< Proverbs 14 >
1 The wise among women buildeth her house; but the foolish pulleth it down with her own hands.
Mkazi wanzeru amamanga banja lake, koma mkazi wopusa amalimasula ndi manja ake omwe.
2 In his uprightness walketh he that feareth the Lord; but perverse in his ways is he that despiseth him.
Amene amayenda molungama amaopa Yehova, koma amene njira zake ndi zoyipa amanyoza Yehova.
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a stick [for his] pride; but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
Kuyankhula kwa chitsiru kumamuyitanira ndodo pa msana, koma milomo ya munthu wanzeru imamuteteza.
4 Where no oxen are, is the crib clean; but the abundance of harvests is [only] through the strength of the ox.
Pakasowa ngʼombe zolima gome limakhala lopanda chakudya, koma pakakhala ngʼombe zamphamvu zakudya zimachulukanso.
5 A faithful witness will not lie; but a false witness constantly uttereth lies.
Mboni yokhulupirika sinama, koma mboni yonyenga imayankhula zabodza.
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and there is none; but knowledge is easy to the man of understanding.
Wonyoza anzake amafunafuna nzeru koma osayipeza, koma munthu womvetsa bwino amadziwa zinthu msanga.
7 Go far away from a foolish man, else thou wilt [never] know the lips of knowledge.
Khala kutali ndi munthu wopusa chifukwa sudzapeza mawu a nzeru.
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way; but the folly of fools is deceit.
Nzeru za munthu wochenjera zagona pakuzindikira njira zake. Koma uchitsiru wa zitsiru umapusitsidwa ndi chinyengo chawo chomwe.
9 The fool maketh a mockery of guilt; but among the upright there is good will.
Zitsiru zimanyoza za kulapa machimo, awo, koma kufuna kwabwino kumapezeka mwa anthu olungama.
10 The heart knoweth its own bitterness; and with its joy can no stranger intermeddle.
Mtima uliwonse umadziwa wokha zowawa zake, ndipo palibe wina aliyense angadziwe kukondwa kwake.
11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed: but the tent of the upright will flourish.
Nyumba ya munthu woyipa idzapasuka, koma tenti ya munthu wowongoka mtima idzakhazikika.
12 There is many a way which seemeth even before a man; but its end are ways unto death.
Pali njira ina yooneka ngati yabwino kwa munthu, koma kumatsiriziro kwake ndi ku imfa.
13 Even in laughter the heart feeleth pain; and at its end joy is sorrow.
Ngakhale poseka mtima utha kumva kuwawa, ndipo mathero achimwemwe akhoza kukhala chisoni.
14 The backslider in heart will have enough of his own ways; and from him [departeth] the good men.
Munthu wosakhulupirika adzalandira zogwirizana ndi ntchito yake, koma munthu wabwino adzalandira mphotho ya ntchito yake.
15 The simple believeth every word; but the prudent man understandeth his steps.
Munthu wopusa amakhulupirira chilichonse, koma munthu wochenjera amaganizira bwino mayendedwe ake.
16 A wise man is fearful, and departeth from evil; but the fool exciteth himself, and is confident.
Munthu wanzeru amaopa Mulungu ndipo amapewa zoyipa, koma munthu wopusa ndi wokula mtima amakhala wosasamala.
17 He that is soon angry committeth folly; and a man of wicked devices is hated.
Munthu wopsa mtima msanga amachita zinthu za uchitsiru, ndipo anthu amadana ndi munthu wachinyengo.
18 The simple inherit folly; but the prudent crown themselves with knowledge.
Anthu opusa amalandira uchitsiru, koma anthu ochenjera amavekedwa chipewa cha ulemerero wa kudziwa zinthu.
19 The bad sink down before the good; and the wicked are at the gates of the righteous.
Anthu oyipa adzagwada pamaso pa anthu abwino, ndipo anthu oyipa adzapempha thandizo kwa anthu olungama.
20 Even to his own neighbor is the poor man hateful; but the friends of the rich are many.
Munthu wosauka ngakhale anansi ake omwe amamuda, koma munthu wolemera ali ndi abwenzi ambiri.
21 He that despiseth his neighbor is a sinner; but he that is gracious to the poor—happiness attend him!
Wonyoza mnansi wake ndi wochimwa koma ndi wodala amene amachitira chifundo anthu osowa.
22 Behold, those who contrive evil are in error; but kindness and truth attend on those who contrive what is good.
Kodi amene amakonzekera zoyipa sasochera? Koma amene amakonzekera zabwino anthu amawaonetsa chikondi ndi kukhulupirika.
23 In all painful labor there is profit; but mere words of the lips [lead] only to want.
Ntchito iliyonse imakhala ndi phindu, koma kuyankhulayankhula kumabweretsa umphawi.
24 The crown of the wise is their riches; but the folly of fools is [only] folly.
Chipewa chaulemu cha anthu a nzeru ndi chuma chawo chomwe, koma malipiro a zitsiru ndi uchitsiru.
25 A deliverer of souls is the true witness; but a witness of deceit uttereth lies.
Mboni yokhulupirika imapulumutsa miyoyo, koma mboni yabodza imaphetsa.
26 In the fear of the Lord is the strong confidence [of man], and unto his children will it be a place of shelter.
Amene amaopa Yehova ali ndi chitetezo chokwanira ndipo iye adzakhala pothawira pa ana ake.
27 The fear of the Lord is the source of life, [teaching] to avoid the snares of death.
Kuopa Yehova ndiye kasupe wamoyo, kumathandiza munthu kuti apewe msampha wa imfa.
28 In the multitude of people is the king's glory; but in the want of a population is the downfall of the prince.
Gulu lalikulu la anthu ndiye ulemerero wa mfumu, koma popanda anthu kalonga amawonongeka.
29 He that is slow to anger is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit holdeth up [to view] his folly.
Munthu wosapsa mtima msanga amamvetsa zinthu kwambiri, koma munthu wopsa mtima msanga amaonetsa uchitsiru wake.
30 A sound heart is the life of the body; but jealousy is the rottenness of the bones.
Mtima wodekha umapatsa thupi moyo, koma nsanje imawoletsa mafupa.
31 He that oppresseth the poor blasphemeth his Maker; but he that is gracious to the needy honoreth him.
Amene amapondereza mʼmphawi amanyoza mlengi wake, koma wochitira chifundo munthu wosowa amalemekeza Mulungu.
32 Through his own evil is the wicked thrust down; but even in his death doth the righteous have confidence.
Anthu oyipa adzakanthidwa chifukwa cha ntchito zawo zomwe, koma olungama adzatetezedwa mwa imfa yawo.
33 In the heart of the man of understanding resteth wisdom: but [the little which is] in the bosom of fools is made known.
Nzeru zimakhala mu mtima mwa anthu omvetsa zinthu, koma nzeru sipezeka mu mtima mwa zitsiru.
34 Righteousness exalteth a people; but the disgrace of nations is sin.
Chilungamo chimakweza mtundu wa anthu, koma uchimo umachititsa manyazi mtundu uliwonse.
35 The king's favor is bestowed on an intelligent servant; but his wrath is against him that deserveth shame.
Mfumu imasangalatsidwa ndi wantchito wanzeru, koma imachitira ukali wantchito wochititsa manyazi.