< Proverbs 11 >

1 Balances of deceit are an abomination of the Lord; but a full weight [obtaineth] his favor.
Falsk vegt er fæl for Herren, men full vegt likar han godt.
2 When pride cometh, then cometh disgrace; but with the modest there is wisdom.
Kjem stormod, so kjem og skam, men smålåtne, dei hev visdom.
3 The integrity of the upright guideth them; but the cunning of the treacherous destroyeth them.
Dei ærlege hev si uskyld til førar, men fals slær sin herre på hals.
4 Wealth cannot profit on the day of wrath; but righteousness deliver from death.
Gods hjelper ikkje på vreidens dag, men rettferd frelser frå dauden.
5 The righteousness of the perfect maketh even his way; but by his own wickedness will the wicked fall.
Ærleg manns rettferd jamnar hans veg, men den gudlause stuper ved gudløysa si.
6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them; but through their own sinful desires are the treacherous caught.
Ærlege folk ved si rettferd vert frelste, men dei falske vert fanga i eigen gir.
7 When a wicked man dieth, [his] hope vanisheth; and the expectation of his children is lost.
Når ugudleg mann døyr, er det ute med voni; og vondskaps venting til inkjes vert.
8 The righteous is delivered out of distress, and the wicked cometh in his stead.
Rettferdig vert fria or trengsla, og ugudleg kjem i hans stad.
9 With his mouth doth the hypocrite destroy his neighbor; but through knowledge are the righteous delivered.
Den skamlause tyner sin granne med munnen, men rettferdige friar seg ut med sin kunnskap.
10 When it goeth well with the righteous, the town rejoiceth loudly: and when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting.
Gjeng det godt med rettferdige, fegnast byen, vert gudlause tynte, syng folk av gleda.
11 Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted; but through the mouth of the wicked it is pulled down.
Med velsigning frå ærlege folk kjem byen seg upp, men gudlause munn bryt han ned.
12 He that despiseth his neighbor is void of sense; but a man of understanding maintaineth silence.
Vitlaus er den som vanvyrdar sin granne, men vitug mann tegjer stilt.
13 He that walketh about as talebearer revealeth secrets; but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
Den som fer med drøs, ber løynråd ut, men den hjarte-trugne løyner saki.
14 Where there is no wise guidance, a people must fall: but [it will obtain] help through the multitude of counsellors.
Der inkje styre er, lyt folket falla, men der dei rådvise er mange, der er frelsa.
15 With evil will he be overwhelmed that is surety for a stranger: but he that hateth giving the hand as pledge is safe.
Borgar du for framand, er du ille faren, men han er trygg som hatar handtak.
16 A woman endowed with grace will surely obtain honor; and the powerful will obtain riches.
Ei yndefull kvinna vinn æra, og valdsmenner vinn seg rikdom.
17 The man of kindness doth good to his own soul; but he that troubleth his own flesh is cruel.
Ein godhjarta mann gjer vel mot si sjæl, men ein hardhjarta mann fer vondt med sitt eige kjøt.
18 The wicked practiseth a work of falsehood; but he that soweth righteousness [obtaineth] the reward of truth.
Den ugudlege vinn seg ei sviksam løn, men den som rettferd sår, fær varig løn.
19 He who is firm in righteousness attaineth to life: and he that pursueth evil [doth it] to his own death.
Stend du fast i rettferd, vinn du liv, men fer du etter vondt, då fær du daude.
20 An abomination of the Lord are those of a perverse heart; but his favor is for those who are unblemished in their way.
Dei range i hugen hev Herren ein stygg til, men han likar deim som ulastande ferdast.
21 The hand [of God] being against [his] hand, the bad man shall not go unpunished; but the seed of the righteous shall escape.
Det kann du gjeva handi på, den vonde vert’kje urefst, men ætti åt rettferdige slepp undan.
22 As a golden ring in a swine's snout, so is a handsome woman that hath thrown off discretion.
Som ein gullring i eit grisetryne er ei fager kvinna utan vit.
23 The desire of the righteous is only good: but the hope of the wicked is the wrath [of God].
Det rettferdige ynskjer, vert berre godt, det som gudlause vonar, vert til vreide.
24 There is a man that scattereth gifts, and yet his wealth is increased: and there is one that withholdeth more than is proper, and still cometh only to want.
Ein strår ut og fær endå meir, ein annan vert arm av usømeleg sparing.
25 A beneficent soul will be abundantly gratified; and he that refresheth [others] will be also refreshed himself.
Den som velsignar, skal trivast, og kveikjer du andre, vert sjølv du kveikt.
26 Him that withholdeth corn, the people will denounce; but blessing will be heaped upon the head of the one that selleth it.
Ein kornflår, honom bannar folket, men signing kjem yver den som sel korn.
27 He that diligently searcheth after good seeketh favor; but if one inquireth after evil, it will come unto him.
Den som strævar etter godt, han søkjer hugnad, men den som leitar etter vondt, han fær det yver seg.
28 He that trusteth in his riches will surely fall; but the righteous shall grow like the leaves [of a tree].
Den som lit på sin rikdom, han skal stupa, men rettferdige grønkar som lauv.
29 He that troubleth his own house will inherit the wind; and the fool will become the servant to the wise of heart.
Den som øydar sitt hus, skal erva vind, og narren vert træl åt den kloke.
30 The fruit of the righteous is of the tree of life, and the wise draweth souls to himself.
Rettferdig manns frukt er eit livsens tre, og sjæler vinn den vise.
31 Behold, the righteous is recompensed on the earth: how much more the wicked and the sinner.
Du ser rettferdig mann fær vederlag på jordi, kor mykje meir då den ugudlege og syndaren!

< Proverbs 11 >