< Psalms 143 >

1 “A psalm of David.” O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, in thy righteousness.
Ee Yahwe, usikie maombi yangu; sikia kuomba kwangu. Kwa sababu ya uaminifu wa agano lako na haki yako, unijibu!
2 And enter not into judgment with thy servant; for no living man can be regarded righteous before thee.
Usimuhukumu mtumishi wako, kwa kuwa machoni pako hamna aliye haki.
3 For the enemy hath pursued my soul; he hath crushed to the ground my life; he hath made me dwell in darkness, as those that are dead eternally.
Adui ameifuatia nafsi yangu; amenisukuma hadi chini; amenifanya niishi gizani kama wale ambao wamekwisha kufa siku nyingi zilizopita.
4 And my spirit within me is overwhelmed: in my bosom is my heart astounded.
Na roho yangu inazidiwa ndani yangu; moyo wangu unakata tamaa.
5 I remember the days of olden times: I meditate on all thy doings: on the work of thy hands do I reflect.
Nakumbuka siku za zamani zilizopita; nayatafakari matendo yako yote; nawaza juu ya utimilifu wako.
6 I spread forth my hands unto thee: my soul [longeth] for thee, as a thirsty land. (Selah)
Nakunyoshea mikono yangu katika maombi; nafsi yangu inakuonea kiu katika nchi kavu. (Selah)
7 Hasten, answer me, O Lord, my spirit falleth: hide not thy face from me, that I may not become like those that go down into the pit.
Unijibu upesi, Yahwe, kwa sababu roho yangu inazimia. Usinifiche uso wako, vinginevyo nitakuwa kama wale waendao chini shimoni.
8 Cause me to hear in the morning thy kindness; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way whereon I should walk; for unto thee do I lift up my soul.
Unifanye kusikia uaminifu wa agano lako wakati wa asubuhi, maana ninakuamini wewe. Unionyeshe njia niipasayo kutembea kwayo, kwa maana nakuinulia wewe nafsi yangu.
9 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies: by thee do I seek shelter.
Uniokoe dhidi ya adui zangu, Yahwe; nakimbilia kwako ili nijifiche.
10 Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; guide me on a level land.
Unifundishe kufanya mapenzi yako, maana wewe ni Mungu wangu. Roho wako mwema na aniongoze mimi katika nchi ya unyoofu.
11 For thy sake, O Lord, revive me: in thy righteousness bring forth out of distress my soul.
Ee Yahwe, kwa ajili ya jina lako, unihifadhi hai; katika haki yako uitoe nafsi yangu taabuni.
12 And in thy kindness destroy my enemies, and annihilate all the adversaries of my soul; far I am thy servant.
Katika uaminifu wa agano lako uwaondoshe maadui zangu na uwaangamize maadui wa uhai wangu, maana mimi ni mtumishi wako.

< Psalms 143 >