< Psalms 106 >
1 Hallelujah. Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for to eternity endureth his kindness.
Msifuni Yahwe. Mshukuruni Yahwe, kwa kuwa ni mwema, kwa maana uaminifu wa agano lake wadumu milele.
2 Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? who can publish all his praise?
Ni nani awezaye kuyahesabu mataendo makuu ya yahwe au kutangaza katika ukamilifu sifa zote za matendo yake ya kuaminika.
3 Happy are those that observe justice, that execute righteousness at all times.
Wamebarikiwa wale watendao yaliyo mema na matendo yao yaliyo haki siku zote.
4 Remember me, O Lord, when thou favorest thy people: oh visit me with thy salvation;
Ukumbuke, Ee Yahwe, unapowaonesha watu wako neema; unisaidie unapowaokoa.
5 That I may look on the happiness of thy elect, that I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation, that I may glorify myself with thy inheritance.
Ndipo nitaona mafanikio ya wateule wako, wakifurahia katika furaha ya taifa lako, na utukufu pamoja na urithi wako.
6 We have sinned together with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.
Tumefanya dhambi kama babu zetu, tumekosea, na kufanya uovu.
7 Our fathers did not reflect on thy wonders in Egypt: they remembered not the multitude of thy kindnesses; but rebelled at the sea, even at the Red Sea.
Baba zetu hawakuyatambua matendo yako ya ajabu katika Misri; walipuuzia matendo yako mengi ya uaminifu wa agano; waliasi penye bahari, bahari ya Shamu.
8 Nevertheless he saved them for the sake of his name, to make known his might.
Hata hivyo, yeye aliwaokoa kwa ajili ya jina lake ili kwamba aweze kuzifunua nguvu zake.
9 He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it was dried up; and he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness.
Aliikemea Bahari ya Shamu, nayo ikakauka. Kisha akawaongoza vilindini, kana kwamba ni jangwani.
10 And he saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.
Aliwaokoa kutoka mkononi mwa wale waliowachukia, na aliwaokoa kutoka mkononi mwa adui.
11 And the waters covered their adversaries: not one of them was left.
Lakini maji yaliwafunika washindani wao; hakuna hata mmoja aliye okolewa.
12 Then believed they in his words, they sang his praise.
Ndipo waliyaamini maneno yake, nao waliimba sifa zake.
13 Speedily they forgot his works, they waited not for his counsel;
Lakini walisahau haraka kile alichofanya; hawakuyasubiri maelekezo yake.
14 And they felt a lustful longing in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.
Walikuwa na tamaa isiyotoshelezwa jangwani, wakamjaribu Mungu nyikani.
15 And he gave them what they had asked; but sent dryness into their soul.
Aliwapa ombi lao, lakini alituma gonjwa ambalo lilishambulia miili yao.
16 Moreover they envied Moses in the camp, and Aaron the holy one of the Lord.
Katika kambi wakawa na wivu juu Musa na Haruni, kuhani mtakatifu wa Yahwe.
17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered over the company of Abiram.
Nchi ilifunguka na ilimmeza Dathani na iliwafunika wafuasi wa Abiramu.
18 And a fire was kindled in their company: the flame burnt up the wicked.
Moto uliwaka kati yao; moto uliwaangamiza waovu.
19 They made a calf in Horeb, and bowed themselves down to a molten image.
Walitengeneza ndama huko Horebu na kuabudu sanamu ya kuyeyuka.
20 And they exchanged their glory for the similitude of an ox that eateth herbs.
Wakaubadili utukufu wa Mungu kuwa mfano wa ng'ombe alaye majani.
21 They forgot God their saviour, who had done great things in Egypt,
Walimsahau Mungu wokozi wao, aliyefanya mambo makuu katika Misri.
22 Wonders in the land of Ham, terrible things by the Red Sea.
Alifanya matendo ya ajabu katika nchi ya Hamu na matendo makuu penye Bahari ya Shamu.
23 He therefore spoke of destroying them: had not Moses his elect stood in the breach before him, to turn away his fury, that he might not destroy.
Mungu angetangaza uharibifu wao, kama sio Musa, mteule wake, aliingilia kati kugeuza hasira yake dhidi ya kuwaangamiza.
