< Proverbs 17 >
1 Better is a piece of dry bread, and quiet therewith, than a house full of the sacrifices of contention.
睦じうして一塊の乾けるパンあるは あらそひありて宰れる畜の盈たる家に愈る
2 An intelligent servant will have rule over a son that bringeth shame, and among the brothers will he have part of the inheritance.
かしこき僕は恥をきたらする子ををさめ 且その子の兄弟の中にありて產業を分ち取る
3 The crucible is for silver, and the furnace for gold; but the Lord probeth the hearts.
銀を試むる者は坩堝 金を試むる者は鑢 人の心を試むる者はヱホバなり
4 An evil-doer listeneth to unjust lips: falsehood giveth ear to a tongue that bringeth destruction.
惡を行ふものは虚偽のくちびるにきき 虚偽をいふ者はあしき舌に耳を傾ぶく
5 Whoso mocketh the poor blasphemeth his Maker: he that is glad at calamities will not remain unpunished.
貧人を嘲るものはその造主をあなどるなり 人の災禍を喜ぶものは罪をまぬかれず
6 The crown of old men are children's children; and the ornament of children are their fathers.
孫は老人の冠弁なり 父は子の榮なり
7 High-toned language is not seemly to a worthless fool: and yet much less the language of falsehood to a noble.
勝れたる事をいふは愚なる人に適はず 况て虚偽をいふ口唇は君たる者に適はんや
8 As a precious stone appeareth a bribe in the eyes of him that obtaineth it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.
贈物はこれを受る者の目には貴き珠のごとし その向ふところにて凡て幸福を買ふ
9 He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth confident friends.
愛を追求むる者は人の過失をおほふ 人の事を言ひふるる者は朋友をあひ離れしむ
10 A reproof penetrateth more deeply into a wise man, than a hundred stripes into a fool.
11 Only rebellion doth a bad man seek: therefore a cruel messenger will be sent out against him.
叛きもとる者はただ惡きことのみをもとむ 比故に彼にむかひて殘忍なる使者遣はさる
12 A man may meet a she-bear robbed of her whelps, but not a fool in his folly.
13 Whoso bestoweth evil in return for good—evil shall not depart from his house.
14 As one letteth loose [a stream] of water, so is the beginning of strife: therefore before it be enkindled, leave off the contest.
爭端の起源は堤より水をもらすに似たり この故にあらそひの起らざる先にこれを止むべし
15 He that declareth the wicked innocent, and he that condemneth the righteous, yea, both of them are equally an abomination to the Lord.
16 Wherefore is the purchase-money in the hand of a fool to acquire wisdom, seeing he hath no sense?
17 A friend loveth at all times, and as a brother is he born for [the time of] distress.
朋友はいづれの時にも愛す 兄弟は危難の時のために生る
18 A man void of sense pledgeth his hand, and becometh surety for his friend.
19 He loveth transgression that loveth quarrel; and he that maketh high his door seeketh destruction.
爭端をこのむ者は罪を好み その門を高くする者は敗壞を求む
20 He that hath a froward heart will not find happiness; and he that hath a perverse tongue will fall into evil.
邪曲なる心ある者はさいはひを得ず その舌をみだりにする者はわざはひに陷る
21 He that begetteth a fool [doth it] to his sorrow; and the father of a worthless fool cannot have any joy.
愚なる者を產むものは自己の憂を生じ 愚なる者の父は喜樂を得ず
22 A merry heart causeth a healthy appearance of the countenance, but a depressed spirit drieth up the bones.
心のたのしみは良薬なり 霊魂のうれひは骨を枯す
23 A wicked man taketh a bribe out of the bosom, to pervert the paths of justice.
24 Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are at the ends of the earth.
智慧は哲者の面のまへにあり されど愚なる者は目を地の極にそそぐ
25 A foolish son is a vexation to his father, and bitterness to her that hath born him.
愚なる子は其父の憂となり 亦これを生る母の煩勞となる
26 To punish the just with a fine even is not good, nor to strike the noble [-hearted] for [their] equity.
義者を罰するは善らず 貴き者をその義きがために扑は善らず
27 He that holdeth back his speeches hath knowledge; and he that is sparing of his spirit is a man of understanding.
言を寡くする者は知識あり 心の靜なる者は哲人なり
28 Even a fool, when he keepeth silence, is counted wise: he that shutteth his lips [is esteemed] a man of understanding.
愚なる者も默するときは智慧ある者と思はれ その口唇を閉るときは哲者とおもはるべし