< Numbers 21 >

1 And when the Canaanite, the king of 'Arad, who dwelt in the south, heard that Israel was coming by the way of the spies: he made an attack on Israel, and took from them some prisoners.
Kwathi inkosi yase-Aradi engumKhenani eyayihlala eNegebi isizwa ukuthi abako-Israyeli babesiza behamba ngomgwaqo beqonde e-Atharimi, yabahlasela abako-Israyeli yaze yathumba abanye babo.
2 And Israel made a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou wilt but deliver this people into my hand, then will I devote their cities.
Ngakho u-Israyeli wenza lesisifungo kuThixo wathi: “Nxa unganikela lababantu ezandleni zethu, sizachithiza amadolobho abo nya.”
3 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel, and he delivered up the Canaanites; and they devoted them and their cities: and they called the name of the place Chormah.
UThixo walalela ukuncenga kwabako-Israyeli wasenikela amaKhenani kubo. Abako-Israyeli bawaqothula amaKhenani bachithiza kanye lamadolobho awo; ngakho indawo leyo yabizwa ngokuthi yiHoma.
4 And they set forward from mount Hor by the way to the Red Sea, to go round the land of Edom: and the spirit of the people became impatient because of the way.
Bahamba besuka entabeni yaseHori ngendlela eqonda oLwandle oluBomvu, ukuze baceze ilizwe lase-Edomi. Kodwa besendleleni abantu basebenengekile sebephelelwe yikubekezela;
5 And the people spoke against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, and there is no water; and our soul loatheth this miserable bread.
bakhuluma kubi besola uNkulunkulu kanye loMosi, bathi, “Lasikhuphelani na eGibhithe ukuze sizefela enkangala? Akulasinkwa! Akulamanzi! Futhi lalokhu ukudla kwenu okubi siyakuzonda.”
6 And the Lord let loose against the people poisonous serpents, and they bit the people; and there died much people of Israel.
Ngakho uThixo wasebathumela izinyoka ezazilobuhlungu obesabekayo kakhulu, zabaluma abantu bako-Israyeli abanengi bafa.
7 And the people then came to Moses, and they said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away from us the serpents. And Moses prayed for the people.
Abantu baya kuMosi bathi, “Sonile ngokukhuluma kwethu kubi ngoThixo langokukhuluma kwethu ngawe. Akukhuleke ukuthi uThixo asuse izinyoka lezi phakathi kwethu.” Ngakho wabakhulekela abantu.
8 And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thyself a serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that whoever is bitten shall look at it, and he shall live.
UThixo wathi kuMosi, “Yenza inyoka yethusi uyiphanyeke esigodweni; loba ngubani olunyiweyo angakhangela kuyo uzaphila.”
9 And Moses made a serpent of copper, and put it upon a pole; and it came to pass, that, when a serpent had bitten any man, and he looked up to the serpent of copper, he remained alive.
Ngakho uMosi wenza inyoka yethusi wayiphanyeka esigodweni. Kwakusithi lowo olunywe yinyoka angakhangela inyoka yethusi aphile.
10 And the children of Israel set forward, and encamped in Oboth.
Abako-Israyeli basuka baqhubeka baze bayamisa izihonqo zabo e-Obhothi.
11 And they journeyed from Oboth, and encamped at 'Iye-ha'abarim, in the wilderness, which is before Moab, toward the rising of the sun.
Basuka njalo e-Obhothi bayamisa izihonqo zabo e-Iye-Abharimi, enkangala eyayimalungana leMowabi ngokuya ngempumalanga.
12 From there they set forward and encamped in the valley of Zered.
Besuka lapho baqhubeka ngohambo baze bayamisa izihonqo zabo esigodini saseZeredi.
13 From there they set forward, and encamped on the other side of Arnon, which is in the wilderness, and which cometh out of the boundary of the Emorites; for Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and between the Emorites.
Basuka lapho bayamisa izihonqo zabo eduze le-Arinoni esenkangala eqhelela elizweni lama-Amori. I-Arinoni isemngceleni welaseMowabi, phakathi laphakathi kweMowabi kanye lama-Amori.
14 Therefore mention is made in the book of the wars of the Lord, of Vaheb in Supha, and of the brooks of Arnon,
Kungakho uGwalo lweziMpi zikaThixo lusithi: “Lokho akwenza oLwandle oLubomvu lakwenza emifuleni yeWahebhi eseSufa lemifuleni yase-Arinoni
15 And the descent of the brooks, that turneth toward Shebeth-'Ar, and leaneth upon the border of Moab;
lamawa ezindonga ehlela endaweni yase-Ari lasekela umngcele weMowabi.”
16 And from there to the well; this is the well where the Lord said unto Moses, Assemble the people and I will give them water.
Besuka lapho baqhubeka baze bayafika eBheri, emthonjeni lapho uThixo athi kuMosi, “Buthanisa abantu ngibanike amanzi.”
17 Then did Israel sing this song, Come up, O well; sing ye unto it:
Ngakho abako-Israyeli bahlabela ingoma le ethi: “Mpompoza, wemthombo! Hlabelelani ngawo,
18 Well, which the princes have dug, which the nobles of the people have hollowed out with the sceptre, with their staves; — and from the wilderness to Mattanah;
ngomthombo owenjiwa ngamakhosana, owenjiwa yizikhulu zabantu, izikhulu ezilentonga zobukhosi kanye lezinduku.” Basuka-ke enkangala bayafika eMathana,
19 And from Mattanah to Nachaliel; and from Nachaliel to Bamoth;
besuka eMathana baya eNahaliyeli, besuka eNahaliyeli, baya eBhamothi,
20 And from Bamoth to the valley, which is in the fields of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, which looketh toward the desert.
kwathi besuka eBhamothi baqonda esigodini eMowabi, lapho isiqongo sentaba yasePhisiga esikhangele elizweni elilugwadule.
