is in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hidden treasure: they have children in plenty, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes.
Oh Thixo, ngisindisa ngesandla sakho ebantwini abanjalo, ebantwini bakulumhlaba omvuzo wabo ukuyonale impilo. Udedisa iphango lalabo obathandayo; amadodana abo akhomba ngophakathi; baqoqela abantwababo inotho.
15 As for me, in righteousness shall I behold thy face: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with contemplating thy likeness.
Mina-ke ngenxa yokulunga ngizabubona ubuso bakho; ngizakuthi ekuvukeni kwami nganeliswe yikubona isimo sakho.

< Psalms 17 >