< Psalms 107 >

1 BOOK FIFTH: Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for unto eternity endureth his kindness.
Whakawhetai ki a Ihowa, he pai hoki ia: he pumau tonu hoki tana mahi tohu.
2 Thus let the Lord's redeemed say, even those whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the adversary;
Kia pena ano te korero a te hunga i hokona e Ihowa, i hokona nei e ia i roto i te ringa o te hoariri;
3 And whom he hath gathered out of the [various] lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the sea.
I kohikohia nei i nga whenua, i te rawhiti, i te uru, i te raki, i te tonga.
4 They wandered about in the wilderness, in the desert path; they could not find an inhabited city:
I haereere ratou i te koraha i te wahi mokemoke, te kitea tetahi pa hei nohoanga.
5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul within them fainted.
I matekai ratou, i matewai: hemo noa to ratou wairua i roto i a ratou.
6 Then they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress, [and] out of their afflictions he delivered them.
Na ka tangi ratou ki a Ihowa i to ratou pouri: a whakaorangia ana ratou e ia i o ratou mate.
7 And he led them forth on the right way, that they might go to an inhabited city.
A arahina ana e ia ra te ara tika; kia haere ai ki te pa hei nohoanga.
8 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Aue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!
9 For he satisfied the longing soul, and the hungry soul he filled with good.—
E whakamakonatia ana hoki e ia te wairua hiahia: ko te wairua hiakai, whakakiia ana e ia ki te pai.
10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, bound in misery and [fetters of] iron; —
Ko te hunga i noho i te pouri, i te atarangi o te mate: he mea here ki te mamae, ki te rino;
11 Because they have rebelled against the words of God, and have contemned the counsel of the Most High;
Mo ratou i tutu ki nga kupu a te Atua, i whakahawea ki te whakaaro o te Runga Rawa;
12 And he humbled with trouble their heart; they stumbled, and there was none to help;
Koia i pehia iho ai e ia o ratou ngakau ki te mahi: hinga iho ratou, kahore hoki he kaiawhina.
13 But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress, he saveth them out of their afflictions;
Na ka tangi ratou ki a Ihowa i to ratou pouri; a ka whakaorangia ratou e ia i o ratou mate.
14 He bringeth them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and teareth their bands asunder.
Whakaputaina mai ana ratou e ia i te pouri, i te atarangi o te mate; motumotuhia ana o ratou here.
15 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Aue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!
16 For he hath broken the doors of copper, and the bolts of iron hath he hewn asunder.—
Kua tukitukia hoki e ia nga tatau parahi: kua tapahia e ia nga tutaki rino, motu rawa.
17 Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
Ko nga kuware, na a ratou mahi tutu, na o ratou kino, i pakia ai ratou.
18 All manner of food their soul abhorreth; and they draw near unto the gates of death;
Ka wetiweti to ratou wairua ki nga kai katoa; a ka whakatata ratou ki nga kuwaha o te mate.
19 But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress, he saveth them out of their afflictions.
Na ka tangi ki a Ihowa i to ratou pouri, a ka whakaorangia ratou e ia i o ratou mate.
20 He sendeth his word and healeth them, and delivereth them from their graves.
Tukua mai ana e ia tana kupu, a rongoatia ana ratou: a whakaputaina ana ratou i o ratou ngaromanga.
21 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Aue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!
22 They shall also sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and relate his deeds with joyful song.—
Kia tukua ano e ratou te whakahere, ara te whakamoemiti; kia whakapuaki i ana mahi i runga i te hari.
23 They who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters; —
Ko te hunga e haere ana ki raro, ki te moana, i runga kaipuke, a e whai mahi ana i nga wai nunui,
24 These have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders on the deep.
Ko ratou e kite i nga mahi a Ihowa, i ana mahi whakamiharo i te rire.
25 For he spoke, and he raised the stormy wind, which lifteth up its waves.
Puta kau tana kupu, kua maranga te tupuhi, mana e whakatutu ona ngaru.
26 They would mount up to heaven, they would go down to the depths: their soul was melted because of their danger.
Ka kake ratou ki runga ki te rangi, ka heke ano ki raro ki te rire: ngohe noa o ratou wairua i te pawera.
27 They would reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and all their wisdom was exhausted.
Ka tiu ratou, ka hurorirori ano he tangata e haurangi ana; a kahore he mahara i toe.
28 And they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress, and he brought them out of their afflictions.
Heoi ka tangi ki a Ihowa i to ratou hemanawa: a whakaorangia ana ratou i o ratou mate.
29 He calmed the storm into a whisper, and stilled were the waves of the sea.
Meinga ana e ia te tupuhi kia marino, ona ngaru kia mariri.
30 And they were rejoiced because they were silent: and then he guided them unto their desired haven.
Na ka koa ratou, no te mea ka marie: a ka kawea ratou e ia ki te tauranga i hiahia ai ratou.
31 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Aue! me i whakapaingia e te tangata a Ihowa mo tona atawhai, mo ana mahi whakamiharo ki nga tama a te tangata!
32 And they must exalt him in the congregation of the people, and in the assembly of the elders must they praise him.—
Kia whakanui hoki ratou i a ia i roto i te whakaminenga o te iwi; kia whakamoemiti ki a ia i roto i te nohoanga kaumatua.
33 He changeth rivers into a wilderness, and water-springs into parched ground;
Ko ia hei mea i nga awa hei koraha, i nga puputanga wai hei oneone maroke;
34 A fruitful land into a salty waste, for the wickedness of those that dwell therein.
I te whenua whai hua, kia titohea, mo te hara o te hunga e noho ana i reira.
35 He changeth the wilderness into a pool of water, and desert land into water-springs.
Ko ia hei mea i te koraha hei harotoroto wai, i te whenua maroke hei puputanga wai.
36 And there he causeth to dwell the hungry, that they may found an inhabited city;
A whakanohoia iho e ia te hunga matekai ki reira, hanga ai i tetahi pa hei nohoanga;
37 And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, that they may yield the fruits of the [annual] product.
Hei rui mara, hei whakato mara waina, e tupu ai, e maha ai nga hua.
38 He also blesseth them, and they multiply greatly, and he suffereth not their cattle to diminish.
Ko ia ano hei manaaki i a ratou, no ka nui rawa; kahore hoki e tukua kia torutoru haere a ratou kararehe.
39 They were also diminished and bowed low through oppression, misfortune, and sorrow:
Na kua iti haere ano ratou, kua piko i te tukino, i te he, i te pouri.
40 He [then] poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in a pathless wilderness.
E ringihia ana e ia te whakahawea ki runga ki nga rangatira: e meinga ana kia hehe i te ururua, i te wahi kahore nei he ara;
41 And he exalteth the needy from misery, and maketh [his] families like flocks.
Otira kei te whakateitei ia i te rawakore ki runga i te mamae, kei te mea i ona hapu kia rite ki te kahui hipi.
42 The righteous shall see it, and rejoice; but all wickedness shall stop her mouth.
Ka kite nga tangata tika, a ka hari; ko nga he katoa hoki, kipia ake te mangai.
43 Whoever is wise, let him observe these things, and let [all] understand the kindness of the Lord.
Ko te tangata whakaaro nui ka mahara ki enei mea, a ka mohio ratou ki te aroha o Ihowa.

< Psalms 107 >