< Proverbs 29 >

1 A man that, having received many admonitions, still hardeneth his neck, will suddenly be broken, and this without remedy.
Ko te tangata he maha nei nga riringa i tona he, a ka whakapakeke i tona kaki, ka whatiia ohoreretia ia; te taea te rongoa.
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people will rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people groan.
Ka whakanuia te hunga tika, ka koa te iwi; ka kingi te tangata kino, ka aue te iwi.
3 The man that loveth wisdom causeth his father to rejoice; but he that keepeth company with harlots wasteth [his] wealth.
Ko te tangata e matenui ana ki te whakaaro nui e whakahari ana i tona papa; ko te tangata ia e piri ana ki nga wahine kairau, he maumau taonga tana.
4 A king will through the exercise of justice establish [the welfare of] a land; but one that loveth gifts overthroweth it.
Ma te whakawa a te kingi e mau ai te whenua; ka whakataka ia e te tangata e tango ana i nga mea homai noa.
5 A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his steps.
Ko te tangata e whakapati ana ki tona hoa, e whakatakoto kupenga ana mo ona waewae.
6 In the transgression of a man there is an evil snare: but the righteous ever singeth and rejoiceth.
He rore kei roto i te he o te tangata kino; ko te tangata tika ia he waiata tana, he koa.
7 The righteous considereth the cause of the indigent: but the wicked will not understand the knowledge [of justice].
E mahara ana te tangata tika ki te take a te rawakore: kahore o te tangata kino whakaaro kia mohiotia e ia.
8 Scornful men will kindle [confusion] in a town; but the wise turn away wrath.
Ma nga tangata whakahi e tahu te pa kia mura: ko ta te hunga whakaaro nui ia he whakatahuri atu i te riri.
9 If a wise man contend with a foolish man, whether he be angry or whether he laugh, [he will have] no rest.
Ki te totohe te tangata whakaaro nui ki te tangata wairangi, ahakoa riri ia, kata ranei, kahore he tanga.
10 Men of blood hate the guiltless one; but the upright seek [to preserve] his life.
E mauahara ana te tangata whakaheke toto ki te tangata i te ngakau tapatahi: tena ko te hunga tika, ka whai ratou kia whakaorangia ia.
11 A fool uttereth all his mind; but the wise holdeth it back.
E tuakina ana e te wairangi tona riri katoa ki waho: e puritia mai ana ia e te tangata whakaaro nui, e pehia ana.
12 If a ruler listen to the word of falsehood, all his servants become wicked.
Ki te whakarongo te rangatira ki te teka, he kino katoa ana tangata.
13 The poor and the man of exactions meet together: the Lord enlighteneth the eyes of both of them.
E tutaki ana te rawakore raua ko te kaitukino ki a raua; ko Ihowa te kaiwhakamarama o nga kanohi o raua tokorua.
14 When a king judgeth in truth the indigent, his throne shall stand firmly for ever.
Ko te kingi e pono ana tana whakawa mo nga rawakore, ka whakapumautia tona torona ake ake.
15 The rod and reproof impart wisdom; but a lad abandoned to himself bringeth shame on his mother.
Ko te whiu, ko te riri i te he, he mea homai era i te whakaaro nui: tena ko te tamaiti mahue noa, ka whakama i a ia tona whaea.
16 With the increase of the wicked transgression increaseth; but the righteous shall yet look on their downfall.
Ka tokomaha te hunga kino, ka nui te he: ka kite ia te hunga tika i to ratou hinganga.
17 Correct thy son, and he will procure thee rest: yea, he will give delight unto thy soul.
Pakia tau tama, a ka whai okiokinga koe i a ia; ae ra, he ahuareka tana e homai ai ki tou wairua.
18 Without a prophetic vision a people become unruly; but when it observeth the law, then will it be happy.
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka kore te iwi e tupato: ko te kaipupuri ia i te ture, ka hari ia.
19 Not with words [alone] can a servant be corrected; for though he understand, there will be no response.
Ehara te kupu i te papaki mo te pononga: ahakoa hoki ia matau, e kore ia e rongo.
20 Seest then a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope for a fool than for him.
Ka kite ranei koe i te tangata kaika ki te korero? engari te wairangi ka totika ake i a ia.
21 If one rear his servant delicately from his youth, then will he at length become as [his] son.
Ko te tangata e penapena ana i tana pononga mai o te tamarikitanga, ka waiho ia e ia i te mutunga hei tama tupu.
22 A man of anger stirreth up strife; and a man of fury aboundeth in transgression.
He whakaoho whawhai ta te tangata pukuriri: he nui rawa hoki te he o te tangata aritarite.
23 The pride of a man will humble him; but the humble in spirit will attain to honor.
Ka whakaititia iho te tangata e tona whakapehapeha: ka whai honore ia te tangata ngakau papaku.
24 Whoso divideth with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth the adjuration and dareth not to tell.
Ko te tangata e whakauru ana ki ta te tahae, e kino ana ki tona ake wairua: e rongo ana ia i te kanga, kahore e kiki.
25 The dread of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord will be upheld in safety.
He rore e homai ana e te wehi ki te tangata: ko te tangata ia e whakawhirinaki ana ki a Ihowa ka mawhiti.
26 Many seek the favor of a ruler; but from the Lord cometh justice for man.
He tokomaha e whai ana kia paingia e te rangatira: otiia i ahu mai i a Ihowa te whakawa mo te tangata.
27 An abomination of the righteous is an unjust man: and an abomination of the wicked is one who is upright in [his] way.
He mea whakarihariha ki te hunga tika te tangata whakahaere he; a he mea whakarihariha hoki ki te tangata kino te tangata he tika tona ara.

< Proverbs 29 >