< Proverbs 27 >

1 Make no boast for thyself of the coming day; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Berrito ha ku faanin, Waayo, ma ogid waxay maalinu keeni doonto.
2 Let another man praise thee, and not thy own mouth; a stranger, and not thy own lips.
Mid kale ha ku faaniyo oo yaanu afkaagu ku faanin, Shisheeye ha ku ammaano, oo yaanay bushimahaagu ku ammaanin.
3 A stone hath heaviness, and the sand, weight; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both of them.
Dhagax waa culus yahay, oo cammuuduna way miisaan weyn tahay, Laakiinse waxaa labadoodaba ka sii culus nacas cadhadiis.
4 Fury hath its cruelty, and anger its overwhelming power; but who is able to stand before jealousy?
Cadho waa naxariisdarro, xanaaqna waa daad, Laakiinse bal yaa hinaaso is-hor taagi kara?
5 Better is open reproof than concealed love.
Canaantii bayaan ahu Waa ka wanaagsan tahay jacaylkii qarsoon.
6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but deceptive are the kisses of an enemy.
Saaxiib nabrihiisu waa daacadnimo, Laakiinse cadow dhunkashooyinkiisu waa khiyaano miidhan.
7 The satisfied soul treadeth under foot fine honey; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
Naftii dheregsanu xataa awlallada malabka waa ka yaqyaqsataa, Laakiinse naftii gaajaysan wax kasta oo qadhaadhuba way u macaan yihiin.
8 As a bird that wandereth away from her nest, so is a man that wandereth away from his place.
Ninkii hoygiisa ka warwareegaa Waa sida shimbir buulkeeda ka warwareegta oo kale.
9 Oil and perfume cause the heart to rejoice, and so do the sweet words of a friend more than one's own counsel.
Saliidda iyo cadarku qalbigay ka farxiyaan, Sidaas oo kalena waxaa nin ka farxiya macaanka saaxiibkiis oo ka yimaada talada qalbiga.
10 Thy own friend, and thy father's friend, thou must not forsake; but into thy brother's house enter not on the day of thy calamity: better is a near neighbor than a distant brother.
Ha ka tegin saaxiibkaa iyo aabbahaa saaxiibkiis toona, Oo maalintii masiibadaadana guriga walaalkaa ha tegin, Deris kuu dhowu waa ka wanaagsan yahay walaal kaa fog.
11 Become wise, my son, and cause my heart to rejoice, that I may give an answer to him that reproacheth me.
Wiilkaygiiyow, caqli yeelo, oo qalbigayga ka farxi, Si aan ugu jawaabo kii i caayaba.
12 The prudent foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Ninkii miyir lahu sharkuu arkaa, wuuna dhuuntaa, Laakiinse garaadlaawayaashu way iska sii maraan, oo waana la taqsiiraa.
13 Take his garment, for he became surety for a stranger; and on account of an alien woman take a pledge of him.
Kii qof qalaad dammiinta dharkiisa ka qaad, Oo kii naag qalaad dammiintana isaga rahmad ahaan u hay.
14 When one saluteth his friend with a loud voice, when rising early in the morning, it will be counted a curse to him.
Kii intuu aroor hore kaco saaxiibkiis cod dheer ugu duceeya, Waxaa loo qaadan doonaa habaar.
15 A continual dropping on a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.
Maalin roobaabeed dhibicyadeeda aan kala go'in Iyo naag muran badanu waa isku mid.
16 He that would conceal her might conceal the wind, and as [fragrant] oil on his right hand, which would betray itself.
Ku alla kii iyada celiyaa, dabayshuu celiyaa. Gacantiisa midigna saliid bay qabataa.
17 Iron is sharpened by iron: so doth a man sharpen himself on the countenance of his friend.
Bir baa bir afaysa, Oo sidaas oo kale nin baa saaxiibkiis afeeya.
18 Whoso guardeth the fig-tree will eat its fruit: so he that watcheth over his master will be honored.
Ku alla kii berde xannaanaystaa midhihiisuu cuni doonaa. Oo kii sayidkiisa dhawrana waa la murwayn doonaa.
19 As the water [showeth] to the face the [reflected] face: so doth the heart of man show itself to man.
Sida fool biyaha dhexdooda fool uga muuqdo, Ayaa nin qalbigiisu nin kale ugu muuqdaa.
20 The nether world and the place of corruption are never satisfied: so are the eyes of man never satisfied. (Sheol h7585)
She'ool iyo halligaadu weligood ma dhergaan, Dadka indhihiisu weligood ma dhergaan. (Sheol h7585)
21 [As] the fining-pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: so is a man [proved] according to his praise.
Weelka lacagta lagu safeeyo lacagtaa iska leh, oo foornadana dahabkaa iska leh, Sidaas oo kalena nin waxaa lagu tijaabiyaa ammaantiisa.
22 Though thou shouldst pound the fool in a mortar, in the midst of grains of wheat with a pestle: still would his folly not depart from him.
In kastoo aad nacas tib iyo mooye hadhuudh kula tuntid, Weliba nacasnimadiisu ka tegi mayso isaga.
23 Endeavor to know well the appearance of thy flocks, direct thy attention to thy herds;
Aad ugu dadaal inaad ogaatid xaalka adhigaaga, Oo lo'daadana si wanaagsan u ilaali.
24 For property endureth not for ever, nor doth the crown remain for all generations.
Waayo, maalku weligiis siima raago, Taajkuna ab ka ab miyuu waaraa?
25 When the grass is past, young verdure showeth itself, and then are gathered the herbs of the mountains.
Cawska qallalan markii la gooyo mid cagaar ah oo jilicsan baa soo muuqda, Oo dhalatada buurahana waa la soo urursadaa.
26 The sheep are for thy clothing, and he-goats are the purchase-price of a field.
Baraarku waa kuu dhar, Oo adhiguna waa kuu qiimihii beerta.
27 And thou wilt have enough of goats' milk for thy food, for the food of thy household, and the support for thy maidens.
Waxaa jiri doona caano riyaad oo cunto ugu filan adiga iyo reerkaagaba, Iyo weliba masruufka gabdhaha kuu shaqeeya.

< Proverbs 27 >