< Psalms 130 >

1 “A song of the degrees.” Out of the depths have I called thee, O Lord.
Rabbiyow, waxaan kaaga qayshaday moolalka.
2 Lord, listen to my voice: let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
Sayidow, codkayga maqal, Oo dhegahaagu ha noqdeen kuwo u digtoon Codka baryootankayga.
3 If thou, Lord, shouldst treasure up iniquities, O Lord, who would be able to stand?
Rabbiyow, haddaad dembiyada u fiirsatid, Bal yaa istaagi doona, Sayidow?
4 But with thee there is forgiveness, in order that thou mayest be feared.
Laakiinse waxaa kula jirta dembidhaafid, In adiga lagaa cabsado daraaddeed.
5 I hope for the Lord, my soul doth hope, and for his word do I wait.
Waxaan sugaa Rabbiga, Naftayduna way sugtaa, oo eraygiisa ayaan rajo ku qabaa.
6 My soul [waiteth] for the Lord, more than they that watch for the morning expect the morning.
Naftaydu waxay Sayidka u dhawrtaa In ka sii badan sida waardiyuhu u dhawro waaga berigiisa, Haah, in ka sii badan sida waardiyuhu u dhawro waaga berigiisa.
7 Let Israel wait for the Lord; for with the Lord there is kindness, and with him is redemption in abundance;
Reer binu Israa'iilow, Rabbiga rajo ku qaba, Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay naxariis Iyo weliba furasho aad iyo aad u badan.
8 And he wilt surely redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Oo wuxuu reer binu Israa'iil ka soo furan doonaa Dembiyadooda oo dhan.

< Psalms 130 >