< Proverbs 26 >

1 As snow is in summer, and as rain in harvest: so is honor not seemly to a fool.
Njengeliqhwa elikhithikileyo ehlobo lanjengezulu ngesikhathi sokuvuna, ngokunjalo udumo kalusifanelanga isithutha.
2 As the bird [cometh] to flit away, as the swallow, to fly off: so will an undeserved curse not come [to fulfillment].
Njengenyoni ekuzulazuleni, njengenkonjane ekuphapheni, ngokunjalo isiqalekiso kungelasizatho kasiyikufika.
3 A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.
Isiswepu ngesebhiza, itomu ngelikababhemi, loswazi ngolomhlana wezithutha.
4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest thou also become equal unto him.
Ungaphenduli isithutha ngokobuthutha baso, hlezi lawe ufanane laso.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.
Phendula isithutha ngokobuthutha baso, hlezi sibe ngesihlakaniphileyo emehlweni aso.
6 He choppeth off the feet, and drinketh vexation, that sendeth important messages by the hand of a fool.
Othumela amazwi ngesandla sesithutha, uquma inyawo, unatha isihluku.
7 Too feebly hang down the thighs on a lame man: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
Imilenze yesiqhuli iyalengalenga; sinjalo isaga emlonyeni wezithutha.
8 As is the one that bindeth a stone fast in a sling, so is he that giveth honor to a fool.
Njengokubophela ilitshe esavutheni, unjalo onika udumo esithutheni.
9 [As] a thorn that is come into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
Njengameva enyuka esandleni sesidakwa sinjalo isaga emlonyeni wezithutha.
10 A master injureth all things when he hireth a fool or hireth mere rovers.
Omkhulu owabumba konke uvuza isithutha, avuze abadlulayo.
11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so doth a fool repeat to act in his folly.
Njengenja ebuyela emahlanzweni ayongokunjalo isithutha siphinda ubuthutha baso.
12 When thou seest a man wise in his own eyes, then is there more hope for a fool than for him.
Uyabona yini umuntu ohlakaniphileyo emehlweni akhe? Kulethemba elikhulu esithutheni kulaye.
13 The slothful saith, There is a leopard in the way: a lion is between the streets.
Olivila uthi: Kulesilwane endleleni; isilwane sisezitaladeni.
14 As a door turneth upon its hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.
Isivalo siphenduka ngamabhanti aso, ngokunjalo ivila embhedeni walo.
15 Hath the slothful hidden his hand in the dish, it wearieth him to bring it back again to his mouth.
Ivila lifihla isandla salo emganwini, liyavilapha ukusibuyisela emlonyeni walo.
16 The slothful is wiser in his own eyes, than seven men that can give wise answers.
Ivila lihlakaniphile emehlweni alo okwedlula abayisikhombisa abangaphendula ngenhlakanipho.
17 As is one that taketh hold of a dog by the ears, so is he that passing by becometh excited about a dispute which concerneth him not.
Odlulayo engenela ingxabano engeyisiyo eyakhe ungobamba indlebe zenja.
18 As one fatigueth himself shooting off firebrands, arrows, and death:
Njengohlanya oluphosa izikhuni ezivuthayo, imitshoko, lokufa,
19 So is the man that hath cheated his neighbor, and saith, Behold, I am only jesting.
unjalo umuntu okhohlisa umakhelwane wakhe, abesesithi: Kangisomi yini?
20 Where there is no wood, the fire goeth out: so where there is no whisperer, strife is silenced.
Uba kungelankuni umlilo uyacitsha; njalo uba kungelakunyeya, ukuxabana kuyathula.
21 As charcoals are added to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man fitted to enkindle a dispute.
Njengamalahle emalahleni avuthayo, lenkuni emlilweni, unjalo umuntu wenkani ngowokubasa ingxabano.
22 The words of a whisperer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost chambers of the body.
Amazwi onyeyayo anjengezibondlo ezehlela kokungaphakathi kwesisu.
23 Like silver dross laid over an earthen vessel, so are burning lips with a bad heart.
Indebe ezivuthayo lenhliziyo embi kungamanyele esiliva ahuqa ukhamba.
24 With his lips dissembleth he that hateth, and within himself layeth he up deceit:
Ozondayo uyazenzisa ngezindebe zakhe, kodwa ufaka inkohliso ngaphakathi kwakhe.
25 Though he make his voice sound ever so graciously, believe him not; for there are seven abominations in his heart.
Lapho esenza ilizwi lakhe libe ngelomusa, ungamkholwa, ngoba izinengiso eziyisikhombisa zisenhliziyweni yakhe.
26 If one's hatred be covered by deception, then shall be laid bare his wickedness before a [whole] assembly.
Inzondo isibekelwa ngenkohliso; ububi bakhe buzakwembulwa ebandleni.
27 Whoso diggeth a pit will fall therein; and upon him that rolleth a stone, will it return.
Ogebhayo umgodi uzawela kuwo, logiqa ilitshe, lizabuyela kuye.
28 A lying tongue hateth those that are crushed by it; and a flattering mouth prepareth [others'] downfall.
Ulimi lwamanga luzonda olubachobozayo, lomlomo obutshelezi usebenza incithakalo.

< Proverbs 26 >