< Psalms 132 >

1 “A song of the degrees.” Remember, O Lord, unto David all his afflictions;
Pesem preizvrstna. Spominjaj se, Gospod, Davida, z vso bridkostjo njegovo.
2 How he swore unto the Lord; how he vowed unto the mighty One of Jacob:
Da je prisegel Gospodu, obljubil mogočnemu Bogu Jakobovemu
3 Surely, I will not enter into the tent of my house, nor ascend the couch of my repose;
"Ne pojdem v hišo svoje šator, stopil ne bodem v ležišče postelje svoje;
4 I will not grant any sleep to my eyes, nor to my eyelids any slumber:
Spanja ne bodem dal svojim očém, dremanja trepalnicam svojim:
5 Until I shall have found out a place for the Lord, a dwelling-place for the mighty One of Jacob.
Dokler ne najdem mesta za Gospoda, bivališča za mogočnega Boga Jakobovega."
6 “Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we met with it in the fields of the forest:
Glej, slišali smo, da je bilo v Efratski deželi; našli smo ga bili v pokrajinah Jarovih.
7 let us then go into his dwelling: let us prostrate ourselves before his footstool.”
Bližamo se šatorom njegovim, priklanjamo se pred nog njegovih podnožjem.
8 Arise, O Lord, unto thy resting-place: thou, and the ark of thy strength.
Vstani, Gospod, v svoj počitek, ti in skrinja moči tvoje.
9 Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy pious servants shout for joy.
Duhovniki tvoji naj se oblečejo s pravico, in pojó naj, katere milostno sprejemlješ.
10 For the sake of David thy servant turn not away the face of thy anointed.
Zavoljo Davida, hlapca svojega, ne odvrni maziljenca svojega obličja.
11 The Lord hath sworn unto David in truth; he will not turn from it: “From the fruit of thy body will I set [some one] on the throne to succeed thee.
Prisegel je Gospod Davidu resnico, od katere ne bode odstopil, govoreč: "Od telesa tvojega sadú bodem posadil na prestol tvoj.
12 If thy children will observe my covenant and this my testimony which I teach them: then also shall their children sit for evermore upon the throne to succeed thee.”
Ako se bodo držali zaveze moje sinovi tvoji in pričanj mojih posameznih, katera jih bodem učil, bodo tudi njih sinovi vekomaj sedeli na prestoli tvojem."
13 For the Lord hath made choice of Zion: he hath desired it as a habitation for himself.
Ker Gospod je izvolil Sijon, želel si ga je za prebivališče svoje:
14 This is my resting-place for evermore: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.
"To je počitek moj vekomaj, tu bodem prebival, ker to sem si želel.
15 Her provision will I bless abundantly: her needy ones will I satisfy with bread.
Brašno njegovo bodem mogočno blagoslovil; potrebne njegove bodem nasitil z jedjo.
16 And her priests will I clothe with salvation: and her pious ones shall shout aloud for joy.
In duhovnike njegove bodem oblekel z blaginjo, in katere v nji blagovoljno sprejemam, bodejo peli.
17 There will I cause to grow a horn unto David: I arrange a lamp for my anointed.
Tam bodem storil, da bode poganjal rog Davidov, kjer sem pripravil svetilo maziljencu svojemu.
18 His enemies will I clothe with shame; but upon himself shall his crown shine brilliantly.
Sovražnike njegove bodem oblekel sè sramoto, nad njim pa bode cvèlo venčanje njegovo.

< Psalms 132 >