< Proverbs 8 >

1 Behold, wisdom calleth, and understanding sendeth forth her voice,
Ukuhlakanipha kakumemezi yini? Ukuqedisisa kakuphakamisi ilizwi lakho na?
2 On the top of high places, by the wayside, at the house where there are [many] paths doth she place herself.
Emiqolweni yezindlela, emahlanganweni ezindlela kulapho okujame khona;
3 Alongside of gates, at the opening of the city, at the entrance of the town[-doors] doth she call loudly,
emasangweni angena phakathi kwedolobho, ezintubeni kuyamemeza kakhulu kusithi:
4 Unto you, O men, I call, and my voice [goeth forth] to the sons of men,
“Ngimemeza lina, madoda; ilizwi lami libiza bonke abantu.
5 Learn, O ye simple, to understand prudence: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.
Lina eliyizithutha, zuzani ukuqonda; lina ziphukuphuku, zuzani ukuqedisisa.
6 Hear! for of noble things will I speak; and the opening of my lips shall be of what is equitable.
Lalelani ngoba ngilitshela izinto eziqakathekileyo; ngivula izindebe zami ngikhuluma okuqondileyo.
7 For truth uttereth my palate ever, and the abomination of my lips is wickedness.
Umlomo wami ukhuluma okuliqiniso, ngoba izindebe zami ziyabenyanya ububi.
8 In righteousness are all the sayings of my mouth, there is in them nothing crooked or perverse.
Wonke amazwi omlomo wami aqondile; kalikho lelilodwa elitshekileyo loba elingcolileyo.
9 They are all evident to the man of understanding, and correct to those that have obtained knowledge.
Kulowo ozwisisayo wonke alungile; akulankohliso kulabo abalolwazi.
10 Accept my correction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.
Khetha iseluleko sami kulesiliva, ulwazi kulegolide elikhethiweyo,
11 For wisdom is better than pearls; and all the things that men wish for are not equal to her.
ngoba ukuhlakanipha kuligugu okudlula amarubhi, njalo akulanto ongayifisa ezifisweni zakho okulingana lakho.
12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and the knowledge of discreet thoughts do I discover.
Mina, kuhlakanipha, ngihlala ndawonye lokuqondisisa; ngilolwazi lokukhetha kuhle.
13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride and arrogance, and the evil way: and the mouth of perverseness do I hate.
Ukwesaba uThixo yikuzonda ububi; ngiyakuzonda ukuzazisa lobuqholo, ukuziphatha kubi lenkulumo ebolileyo.
14 Mine are counsel and sound wisdom: I am understanding; mine is might.
Ukweluleka lokwahlulela okuhle kungokwami; ngilokuzwisisa lamandla.
15 Through me do kings reign, and chieftains give decrees [in] righteousness.
Amakhosi abusa ngenxa yami lababusi balakho ukutshaya imithetho elungileyo;
16 Through me do princes rule, and the nobles, even all the judges of the earth.
amakhosana abusa ngami, lazozonke izikhulu ezibusa emhlabeni.
17 I indeed love those that love me: and those that seek me earnestly shall find me.
Ngiyabathanda labo abangithandayo, labo abangidingayo bayangithola.
18 Riches and honor are with me, yea, enduring wealth and righteousness.
Kimi kukhona inotho lodumo, inotho engapheliyo lokuphumelela.
19 My fruit is better than gold, and than fine gold; and my products, than choice silver.
Izithelo zami zingcono kulegolide elicengiweyo; okuphuma kimi kwedlula isiliva sekhethelo.
20 On the road of righteousness do I walk firmly, in the midst the paths of justice:
Ngihamba ngendlela yokulunga, ngilandela umkhondo wokuqonda,
21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit a lasting possession; and their treasures will I fill
ngiyabela inotho kulabo abangithandayo ngigcwalise iziphala zabo.
22 The Lord created me as the beginning of his way, the first of his works from the commencement,
UThixo wangenza ngaba khona ngaqalela konke okukhona, kuqala kokwenza ezinye izinto;
23 From eternity was I appointed chief, from the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth.
ngaba khona ekudabukeni kwezinto, kwasekuqaleni, umhlaba ungakabi khona.
24 When there were yet no depths, was I brought forth; when there were yet no springs laden heavily with water.
Kungakabi lezilwandle, ngasengizelwe, kungakabi khona izihotsha ezigcwele amanzi;
25 Before the mountains were yet sunk down, before the hills was I brought forth:
izintaba zingakamiswa ensikeni zazo, engakabi khona amaqaqa, ngasengizelwe,
26 While as yet he had not made the land and open fields, nor the chief of the dust of the world.
uThixo engakawenzi umhlaba lamaganga, loba lonke uthuli lomhlaba.
27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle over the face of the deep;
Ngangikhona uThixo ehlela kuhle izulu, ephawula kuhle imingcele yomkhathi lolwandle,
28 When he fastened the skies above; when the springs of the deep became strong;
esenza amayezi emkhathini wazizinzisa inziki zolwandle,
29 When he assigned to the sea his decree, that the waters should not transgress his order: when he established firmly the foundations of the earth:
ebeka imingcele yolwandle ukuze amanzi angedluli izimiso zakhe, ngesikhathi lapho emisa izisekelo zomhlaba.
30 Then was I near him, as a nursling: and I was day by day [his] delights, playing before him at all times;
Ngalesosikhathi ngangingumbumbi eceleni kwakhe. Ngangilenjabulo enkulu insuku ngensuku, ngithokoza ukuba laye kokuphela,
31 Playing in the world, his earth; and having my delights with the sons of men.
ngithokoza ngomhlaba wakhe wonke ngijabuliswa yibukhona babantu.
32 And now, O children [of men], hearken unto me! for happy those that observe my ways.
Ngakho-ke, madodana ami, ngilalelani; babusisekile labo abalondoloza izindlela zami.
33 Hear correction, and be wise, and reject it not.
Lalelani imfundiso yami ukuze lihlakaniphe; lingaqali ukuyidela.
34 Happy is the man that hearkeneth unto me, watching day by day at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.
Ubusisiwe lowomuntu ongilalelayo, olinda imihla yonke eminyango yami, elindile entubeni yami.
35 For he who findeth me findeth life, and he obtaineth favor from the Lord.
Ngoba lowo ongifumanayo uzuza ukuphila emukeliswe ukuthandwa nguThixo.
36 But he that sinneth against me doth violence to his own soul: all those that hate me love death.
Kodwa lowo owehlulekayo ukungifumana uyazilimaza; bonke abangizondayo bathanda ukufa.”

< Proverbs 8 >