< Psalms 107 >
1 BOOK FIFTH: Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for unto eternity endureth his kindness.
Alleluia. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia eius.
2 Thus let the Lord's redeemed say, even those whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the adversary;
Dicant qui redempti sunt a Domino, quos redemit de manu inimici: et de regionibus congregavit eos:
3 And whom he hath gathered out of the [various] lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the sea.
A solis ortu, et occasu: ab aquilone, et mari.
4 They wandered about in the wilderness, in the desert path; they could not find an inhabited city:
Erraverunt in solitudine in inaquoso: viam civitatis habitaculi non invenerunt,
5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul within them fainted.
Esurientes, et sitientes: anima eorum in ipsis defecit.
6 Then they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress, [and] out of their afflictions he delivered them.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum eripuit eos.
7 And he led them forth on the right way, that they might go to an inhabited city.
Et deduxit eos in viam rectam: ut irent in civitatem habitationis.
8 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
9 For he satisfied the longing soul, and the hungry soul he filled with good.—
Quia satiavit animam inanem: et animam esurientem satiavit bonis.
10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, bound in misery and [fetters of] iron; —
Sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis: vinctos in mendicitate, et ferro.
11 Because they have rebelled against the words of God, and have contemned the counsel of the Most High;
Quia exacerbaverunt eloquia Dei: et consilium Altissimi irritaverunt.
12 And he humbled with trouble their heart; they stumbled, and there was none to help;
Et humiliatum est in laboribus cor eorum: infirmati sunt, nec fuit qui adiuvaret.
13 But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress, he saveth them out of their afflictions;
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum liberavit eos.
14 He bringeth them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and teareth their bands asunder.
Et eduxit eos de tenebris, et umbra mortis: et vincula eorum dirupit.
15 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
16 For he hath broken the doors of copper, and the bolts of iron hath he hewn asunder.—
Quia contrivit portas æreas: et vectes ferreos confregit.
17 Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
Suscepit eos de via iniquitatis eorum: propter iniustitias enim suas humiliati sunt.
18 All manner of food their soul abhorreth; and they draw near unto the gates of death;
Omnem escam abominata est anima eorum: et appropinquaverunt usque ad portas mortis.
19 But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress, he saveth them out of their afflictions.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum liberavit eos.
20 He sendeth his word and healeth them, and delivereth them from their graves.
Misit verbum suum, et sanavit eos: et eripuit eos de interitionibus eorum.
21 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
22 They shall also sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and relate his deeds with joyful song.—
Et sacrificent sacrificium laudis: et annuncient opera eius in exultatione.
23 They who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters; —
Qui descendunt mare in navibus, facientes operationem in aquis multis.
24 These have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders on the deep.
Ipsi viderunt opera Domini, et mirabilia eius in profundo.
25 For he spoke, and he raised the stormy wind, which lifteth up its waves.
Dixit, et stetit spiritus procellæ: et exaltati sunt fluctus eius.
26 They would mount up to heaven, they would go down to the depths: their soul was melted because of their danger.
Ascendunt usque ad cælos, et descendunt usque ad abyssos: anima eorum in malis tabescebat.
27 They would reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and all their wisdom was exhausted.
Turbati sunt, et moti sunt sicut ebrius: et omnis sapientia eorum devorata est.
28 And they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress, and he brought them out of their afflictions.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur, et de necessitatibus eorum eduxit eos.
29 He calmed the storm into a whisper, and stilled were the waves of the sea.
Et statuit procellam eius in auram: et siluerunt fluctus eius.
30 And they were rejoiced because they were silent: and then he guided them unto their desired haven.
Et lætati sunt quia siluerunt: et deduxit eos in portum voluntatis eorum.
31 They [therefore] shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness, and [proclaim] his wonders to the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiæ eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
32 And they must exalt him in the congregation of the people, and in the assembly of the elders must they praise him.—
Et exaltent eum in ecclesia plebis: et in cathedra seniorum laudent eum.
33 He changeth rivers into a wilderness, and water-springs into parched ground;
Posuit flumina in desertum: et exitus aquarum in sitim.
34 A fruitful land into a salty waste, for the wickedness of those that dwell therein.
Terram fructiferam in salsuginem, a malitia inhabitantium in ea.
35 He changeth the wilderness into a pool of water, and desert land into water-springs.
Posuit desertum in stagna aquarum: et terram sine aqua in exitus aquarum.
36 And there he causeth to dwell the hungry, that they may found an inhabited city;
Et collocavit illic esurientes: et constituerunt civitatem habitationis.
37 And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, that they may yield the fruits of the [annual] product.
Et seminaverunt agros, et plantaverunt vineas: et fecerunt fructum nativitatis.
38 He also blesseth them, and they multiply greatly, and he suffereth not their cattle to diminish.
Et benedixit eis, et multiplicati sunt nimis: et iumenta eorum non minoravit.
39 They were also diminished and bowed low through oppression, misfortune, and sorrow:
Et pauci facti sunt: et vexati sunt a tribulatione malorum, et dolore.
40 He [then] poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in a pathless wilderness.
Effusa est contemptio super principes: et errare fecit eos in invio, et non in via.
41 And he exalteth the needy from misery, and maketh [his] families like flocks.
Et adiuvit pauperem de inopia: et posuit sicut oves familias.
42 The righteous shall see it, and rejoice; but all wickedness shall stop her mouth.
Videbunt recti, et lætabuntur: et omnis iniquitas oppilabit os suum.
43 Whoever is wise, let him observe these things, and let [all] understand the kindness of the Lord.
Quis sapiens et custodiet hæc? et intelliget misericordias Domini?