< Proverbs 7 >
1 My son, observe my sayings, and my commandments must thou treasure up with thee.
Anaka, tandremo ny teniko, Ary raketo ao aminao ny didiko.
2 Observe my commandments, and live: and my teaching as the apple of thy eyes.
Tandremo ny didiko, dia ho velona ianao; Ary tandremo toy ny anakandriamasonao ny lalàko.
3 Bind them around thy fingers, write them upon the table of thy heart.
Afehezo eo amin’ ny rantsan-tananao izy, Soraty ao amin’ ny fonao tahaka ny amin’ ny vato fisaka izy.
4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:
Ny fahendrena dia ilazao hoe: Anabaviko ianao; Ary ny fahafantarana dia antsoy hoe: Sakaiza mahazatra ianao;
5 That they may keep thee from an adulterous woman, from an alien that useth flattering speeches.
Mba hiarovana anao amin’ ny vehivavy jejo, Dia amin’ ny vahiny janga izay manao teny mandrobo.
6 For through the window of my house, through my lattice did I [once] look out,
Fa teo amin’ ny varavarankelin’ ny tranoko, Dia teo amin’ ny makarakara, no nitsirihako,
7 And I beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a lad void of sense;
Ka nahita anankiray tamin’ ny kely saina aho, Eny, nandinika ny tovolahy aho ka nahita zazalahy anankiray tsy ampy saina,
8 He was passing through the market-place near her corner; and he stepped along on the way to her house,
Izay nandeha tamin’ ny lalana akaikin’ ny zoron-tranon’ ny vehivavy janga Sy nizotra nankany an-tranony,
9 In the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the depth of the night and when it was dark:
Nony takariva ilay somambisamby iny Sy tamin’ ny alina efa maizina dia maizina.
10 And, behold, a woman came to meet him with the attire of a harlot, and obdurate of heart.
Dia, indro, nisy vehivavy nitsena azy Sady manao fitafin’ ny janga no mifetsy am-po,
11 (She is noisy and ungovernable; in her house her feet never rest;
Sady vavàna no maditra, Tsy mahajanona ao an-tranony ny tongony;
12 At one time she is in the street, at another in the open places, and near every corner doth she lurk, )
Fa vetivety mby eny an-dalam-be izy, ary vetivety mby eny an-tsena, Ary mamitsaka eny an-joron-trano rehetra eny izy.
13 And she caught hold of him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face she said to him,
Ka dia nisavika ilay tovolahy izy ka nanoroka azy Sady nisolantsolana taminy ka nilaza hoe:
14 “I had bound myself to bring peace-offerings; this day have I paid my vows:
Efa nivoady hanatitra fanati-pihavanana aho; Ary androany no nanefako ny voadiko.
15 Therefore am I come forth to meet thee, to seek thy presence diligently, and I have found thee.
Koa dia nivoaka hitsena anao aho, Mba hitady fatratra ny tarehinao, ka dia nahita anao tokoa.
16 With tapestry coverings have I decked my bed, with embroidered coverlids of the fine linen of Egypt.
Ny fandriako efa nasiako firakotra tsara, Dia lambam-pandriana misoratsoratra voafoly hatrany Egypta.
17 I have sprinkled my couch with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
Efa norarahako zava-manitra ny fandriako, Dia miora sy hazomanitra ary havozo manitra.
18 Come, let us indulge in love until the morning: let us delight ourselves with dalliances.
Andeha, aoka isika hivoky fitia ambara-pahamarain’ ny andro, Aoka ho feno fahafinaretana amin’ ny fitiavana isika.
19 For the man is not in his house, he is gone on a journey a great way off:
Fa tsy ao an-trano ny lehilahy, Fa lasa nivahiny lavitra izy;
20 The bag of money hath he taken with him, by the day of the new-moon festival only will he come home.”
Ny kitampom-bola dia nentiny any an-tànany, Ka tsy mbola hody izy mandra-pahafenon’ ny volana.
21 She seduced him by the abundance of her reasoning: by the flattery of her lips she misguided him.
Tamin’ ny teny maro no nampanekeny azy, Tamin’ ny fandroboan’ ny molony no nitaomany azy,
22 He followed after her suddenly, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, and as in fetters to his correction, the fool:
Ka dia nandeha nanaraka azy niaraka tamin’ izay ilay zatovo, Tahaka ny omby entina hovonoina, Ary tahaka ny adala hogadrana,
23 Till an arrow cleaveth through his liver; as a bird hasteneth into the snare, and knoweth not that it is done to take his life.
Ambara-piboroaky ny lefom-pohy amin’ ny atiny, Ary tahaka ny vorona mipaoka ny fandrika, Fa tsy fantany hahafaty ny ainy izany.
24 And now, O children, hearken unto me, and listen to the sayings of my mouth.
Koa mihainoa ahy ianareo, anaka, Ary tandremo ny teny aloaky ny vavako.
25 Let not thy heart turn aside to her ways, do not go astray on her paths.
Aoka tsy hivily ho any amin’ ny lalany ny fonareo, Ary aza mania ho amin’ ny alehany.
26 For many deadly wounded hath she caused to fall: yea, very numerous are all those slain by her.
Fa betsaka no naripany ka maty; Ary maro be no efa matiny.
27 The ways to the nether world is her house leading down to the chambers of death. (Sheol )
Ny tranony dia lalana mankany amin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita, Eny, midìna ho any amin’ ny efi-tranon’ ny fahafatesana. (Sheol )