< Psalms 121 >

1 “A song for the degrees.” I lift up my eyes unto the mountains: whence shall come my help?
Buurahaan indhahayga ku taagi doonaa, Caawimaaddaydu xaggee bay ka iman doontaa?
2 My help is from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
Caawimaaddaydu waxay ka timaadaa Rabbiga sameeyey samada iyo dhulka.
3 He will not suffer thy foot to slip: thy keeper doth not slumber.
Isagu uma oggolaan doono in cagtaada la dhaqaajiyo, Kan ku dhawraa ma gam'i doono.
4 Behold, he slumbereth not, and he sleepeth not—the keeper of Israel.
Bal eeg, kan reer binu Israa'iil dhawraa Ma gam'i doono, mana seexan doono.
5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade, he is on thy right hand.
Kan ku dhawraa waa Rabbiga, Rabbigu waa hooskaaga midigtaada taagan.
6 By day the sun shall not strike thee, nor the moon by night.
Qorraxdu maalinta waxba kuma yeeli doonto. Habeenkana dayaxu waxba kuma yeeli doono.
7 The Lord will guard thee against all evil: he will guard thy soul.
Rabbiga ayaa kaa dhawri doona shar kasta, Isagu wuxuu dhawri doonaa naftaada.
8 The Lord will guard thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and for evermore.
Hadda intii ka bilaabata iyo tan iyo weligeedba Rabbigu wuxuu dhawri doonaa bixiddaada iyo soo geliddaadaba.

< Psalms 121 >