< Numbers 4 >

1 And the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu in Aronu, rekoč:
2 Take the sum of the sons of Kehath from among the sons of Levi, after their families, by their divisions,
»Popišita glave sinov Kehátovih sinov, izmed Lévijevih sinov, po njihovih družinah, po hišah njihovih očetov,
3 From thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, all that are fitted for the service, to do work at the tabernacle of the congregation.
od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, celo do petdesetega leta starosti, vse, ki vstopijo v služenje, da opravljajo delo v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti.
4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kehath at the tabernacle of the congregation: The most holy things.
To bo služba Kehátovih sinov v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti glede najsvetejših stvari.
5 And Aaron shall come with his sons, when the camp setteth forward, and they shall take down the vail of the separation, and cover therewith the ark of the testimony;
Ko se tabor odpravi naprej, bodo prišli Aron in njegovi sinovi in sneli zaslanjajoče zagrinjalo in z njim pokrili skrinjo pričevanja
6 And they shall put over it a covering of badgers' skins, and they shall spread over all a cloth wholly of blue [woollen yarn], and they shall put in its staves.
in nanjo bodo položili pokrivalo iz jazbečevih kož in nad tem bodo razgrnili pregrinjalo, v celoti iz modre in vanjo vstavili njena drogova.
7 And over the table of the showbread shall they spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the tubes, and the staves of the covering; and the continual bread shall be thereon:
Na mizi hlebov navzočnosti bodo razprostrli pregrinjalo iz modre in nanjo položili sklede, žlice, skledice in pokrivala, da jih s tem pokrijejo, in na njej bo neprenehoma kruh.
8 And they shall spread over them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins; and they shall put in its staves.
Nanjo bodo razprostrli pregrinjalo iz škrlata in isto pokrili s pokrivalom iz jazbečevih kož in vanjo vstavili njena drogova.
9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the lighting, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its snuff-dishes, and all the oil-vessels thereof, wherewith they minister by it:
Vzeli bodo pregrinjalo iz modrega in pokrili svečnik svetlobe in njegove svetilke, njegove utrinjače, njegove pladnje za utrinke in vse njegove oljne posode, s katerimi mu služijo,
10 And they shall put it and all its vessels within a covering of badgers' skins, and they shall put it upon a barrow.
in z vsemi posodami ga bodo položili znotraj pokrivala iz jazbečevih kož in ga položili na nosila.
11 And over the golden altar shall they spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins; and they shall put in its staves.
Nad zlatim oltarjem bodo razprostrli modro pregrinjalo in ga pokrili s pokrivalom iz jazbečevih kož in vstavili njegova drogova.
12 And they shall take all the vessels of the service, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins; and they shall put them on a barrow.
Vzeli bodo vse priprave služenja, s katerimi služijo v svetišču in jih položili v modro pregrinjalo in jih pokrili s pokrivalom iz jazbečevih kož in jih bodo dali na nosila.
13 And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread over it a cloth of purple;
Iz oltarja bodo vzeli proč pepel in nanj razprostrli vijolično pregrinjalo
14 And they shall put upon it all its vessels, wherewith they minister upon it, the fire-pans, the forks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread over it a covering of badgers' skins, and put in its staves.
in nanj bodo položili vse njegove posode, s katerimi služijo okrog njega, torej kadilnice, kavlje za meso, lopate, umivalnike, vse oltarne posode, in nanje bodo razprostrli pokrivalo iz jazbečevih kož in vstavili njegova drogova.
15 And when Aaron and his sons have thus made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward: then shall, after that, the sons of Kehath come to carry it; but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die; these are the things which the sons of Kehath are to carry at the tabernacle of the congregation.
Ko Aron in njegovi sinovi končajo s pokrivanjem svetišča in vseh posod svetišča, ko se bo tabor odpravil naprej, potem bodo prišli Kehátovi sinovi, da ga nosijo, toda ne bodo se dotaknili nobene svete stvari, da ne umrejo. Te stvari so breme Kehátovih sinov v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti.
16 And under the supervision of Elazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the lighting, and the incense of spices, and the daily meat-offering, and the anointing-oil; the supervision of all the tabernacle, and of all that is therein, over the sanctuary, and over its vessels.
