< Psalms 141 >

1 “A psalm of David.” O Lord, I call thee, hasten unto me: give ear unto my voice, when I call unto thee.
Sabo’ i Davide Ry Iehovà, mikanjy azo iraho, mb’etoa an-taentaeñe; toloro ravembia ty feoko te koiheko.
2 May my prayer be valued as incense before thee, the lifting up of my hands, as the evening offering.
Ano rame añatrefa’o eo o halalikoo, hoe soron-kariva ty fizonjo’ o sirakoo.
3 Set, O Lord, a watch unto my mouth: keep a guard at the door of my lips.
Ampijadoño mpañambeñe ty vavako, ry Iehovà, ambeno ty lalambein-tsoñiko.
4 Permit not my heart to incline after any evil thing, to practise deeds in wickedness with men that are doers of wrong: and let me not eat of their dainties.
Ko avi’o mb’an-karatiam-beo ty troko, hitoloñako sata-raty rekets’ ondaty mitolon-katsivokarañeo; ko apo’o ho haneko ze raha mafiri’ iareo.
5 If the righteous strike me, it is a kindness; and if he reprove me, it is [as] oil poured on the head, my head shall not refuse it; for yet my prayer also [is offered] in their sufferings.
Ee te handraratehak’ahy an-kalèn-tro ty vañoñe, naho hañendak’ ahy, toe solik’ añambone izay, lonike te tsy hifoneñan-dohako; Fa tsy apoko ty halaliko ty amo sata rati’ iareoo.
6 Are their judges fallen down through means of a rock: then will they listen to my words; for they are pleasant.
Ie avokovoko añ’ilan-kereretsak’ ao o mpizaka’iareoo, le ho tsanoñe’ iareo te nañeva o volakoo.
7 As when one cutteth in and splitteth open the earth: so are our bones scattered for the mouth of the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Hambañe ami’ty fitrabahañe naho fitrobohan-tane, ty fampivarakaihañe am-bavan – kibory ao o taola’aio. (Sheol h7585)
8 For unto thee, O Eternal Lord, are my eyes directed; in thee do I trust: pour not out my life.
Fe mitolik’ ama’o o masokoo, ry Iehovà, Talè; fa ama’o ty fipalirako— ko alonga’o ty fiaiko.
9 Guard me from the power of the snare which they have laid for me, and the traps of the wrong-doers.
Arovo iraho amy fandrike nampibitsoheñe ho ahikoy; naho amo fandri-bo’ o mpanao ratio.
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, altogether—while I pass safely by.
Hivariñe an-karato’ iareo avao o lo-tserekeo, te izaho miary eo.

< Psalms 141 >