< Psalms 104 >
1 Bless, O my soul, the Lord. O Lord my God, thou art very great; with glory and majesty art thou clothed.
Whakapaingia a Ihowa, e toku wairua. E Ihowa, e toku Atua, he nui rawa koe; he honore, he kororia ou kakahu.
2 [Thou art he] who wrappeth himself in light as with a garment; who stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain;
E roropi nei i te marama ki a koe ano he kakahu, e hora nei i nga rangi ano he kakahu tauarai.
3 Who frameth of the waters the beams of his upper-chambers; who maketh the clouds his chariot; who walketh along upon the wings of the wind:
E whakanoho nei i nga kurupae o ona ruma ki nga wai: e mea nei i nga kapua hei hariata mona: e haere nei i runga i nga pakau o te hau.
4 Who maketh the winds his messengers; the flaming fire his ministers;
E mea nei i nga hau hei karere mana, i te mura ahi hei kaimahi mana.
5 Who hath founded the earth upon her bases, that she should not be moved to all eternity.
Nana nei i whakatu te whenua ki runga ki ona turanga, kei nekenekehia ake ake.
6 Thou hadst covered the deep as with a garment: above the mountains stood the waters.
Nau ano i hipoki ki te rire hei kakahu: tu ana nga wai i runga i nga maunga.
7 At thy rebuke they fled, at the voice of thy thunder they hastened away.
Rere ana ratou i tau riri: tahuti tonu atu i te reo o tau whatitiri;
8 They ascended mountains; they went down valleys, unto the place which thou hadst founded for them.
Puke ake ana ra nga maunga, heke iho ana ma nga whawharua ki te wahi i whakaritea e koe mo ratou.
9 Bounds hast thou set which they cannot pass over, that they return not again to cover the earth.
Kua whakatakotoria e koe he rohe kei koni mai ratou, kei hoki mai hei taupoki mo te whenua.
10 [Thou art he] who sendeth springs into the valleys, between mountains they run along.
Nana i tono nga puna ki roto ki nga awaawa, e rere nei i waenga o nga puke.
11 They give drink to all the beasts of the field: the wild asses quench [thereon] their thirst.
Hei wai mo nga kirehe katoa o te parae: na noa te matewai o nga kaihe mohoao.
12 By them have the fowls of the heaven ever their habitation, from between the branches they send forth their voice.
Kei reira nga nohoanga o nga manu o te rangi, e korihi nei i roto i nga manga.
13 Who watereth the mountains from his upper-chambers: from the fruit of thy works is the earth satisfied.
He mea whakamakuku nana nga puke i ona ruma: ka makona te whenua i nga hua o au mahi.
14 [Thou art he] who causeth grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs by the service of man, that he may bring forth bread out of the earth;
Ko ia hei whakatupu i te tarutaru ma te kararehe, i te otaota hei mea ma te tangata; kia whakaputaina ake ai he taro i te whenua;
15 And wine that maketh joyful the heart of man, [and] oil to brighten his face, and bread which strengtheneth the heart of man.
He waina hei whakahari i te ngakau o te tangata, he hinu e piata ai tona mata, me te taro hei whakakaha i te ngakau o te tangata.
16 Full of sap are the trees of the Lord, the cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted;
Ki tonu i te wai nga rakau a Ihowa, nga hita o Repanona i whakatokia e ia.
17 Where the birds make their nests: the stork—fir-trees are her house.
Hanga ake e nga manu he ohanga ki reira: te taaka, ko nga kauri tona whare.
18 The high mountains are for the wild goats: the rocks are a shelter for the conies.
Hei piringa nga puke tiketike mo nga koati mohoao: nga kohatu mo nga rapeti.
19 He hath made the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
I hanga e ia te marama hei tohu taima: e matau ana te ra ki tona torengitanga.
20 Thou causest darkness, and it becometh night, wherein creep forth all the beasts of the forest.
Ko koe hei whakapouri, a kua po: na ngoki mai ana nga kirehe katoa o te ngahere.
21 The young lions roar after their prey, and ask from God their food.
Ko nga kuao raiona ngengere ana ratou, he mea kai, he rapu kai ma ratou i te Atua.
22 The sun ariseth, they withdraw [to their lairs], and lie down in their dens.
Ko te putanga mai o te ra ka poto atu ratou, takoto ana i o ratou kuhunga.
23 Man goeth [then] forth unto his work, and to his labor until the evening.
Ko te tangata ka haere ki ana hanga, ki tana mahi, a ahiahi noa.
24 How manifold are thy works, O Lord! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.
Ano te tini o au mahi, e Ihowa! he mohio rawa tau mahi i aua mea katoa; ki tonu te whenua i au taonga.
25 Here is this great and wide-extended sea; therein are moving things without number, living creatures both small and great.
Kei ko ra ko te moana, tona nui tuauriuri: kei reira nga mea ngokingoki e kore e taea te tatau, nga kirehe hoki, ana nonohi, ana nunui.
26 There the ships make their way: [there also] is the leviathan, whom thou hast made to sport therein.
Kei reira nga kaipuke e teretere ana: kei reira taua rewiatana i hanga e koe hei takaro ki reira.
27 All of these wait upon thee, to give them their food in its due season.
E tatari katoa ana enei ki a koe, kia hoatu e koe te kai ma ratou i te wa e tika ai.
28 What thou givest them they gather: thou openest thy hand, they are satisfied with good.
Ko tau e hoatu ai ma ratou, kohikohia ana e ratou: te wherahanga o tou ringa, makona tonu ratou i te pai.
29 Thou hidest thy face, they suddenly vanish: thou takest away their spirit, they perish, and to their dust they return.
Ko te hunanga o tou mata, pororaru ana ratou: ka kapohia e koe to ratou manawa, ka marere ratou, a ka hoki ano ki to ratou puehu.
30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created; and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Ko tau tononga mai i tou wairua, kua hanga ratou; a whakahoutia ana e koe te mata o te whenua.
31 The glory of the Lord will endure for ever; the Lord will rejoice in his works:
Kia whai kororia a Ihowa ake ake, kia hari a Ihowa ki ana mahi:
32 He who looketh down on the earth, and she trembleth; who toucheth the mountains, and they smoke.
Tana tirohanga iho ki te whenua, ru ana: kua pa ki nga puke, na pongere ana.
33 I will sing unto the Lord while I live: I will sing praises to my God while I exist.
Ka waiata ahau ki a Ihowa i ahau e ora ana: ka himene ki toku Atua i ahau ano i te ao nei.
34 May my speech be agreeable to him: I will indeed rejoice in the Lord.
Kia reka toku whakaaronga ki a ia, ka hari ahau ki a Ihowa.
35 May the sinners cease from off the earth, and the wicked be no more. Bless, O my soul, the Lord. Hallelujah.
Kia moti nga tangata hara i runga i te whenua, ko te hunga kino kia poto katoa atu. Whakapaingia a Ihowa, e toku wairua. Whakamoemititia a Ihowa.