K služenju Aronovega sina Eleazarja, duhovnika, spada olje za svetlobo, dišeče kadilo, dnevna jedilna daritev, mazilno olje in nadzor vsega svetišča in vsega, kar je v njem, v svetišču in v njegovih posodah.«
17 And the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu in Aronu, rekoč:
18 Do ye not cause the tribe of the families of the Kehathites to be cut off from among the Levites;
»Ne odsekajta rodu družin Kehátovcev izmed Lévijevcev,
19 But thus do unto them, that they may live, and not die, when they approach unto the most holy things: Aaron and his sons shall go in, and appoint them, every one, to his service and to his burden;
temveč jim tako storite, da bodo lahko živeli in ne umrli, ko se približajo najsvetejšim stvarem. Aron in njegovi sinovi bodo vstopili in določili vsakega k njegovi službi in k njegovemu bremenu,
20 That they may not go in to see when the holy things are covered, and die.
toda ne bodo vstopili, da bi videli, ko se svete stvari pokrivajo, da ne umrejo.«
21 And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
22 Take also the sum of the sons of Gershon, by their divisions, after their families;
»Popiši tudi glave Geršónovih sinov, po hišah njihovih očetov, po njihovih družinah.
23 From thirty years old and upward until fifty years old shalt thou number them; all that are fitted for the service, to do work in the tabernacle of the congregation.
Preštel jih boš od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, do petdesetega leta starosti; vse, ki vstopijo, da opravijo služenje, da opravijo delo v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti.
24 This shall be the service of the families of the Gershunites, to serve, and to carry:
To je služba družin Geršónovcev, da služijo in za bremena.
25 They shall carry the curtains of the tabernacle, and of the tent of the congregation, its covering, and the covering of the badgers' skins that is over it above, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,
Nosili bodo zavese šotorskega svetišča in šotorsko svetišče skupnosti, njegovo pokrivalo, pokrivalo iz jazbečevih kož, ki je nad njim, tanko preprogo za vrata šotorskega svetišča skupnosti,
26 And the hangings of the court, and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court, which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round about, and their cords, and all the vessels of their service; and all that is delivered to them shall they perform.
tanke preproge dvora, tanko preprogo za vrata velikih vrat dvora, ki je pri šotorskem svetišču in pri oltarju naokoli, njihove vrvice in vse priprave njihove službe in vse, kar je narejeno zanje; tako bodo služili.
27 By the order of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershunites, in all their carrying, and in all their service: and ye shall designate unto them in charge all which they have to carry.
Po določitvi Arona in njegovih sinov bo vsa služba Geršónovih sinov v vseh njihovih bremenih in v vseh njihovih službah, in v stražo jim boste določili vsa njihova bremena.
28 This is the service of the families of the sons of the Gershunites at the tabernacle of the congregation; their charge shall be under the supervision of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
To je služba družin Geršónovih sinov v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti in njihova straža bo pod roko Itamárja, sina duhovnika Arona.
29 The sons of Merari, shalt thou number after their families, by their divisions;
Kar se tiče Meraríjevih sinov, jih boš preštel po njihovih družinah, po hiši njihovih očetov.
30 From thirty years old and upward, even until fifty years old, shalt thou number them, every one that is fitted for the service, to do the work of the tabernacle of the congregation.
Preštel jih boš od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, torej do petdesetega leta starosti, vsakega, ki vstopa v službo, da opravlja delo šotorskega svetišča skupnosti.
31 And this is what is confided to them to carry, regarding all their service at the tabernacle of the congregation: The boards of the tabernacle, and its bars, and its pillars, and its sockets,
To je zadolžitev njihovega bremena, glede na vso njihovo službo v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti: deske šotorskega svetišča, njegove zapahe, njegove stebre, njegove podstavke,
32 And the pillars of the court round about, and their sockets, and their pins, and their cords, with all their instruments, and all which belongeth thereto; and by name shall ye designate [to them] the vessels which are confided to them to carry.
stebre dvora naokoli, njegove podstavke, njegove količke, njihove vrvice z vsemi njihovimi pripravami in z vso njihovo službo, in po imenu boš določil priprave zadolžitve njihovega bremena.
33 This is the service of the families of the sons of Merari, regarding all their service, at the tabernacle of the congregation, under the supervision of Ithamar the son of Aaron, the priest.
