< Psalms 102 >

1 “A prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out before the Lord his complaint.” O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come unto thee.
Umkhuleko womuntu okhathazekileyo. Lapho esephela umoya eseqhinqa isililo phambi kukaThixo. Zwana umkhuleko wami, Oh Thixo; ukukhala kwami ngicela uncedo kakufike kuwe.
2 Hide not thy face from me on the day when I am distressed; incline unto me thy ear; on the day when I call, answer me speedily.
Ungangifihleli ubuso bakho nxa ngikhathazekile. Ngipha indlebe yakho; nxa ngibiza ngiphendula masinyane.
3 For my days vanish in smoke, and my bones are burning like a hearth.
Ngoba insuku zami ziyanyamalala njengentuthu; amathambo ami ayavutha njengamalahle abhebhayo.
4 Struck [by heat] like the herb and dried up is my heart; for I forget to eat my bread.
Inhliziyo yami yonakele, ibunile njengotshani; ngiyakhohlwa ukudla kwami.
5 Because of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my flesh.
Ngenxa yokububula kwami okukhulu sengiphelile, isikhumba sesinamathela emathanjeni.
6 I am like the pelican of the wilderness: I am become like the owl amid ruins.
Sengifana lesikhova senkangala, njengesikhova semanxiweni.
7 I watch, and I am become like a [night-]bird sitting alone upon the housetop.
Ngilala ngikhangele; senginjengenyoni ehlezi yodwa ephahleni.
8 All the day my enemies reproach me: they that mock me swear by me.
Ilanga lonke izitha zami ziyangichukuluza; labo abangichothozayo badlala ngebizo lami njengesethuko.
9 For ashes do I eat like bread, and my drink I mingle with weeping;
Ngoba ngidla umlotha njengokudla kwami, ngixube okunathwayo kwami ngezinyembezi
10 Because of thy indignation and thy wrath; for thou hadst lifted me up, and hast cast me down.
ngenxa yokuthukuthela kwakho okukhulu, ngoba ungiqukule wangilahlela eceleni.
11 My days are like a shadow that declineth; and like the herb I wither.
Insuku zami zifana lesithunzi sakusihlwa; ngiyabuna njengotshani.
12 But thou, O Lord, wilt sit enthroned for ever; and thy memorial is unto all generations.
Kodwa wena, Oh Thixo, uhlezi ebukhosini lanininini; udumo lwakho lumi ezizukulwaneni zonke.
13 Thou wilt indeed arise; thou wilt have mercy upon Zion; for it is time to favor her, for the appointed time is coming.
Uzaphakama uzwele iZiyoni isihawu, ngoba sekuyisikhathi sokutshengisa umusa kuyo, isikhathi esimisiweyo sesifikile.
14 For thy servants hold dear her stones, and her very dust they cherish.
Ngoba amatshe ayo aligugu ezincekwini zakho; othuli lwayo nje lubalethela usizi.
15 Then shall nations fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory:
Izizwe zizalesaba ibizo likaThixo, wonke amakhosi omhlaba azahlonipha inkazimulo yakhe.
16 When the Lord shalt have built up Zion, he appeareth in his glory;
Ngoba uThixo uzayakha kutsha iZiyoni avele enkazimulweni yakhe.
17 [When] he hath regarded the prayer of the forsaken, and doth not despise their prayer.
Uzaphendula imikhuleko yabahluphekayo; kazukweyisa isicelo sabo.
18 This shall be written down for the latest generation; and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord.
Lokhu kakulotshwe phansi kube ngokwesizukulwane sakusasa, ukuze abantu abangakadalwa bamdumise uThixo:
19 For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; the Lord hath cast from heaven his view to the earth:
“UThixo wakhangela phansi ephezulu endlini yakhe engcwele, esezulwini wawuhlola umhlaba,
20 To hear the sighing of the prisoner; to loosen those that are doomed to death:
ukuze ezwe ukububula kwezibotshwa lokukhulula labo ababegwetshelwe ukufa.”
21 That men may proclaim in Zion the name of the Lord, and his praise in Jerusalem;
Ngalokho-ke ibizo likaThixo lizamenyezelwa eZiyoni lodumo lwakhe eJerusalema,
22 When people are gathered together, and kingdoms, to serve the Lord.—
lapha izizwe lemibuso sekuhlangana ndawonye ukukhonza uThixo.
23 He hath weakened on the way my strength; he hath shortened my days.
Wawanciphisa amandla ami ngisaphila; waziphungula insuku zami.
24 I will say, O my God! take me not away in the midst of my days: throughout all generations are thy years.
Yikho ngasengisithi, “Ungangithathi, Oh Nkulunkulu wami, ngilokhu ngisephakathi kwensuku zami; iminyaka yakho ihlala ikhona ezizukulwaneni zonke.
25 In olden times didst thou lay the foundations of the earth; and the heavens are the work of thy hands.
Ekuqaleni wabeka izisekelo zomhlaba, lamazulu angumsebenzi wezandla zakho.
26 These will indeed perish, but thou wilt ever exist: yea, all of them will wear out like a garment; as a vesture wilt thou change them, and they will be changed;
Konke kuzabhubha, kodwa wena uzasala; konke kuzaguga njengesigqoko. Njengesivunulo uzakuguqula kucine sekulahlwa.
27 But thou art ever the same, and thy years will have no end.
Kodwa wena uhlala unjalo, leminyaka yakho kayiyikuphela.
28 The children of thy servants will dwell [securely], and their seed will be firmly established before thee.
Abantwana bezinceku zakho bazahlala besemehlweni akho; izizukulwane zazo zizaqiniswa phambi kwakho.”

< Psalms 102 >