< Psalms 110 >
1 “By David, a psalm.” The Eternal saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I place thy enemies as a stool for thy feet.
He himene na Rawiri. I mea a Ihowa ki toku Ariki: Hei toku matau koe noho ai, kia meinga ra ano e ahau ou hoariri hei turanga waewae mou.
2 The staff of thy strength will the Eternal stretch forth out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thy enemies.
Ma Ihowa e tono mai te tokotoko o tou kaha i Hiona: hei rangatira koe i waenganui i ou hoariri.
3 Thy people will bring freewill-gifts on the day of thy power, in the ornaments of holiness: as out of the bosom of the morning-dawn so is thine the dew of thy youth.
Ka kakama tou iwi ki te tapae atu i a ratou i te ra o tou kaha: i te ataahua o nga mea tapu, no te kopu mai o te ata, kei a koe te tomairangi o tou whanaketanga.
4 The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent of it, Thou shalt be a priest for ever after the order of Malki-zedek.
Kua oati a Ihowa, e kore ano tana e puta ke; Hei tohunga koe ake ake, no te tikanga o Merekihereke.
5 The Lord at thy right hand crusheth kings on the day of his wrath.
Kei tou matau te Ariki, ka maru i a ia nga kingi i te ra e riri ai ia.
6 He will judge among the nations—there shall be a fulness of corpses—he crusheth heads on a wide-spread land.
E whakawa ia i waenganui i nga tauiwi; e whakakiia e ia nga whenua ki te tupapaku: ka maru i a ia nga upoko i nga whenua maha.
7 From the brook will he drink on the way: therefore will he lift up the head.
Ka inu wai ia i te awa i te ara: a ka ara tona matenga.