To je služba družin Meraríjevih sinov, glede na vso njihovo službo v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti, pod roko Itamárja, sina duhovnika Arona.«
34 And Moses with Aaron and the princes of the congregation numbered the sons of the Kehathites after their families, and after their divisions,
Mojzes, Aron in vodje skupnosti so prešteli sinove Kehátovcev po njihovih družinah in po hiši njihovih očetov
35 From thirty years old and upward, even until fifty years old, every one that was fitted for the service, for the work at the tabernacle of the congregation.
od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, torej do petdesetega leta starosti, vsakega, ki vstopa v službo zaradi dela v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti.
36 And those that were numbered of them after their families were two thousand seven hundred and fifty.
Tistih, ki so bili izmed njih prešteti, po njihovih družinah, je bilo dva tisoč sedemsto petdeset.
37 These were they that were numbered of the families of the Kehathites, all that could do service at the tabernacle of the congregation, whom Moses with Aaron numbered by the order of the Lord through the hand of Moses.
To so bili tisti, ki so bili prešteti izmed družin Kehátovcev, vsi, ki lahko opravljajo službo v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti, ki sta jih Mojzes in Aron preštela glede na Gospodovo zapoved po Mojzesovi roki.
38 And those that were numbered of the sons of Gershon, after their families, and after their divisions,
Tistih, ki so bili prešteti izmed Geršónovih sinov, po njihovih družinah in po hiši njihovih očetov,
39 From thirty years old and upward, even until fifty years old, every one that was fitted for the service, for the work at the tabernacle of the congregation,
od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, torej do petdesetega leta starosti, vsakega, ki vstopa v službo zaradi dela v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti,
40 Even those that were numbered of them, after their families, after their divisions, were two thousand and six hundred and thirty.
torej tistih, ki so bili izmed njih prešteti, po njihovih družinah, po hiši njihovih očetov, je bilo dva tisoč šeststo trideset.
41 These are they that were numbered of the families of the sons of Gershon, all that could do service at the tabernacle of the congregation, whom Moses with Aaron numbered by the order of the Lord.
To so tisti, ki so bili prešteti izmed družin Geršónovih sinov, izmed vseh, ki lahko opravljajo službo v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti, ki sta jih Mojzes in Aron preštela glede na Gospodovo zapoved.
42 And those that were numbered of the families of the sons of Merari, after their families, after their divisions,
Tistih, ki so bili prešteti izmed družin Meraríjevih sinov, po njihovih družinah, po hiši njihovih očetov,
43 From thirty years old and upward, even until fifty years old, every one that was fitted for the service, for the work at the tabernacle of the congregation.
od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, torej do petdesetega leta starosti, vsakega, ki vstopa v službo zaradi dela v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti,
44 Even those that were numbered of them after their families, were three thousand and two hundred.
torej tistih, ki so bili izmed njih prešteti, po njihovih družinah, je bilo tri tisoč dvesto.
45 These are those that were numbered of the families of the sons of Merari, whom Moses with Aaron numbered by the order of the Lord through the hand of Moses.
To so tisti, ki so bili prešteti izmed družin Meraríjevih sinov, ki sta jih Mojzes in Aron preštela glede na Gospodovo besedo, po Mojzesovi roki.
46 All those that were numbered of the Levites, whom Moses with Aaron and the chiefs of Israel numbered, after their families, and after their divisions,
Vseh tistih, ki so bili prešteti izmed Lévijevcev, ki so jih Mojzes, Aron in Izraelovi vodje prešteli, po njihovih družinah in po hiši njihovih očetov,
47 From thirty years old and upward, even until fifty years old, every one that came to do the service of the ministry, and the service of the carrying at the tabernacle of the congregation,
od tridesetega leta starosti in navzgor, torej do petdesetega leta starosti, vsakega, ki je prišel, da opravlja službo služenja in službo bremena v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti,
48 Even those that were numbered of them, were eight thousand and five hundred and eighty.
torej tistih, ki so bili izmed njih prešteti, je bilo osem tisoč petsto osemdeset.
49 By the order of the Lord through the hand of Moses, did he appoint them, every one to his proper service, and to his proper carrying: and they were numbered, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Glede na Gospodovo zapoved so bili prešteti po Mojzesovi roki, vsak glede na svojo službo in glede na svoje breme. Tako jih je preštel, kakor je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu.

< Numbers 4 >