< Psalms 118 >

1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; because unto eternity endureth his kindness.
Mbongeni uThixo ngoba ulungile; uthando lwakhe lumi laphakade.
2 Let Israel then say so; because to eternity endureth his kindness.
U-Israyeli katsho athi: “Uthando lwakhe lumi laphakade.”
3 Let the house of Aaron then say so; because to eternity endureth his kindness.
Kayithi indlu ka-Aroni: “Uthando lwakhe lumi laphakade.”
4 Let those who fear the Lord then say so; because to eternity endureth his kindness.
Akuthi bonke abamesabayo uThixo bathi: “Uthando lwakhe lumi laphakade.”
5 From the midst of distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me with enlargement.
Ngathi ngidabukile ngakhala kuThixo, waphendula ngokungikhulula.
6 The Lord is for me; I will not fear: what can a man do unto me?
UThixo ulami, angiyikwesaba. Umuntu angenzani kimi na?
7 The Lord is for me, among those that help me: therefore shall I indeed look on [the punishment of] those that hate me.
UThixo ulami; ungumsizi wami. Ngizazinyonkoloza ngegunya izitha zami.
8 It is better to seek shelter with the Lord than to trust in man.
Kungcono ukuphephela kuThixo kulokuthemba umuntu.
9 It is better to seek shelter with the Lord than to trust in princes.
Kungcono ukuphephela kuThixo kulokuthemba amakhosana.
10 All nations encompassed me about; but in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off.
Zonke izizwe zangihanqa, kodwa ngegama likaThixo ngazichitha.
11 They encompassed me about: yea, they compassed about, but in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off.
Zangihanqa inxa zonke kodwa ngegama likaThixo ngazichitha.
12 They encompassed me about like bees; they blazed up like the fire of thorns; but in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off.
Zangiminyezela njengezinyosi kodwa zafa masinyane njengokungunguma komlilo wameva; ngebizo likaThixo ngazichitha.
13 Thou hast thrust violently at me that I might fall; but the Lord assisted me.
Ngasunduzelwa emuva ngaphose ngawa, kodwa uThixo wangisiza.
14 My strength and song is the Lord, and he is become my salvation.
UThixo ungamandla ami lengoma yami; yena useyikusindiswa kwami.
15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord doth valiantly.
Imisindo yentokozo lokunqoba iphuma emathenteni abalungileyo: “Isandla sokunene sikaThixo senzile izinto ezinkulu!
16 The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doth valiantly.
Isandla sokunene sikaThixo siphakanyisiwe kakhulu; isandla sokunene sikaThixo senzile izinto ezinkulu!”
17 I shall not die, but I shall live, and relate the works of the Lord.
Angizukufa kodwa ngizaphila, ngizamemezela lokho akwenzileyo uThixo.
18 Severely hath the Lord chastised me; but unto death hath he not given me up.
UThixo ungitshayile kakhulu, kodwa kanginikelanga ekufeni.
19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will enter into them. I will give thanks unto the Lord.
Ngivulela amasango okulunga; ngizangena ngimbonge uThixo.
20 This is the gate which belongeth unto the Lord, the righteous shall enter thereby.
Nanti isango likaThixo okungangena khona abalungileyo.
21 I will thank thee: for thou but answered me, and art become my salvation.
Ngizakubonga, ngoba ungiphendulile; usuyinsindiso yami.
22 The stone which the builders rejected is become the chief corner-stone.
Ilitshe ababelilahlile seliyilona ilitshe lekhoneni;
23 From the Lord is this come to pass, it is marvelous in our eyes.
uThixo ukwenzile lokhu; njalo kuyamangalisa emehlweni ethu.
24 This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will be glad and rejoice thereon.
Leli lilanga alenzileyo uThixo; kasithokoze sijabule ngalo.
25 We beseech thee, O Lord, save [us] now: we beseech thee, O Lord, send [us] now prosperity.
Oh Thixo, sisindise; Oh Thixo, siphumelelise.
26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we bless you out of the house of the Lord.
Ubusisiwe lowo obuya ngebizo likaThixo. Siyakubusisa sisendlini kaThixo.
27 God is the Lord, and he giveth us light: bind the festive sacrifice with cords, [leading it] up to the horns of the altar.
UThixo unguNkulunkulu, wenzile ukukhanya kwakhe kwehlela phezu kwethu. Liphethe izingatshana, ngenani edibini lomgido lize liyefika empondweni ze-alithare.
28 Thou art my God, and I will thank thee: my God, I will exalt thee.
UnguNkulunkulu wami, ngizakubonga; unguNkulunkulu wami, ngizakuphakamisa.
29 Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; because to eternity endureth his kindness.
Mbongeni uThixo ngoba ulungile; uthando lwakhe lumi kuze kube phakade.

< Psalms 118 >