21 And Israel sent messengers unto Sichon the king of the Emorites, saying,
U-Israyeli wathumela izithunywa kuSihoni inkosi yama-Amori wathi:
22 Let me pass through thy land; we will not turn aside into field, or into vineyard; we will not drink the water of a well: by the king's highway will we go along, until we have passed thy border.
“Sivumele sidabule elizweni lakho. Kasiyikuphambukela loba lakuliphi icele ukuze singene loba kuwaphi amasimu akho kumbe isivini, loba ukunatha amanzi emthonjeni loba yiwuphi. Sizazihambela nje ngomgwaqo omkhulu weNkosi size sedlule elizweni lakho.”
23 But Sichon would not suffer Israel to pass through his border; and Sichon assembled all his people together; and went out against Israel into the wilderness; and he came to Yahaz, and fought against Israel.
Kodwa uSihoni kavumanga ukuthi u-Israyeli adabule elizweni lakhe. USihoni waqoqa ibutho lakhe waphuma waqonda enkangala ukuyahlasela u-Israyeli. Wathi esefikile eJahazi walwa lo-Israyeli.
24 And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, and took possession of his land from Arnon unto Yabbok, even unto the children of 'Ammon; for the border of the children of 'Ammon was strong.
Kodwa u-Israyeli wamnqoba ngenkemba, wambhubhisa njalo wamthathela ilizwe lakhe kusukela e-Arinoni kusiya eJabhoki, kusiyafika elizweni lama-Amoni kuphela, ngoba umngcele walo wawuvikelwe ngemithangala.
25 And Israel took all these cities; and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Emorites, in Cheshbon, and in all the villages thereof.
U-Israyeli wathatha wonke amadolobho ama-Amori wahlala kuwo, kwakugoqela iHeshibhoni kanye leziqinti ezaziyigombolozele.
26 For Cheshbon was the city of Sichon the king of the Emorites; and he had fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, up to the Arnon.
IHeshibhoni kwakulidolobho likaSihoni inkosi yama-Amori, owayelwe lenkosi yamaMowabi eyayikade ibusa khona wayinqoba wayithathela ilizwe layo lonke kuze kuyefika e-Arinoni.
27 Therefore said the poets, Come into Cheshbon, let the city of Sichon be built and established.
Yingakho izimbongi zisithi: “Wozani eHeshibhoni; kayivuselelwe yakhiwe njalo; akuthi idolobho likaSihoni livuselelwe.
28 For a fire is gone out of Cheshbon, a flame from the city of Sichon: it hath consumed 'Ar-Moab, the men of the high places of the Arnon.
Umlilo wavutha eHeshibhoni ilangabi lavela edolobheni likaSihoni. Laqothula i-Ari laseMowabi, abantu basemiqolweni yase-Arinoni.
29 Woe to thee, Moab! thou art lost, O people of Kemosh: he hath suffered his sons to become fugitives, and his daughters to go into captivity, unto the king of the Emorites, Sichon.
Maye kuwe, Mowabi! Selibhujisiwe lina, Oh bantu baseKhemoshi! Usedele amadodana akhe njengeziphepheli lamadodakazi njengabathunjiweyo bethunjwa nguSihoni inkosi yama-Amori.
30 We have thrown them down; lost is Cheshbon even unto Dibon, and we have laid waste [all] up to Nophach, which reacheth unto Medeba.
Kodwa thina sibehlule; iHeshibhoni siyitshabalalisile kuze kuyefika eDibhoni. Sibachithile kwaze kwaba seNofa, eqhelela eMedebha.”
31 Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the Emorites.
Ngakho u-Israyeli wahlala elizweni lama-Amori.
32 And Moses sent to spy out Ya'zer, and they captured the villages thereof, and drove out the Emorites that were there.
Ngemva kokuba uMosi esethumele inhloli eJazeri, abako-Israyeli bathumba iziqinti eziseduze njalo baxotsha ama-Amori ayehlala khona.
33 And they turned and went up by the way to Bashan; and 'Og, the king of Bashan, went out against them, he, and all his people, to the battle at Edrei.
Basebephenduka bahamba ngomgwaqo oya eBhashani. U-Ogi inkosi yaseBhashani kanye lebutho lakhe lonke baphuma ukuyahlangana labako-Israyeli ukubahlasela e-Edreyi.
34 And the Lord said unto Moses, Fear him not; for into thy hand have I delivered him, and all his people, and his land; and thou shalt do unto him as thou hast done unto Sichon, the king of the Emorites, who dwelt at Cheshbon.
UThixo wathi kuMosi, “Ungamesabi, ngoba sengimnikele kuwe lamabutho akhe wonke kanye lelizwe lakhe. Menze konke owakwenza kuSihoni inkosi yama-Amori, owayebusa eHeshibhoni.”
35 And they smote him and his sons, and all his people, until there was none left unto him that escaped; and they took possession of his land.
Ngakho bambulala ndawonye lamadodana akhe kanye lebutho lakhe lonke, kakho loyedwa owaphephayo. Basebethatha ilizwe lakhe.

< Numbers 21 >