< Proverbs 1 >

1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, the king of Israel:
Prièe Solomuna sina Davidova, cara Izrailjeva,
2 To know wisdom and instruction; to comprehend the sayings of understanding;
Da se poznaje mudrost i nastava, da se razumiju rijeèi razumne,
3 To accept the instruction of intelligence, righteousness, and justice, and equity;
Da se prima nastava u razumu, u pravdi, u sudu i u svemu što je pravo,
4 To give to the simple prudence, to the youth knowledge and discretion.
Da se daje ludima razboritost, mladiæima znanje i pomnjivost.
5 The wise will hear, and will increase [his] information; and the man of understanding will obtain wise counsels:
Mudar æe slušati i više æe znati, i razuman æe steæi mudrost,
6 To understand a proverb, and a sage sentence; the words of the wise, and their riddles.
Da razumije prièe i znaèenje, rijeèi mudrijeh ljudi i zagonetke njihove.
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: wisdom and instruction fools [alone] despise.
Poèetak je mudrosti strah Gospodnji; ludi preziru mudrost i nastavu.
8 Hear, my son, the instruction of thy father, and cast not off the teaching of thy mother;
Slušaj, sine, nastavu oca svojega, i ne ostavljaj nauke matere svoje.
9 For a wreath of grace are they unto thy head, and chains for thy throat.
Jer æe biti vijenac od milina oko glave tvoje, i grivna na grlu tvom.
10 My son, if sinners wish to entice thee, consent thou not.
Sine moj, ako bi te mamili grješnici, ne pristaj;
11 If they should say, Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood, let us watch in concealment for the uselessly innocent;
Ako bi rekli: hodi s nama da vrebamo krv, da zasjedamo pravome ni za što;
12 We will swallow them up like the grave alive; and the men of integrity, as those that go down into the pit; (Sheol h7585)
Proždrijeæemo ih kao grob žive, i svekolike kao one koji slaze u jamu; (Sheol h7585)
13 We shall find all [kinds of] precious wealth, we will fill our houses with booty;
Svakojakoga blaga dobiæemo, napuniæemo kuæe svoje plijena;
14 Thy lot must thou cast in our midst; one purse shall be for us all:
Bacaæeš ždrijeb svoj s nama; jedan æe nam tobolac biti svjema;
15 My son, walk not thou on the way with them; withhold thy foot from their path;
Sine moj, ne idi na put s njima, èuvaj nogu svoju od staze njihove.
16 For their feet run after evil, and they make haste to shed blood.
Jer nogama svojim trèe na zlo i hite da proljevaju krv.
17 For uselessly is the net spread out before the eyes of every winged bird:
Jer se uzalud razapinje mreža na oèi svakoj ptici;
18 While they lie in wait for their [own] blood; they watch in concealment for their [own] lives.
A oni vrebaju svoju krv i zasjedaju svojoj duši.
19 So are the paths of every one that is greedy after [unlawful] gain; it taketh away the life of those that own it.
Taki su putovi svijeh lakomijeh na dobitak, koji uzima dušu svojim gospodarima.
20 Wisdom crieth loudly without; in the public places she uttereth her voice;
Premudrost vièe na polju, na ulicama pušta glas svoj;
21 At the corner of noisy streets she calleth, at the entrances of gates; in the city she sayeth her speeches:
U najveæoj vrevi vièe, na vratima, u gradu govori svoje besjede:
22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners take their delight in scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Ludi, dokle æete ljubiti ludost? i potsmjevaèima dokle æe biti mio potsmijeh? i bezumni dokle æe mrziti na znanje?
23 Turn back to my admonition: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
Obratite se na karanje moje; evo, izasuæu vam duh svoj, kazaæu vam rijeèi svoje.
24 Whereas I called, and ye refused; I stretched out my hand, and no man was attentive;
Što zvah, ali ne htjeste, pružah ruku svoju, ali niko ne mari,
25 And ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would not accept my admonition:
Nego odbaciste svaki savjet moj, i karanja mojega ne htjeste primiti;
26 [Therefore] I also will truly laugh at your calamity; I will deride [you] when your terror cometh;
Zato æu se i ja smijati vašoj nevolji, rugaæu se kad doðe èega se bojite;
27 When your terror cometh like the tempest-cloud, and your calamity hasteneth like a whirlwind; when there come upon you distress and affliction.
Kad kao pustoš doðe èega se bojite, i pogibao vaša kao oluja kad doðe, kad navali na vas nevolja i muka.
28 Then will they call me, but I will not answer; they will seek me earnestly, but they shall not find me;
Tada æe me zvati, ali se neæu odazvati; rano æe tražiti, ali me neæe naæi.
29 For the reason that they hated knowledge, and the fear of the Lord they did not choose;
Jer mrziše na znanje, i straha Gospodnjega ne izabraše;
30 [That] they would not attend to my counsel: [that] they rejected all my admonition.
Ne pristaše na moj svjet, i preziraše sva karanja moja.
31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and from their own counsels shall they be satisfied.
Zato æe jesti plod od putova svojih, i nasitiæe se savjeta svojih.
32 For the defection of the simple will slay them, and the prosperity of fools will cause them to be lost.
Jer æe lude ubiti mir njihov, i bezumne æe pogubiti sreæa njihova.
33 But he that hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be at rest from the dread of evil.
Ali ko me sluša, boraviæe bezbrižno, i biæe na miru ne bojeæi se zla.

< Proverbs 1 >