< Psalms 11 >

1 “To the chief musician, by David.” In the Lord have I put my trust: how can ye say to my soul, Flee to your mountain as a bird?
Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. ElikaDavida. Mina ngiphephela kuThixo. Pho ungatsho kanjani kimi ukuthi: “Balekela entabeni yakho njengenyoni.
2 For lo, the wicked bend their bow, they arrange their arrow upon the string, to shoot in the dark at the upright in heart.
Ngoba, khangela, ababi sebewanwebile amadandili abo; imitshoko yabo sebeyixhume ezintanjeni ukuthi batshoke becatshile emathunzini beciba labo abaqotho ezinhliziyweni.
3 For [if] the foundations be torn down, what can the righteous do?
Kambe nxa kubhidlizwa izisekelo, kuyini abangakwenza abalungileyo na?”
4 The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord hath his throne in the heavens, his eyes behold, his eyelids prove, the children of men.
UThixo usethempelini lakhe elingcwele; uThixo usesihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi basezulwini. Uyawakhangela amadodana abantu; amehlo akhe ayabahlola.
5 The Lord proveth the righteous; but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
UThixo uyabahlola abalungileyo, kodwa ababi lalabo abathanda udlakela uyabazonda ngomoya wakhe wonke.
6 He letteth rain upon the wicked burning coals, fire and brimstone; and a glowing wind is the portion of their cup.
Ababi uzabehlisela amalahle avuthayo lesalufa etshisayo; umoya otshisayo uzabahaqaza.
7 For righteous is the Lord, he loveth righteousness: his countenance doth behold the upright.
Ngoba uThixo ulungile, uthanda ukwahlulela okuhle; abaqotho bazabubona ubuso bakhe.

< Psalms 11 >