24 And they despised the pleasant land, they believed not in his word;
Kisha waliidharau nchi yenye matunda; hawakuiamini ahadi yake,
25 But they murmured in their tents, they hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord.
bali walilalamiaka katika mahema yao, na hawakumtii Yahwe.
26 He therefore lifted up his hand against them, to cause them to fall in the wilderness;
Kwa hiyo aliinua mkono wake na kuapa kwao kuwa atawaacha wafe jangwani,
27 And to let their seed fall among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands.
akitawanya uzao wao kati ya mataifa, na kuwatawanya katika nchi za kigeni.
28 And they joined themselves unto Ba'al-pe'or, and ate the sacrifices of the dead.
Waliabudu Baal ya Poeri na walizila dhabihu zilizotolewa kwa wafu.
29 And they provoked him to anger with their deeds: and there broke in among them the plague.
Walimkasirisha kwa matendo yao, na pigo la gonjwa baya liliwashambulia kati yao.
30 Then stood up Phinehas, and executed judgment: and the plague was stayed.
Ndipo Finehasi aliinuka kuingilia kati, na pigo likakoma.
31 And it was accounted unto him for righteousness, unto all generations for evermore.
Ilihesabika kwake kama tendo la haki kwa vizazi vyote hata milele.
32 They angered him also at the waters of Meribah, and evil happened to Moses for their sake;
Pia walimkasirisha Yahwe penye maji ya Meriba, na Musa aliteseka kwa ajili yao.
33 Because they had embittered his spirit, and so he spoke thoughtlessly with his lips.
Walimghadhabisha Musa naye akaongea haraka.
34 They did not exterminate the nations, that the Lord had indicated to them;
Hawakuyaharibu mataifa kama Yahwe alivyowaamuru,
35 But they mingled themselves among the nations, and learned their doings.
bali walichangamana na mataifa na walijifunza njia zao
36 And they served their idols, and these became unto them a snare.
nao waliabudu sanamu, nazo zikawa mtego kwao.
37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto the evil spirits;
Waliwatoa wana wao na binti zao kwa mapepo.
38 And they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood-guiltiness.
Walimwaga damu isiyo na hatia, damu ya wana na binti zao, ambao waliwatoa kama dhabihu kwa sanamu za Kanaani, waliinajisi nchi kwa damu.
39 Thus were they made unclean through their own doings, and went astray with their own deeds.
Walinajisiwa kwa matendo yao; katika matendo yao walikuwa kama malaya.
40 therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, and be felt disgust for his own inheritance.
Hivyo Yahwe aliwakasilikia watu wake, akawadharau watu wake mwenyewe.
41 And he gave them up into the hand of the nations: and there ruled over them those that hated them.
Akawaruhusu mataifa, na wale walio wachukia wakawatawala.
42 And their enemies also oppressed them: and they were subdued under their hand.
Maadui zao wakawaonea, wakatiishwa chini ya mamlaka yao.
43 Many times did he deliver them; but they rebelled with their counsel, and they were brought low through their iniquity.
Mara nyingi alienda kuwasaidia, lakini waliendelea kuasi nao walishushwa chini kwa dhambi zao wenyewe.
44 Nevertheless he looked on when they were in distress, when he heard their entreaty.
Hata hivyo, aliiangalia dhiki yao aliposikia kilio chao kwa ajili ya msaada.
45 And he remembered unto them his covenant, and he bethought himself according to the abundance of his kindnesses;
Alikumbuka agano lake pamoja nao na alijirudi kwa sababu ya upendo wake thabiti.
46 And be caused them to find mercy before all those that had carried them away captive.
Aliwafanya wote waliowateka wawahurumie.
47 Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the nations, to give thanks unto thy holy name, to triumph in thy praise.
Utuokoe, Ee Yahwe, Mungu wetu. Utukusanye kutoka kati ya mataifa ili kwamba tuweze kulishukuru jina lako takatifu na utukufu katika sifa zako. Yahwe,
48 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel from everlasting even to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen, Hallelujah.
Mungu wa Israeli, na asifiwe toka milele na milele. watu wote walisema, “Amen.” Msifuni Yahwe. Kitabu cha tano.