< Numbers 20 >

1 And the children of Israel, the whole congregation, came into the desert of Zin in the first month, and the people abode in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and was buried there.
A watan fari, dukan jama’ar Isra’ilawa suka iso Hamadan Zin. Suka sauka a Kadesh. A nan ne Miriyam ta mutu, aka kuma bizne ta.
2 And there was no water for the congregation; and they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron.
Sai aka rasa ruwa da jama’a za su sha, mutane suka taru, suka tayar wa Musa da Haruna.
3 And the people quarreled with Moses, and said thus, Oh that we had but perished when our brethren perished before the Lord!
Suka yi gunaguni wa Musa suka ce, “Da ma mun mutu sa’ad da’yan’uwanmu suka mutu a gaban Ubangiji!
4 And why have ye brought the congregation of the Lord into this wilderness, to die there, we and our cattle!
Don me ka kawo jama’ar Ubangiji a wannan hamada, don mu da dabbobinmu mu mutu a nan ke nan?
5 And wherefore have ye caused us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place? it is no place for sowing, or of figs, or of vines, or of pomegranates; and water even there is none to drink.
Don me ka fitar da mu daga Masar zuwa wannan banzan wuri, inda babu hatsi ko ɓaure, inabi ko rumman. Kuma babu ruwan da za a sha?”
6 And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them.
Sai Musa da Haruna suka tashi daga taron, suka tafi ƙofar Tentin Sujada, suka fāɗi rubda ciki, sai ɗaukakar Ubangiji ta bayyana musu.
7 And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
8 Take the staff, and gather the assembly together, thou, with Aaron thy brother, and ye shall speak unto the rock before their eyes, that it shall give forth its water; and thou shalt bring forth for them water out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their cattle.
“Ka ɗauki sandanka, kai da Haruna, ɗan’uwanka, ku tara jama’a, ku yi magana da dutsen a gabansu ya ba da ruwan da yake cikinsa. Za ka sa ruwa ya ɓuɓɓugo musu daga dutsen. Ta haka za ka ba taron jama’a da garkunansu ruwan sha.”
9 And Moses took the staff from before the Lord, as he had commanded him.
Sai Musa ya je ya ɗauki sandan kamar yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
10 And Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels! shall we out of this rock bring forth water for you?
Shi da Haruna, suka tara jama’a a gaban dutsen, Musa ya ce musu, “Ku saurara, ku’yan tawaye, dole mu kawo muku ruwa daga wannan dutse?”
11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and he smote the rock with his staff twice: and there came out much water, and the congregation drank, together with their cattle.
Sai Musa ya ɗaga hannu, ya bugi dutsen sau biyu da sandansa. Ruwa kuwa ya yi ta kwararowa, jama’a da dabbobinsu suka sha.
12 And the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye have not confided in me, to sanctify me before the eyes of the children of Israel: therefore shall ye not bring this congregation into the land which I have given to them.
Amma Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa da Haruna. “Tun da yake ba ku gaskata ni ba, ba ku kuwa ɗaukaka ni a idon Isra’ilawa ba, to, ba za ku kai taron jama’an nan a ƙasar da na ba su ba.”
13 These are the waters of Meribah; where the children of Israel quarreled with the Lord, and through which he was sanctified.
Waɗannan su ne ruwan Meriba, inda Isra’ilawa suka yi wa Ubangiji gunaguni, inda kuma ya nuna kansa mai tsarki a cikinsu.
14 And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh unto the king of Edom, Thus hath said thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the hardship that hath befallen us.
Musa ya aiki manzanni daga Kadesh zuwa wurin sarkin Edom cewa, “Ga abin da ɗan’uwanka Isra’ila ya ce ka san duk irin wahalolin da ya same mu.
15 How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we dwelt in Egypt many days; and the Egyptians did evil to us, and to our fathers:
Kakanninmu sun gangaro zuwa Masar, muka zauna can shekaru da yawa. Masarawa suka wulaƙanta mu, da kuma kakanninmu,
16 And we cried unto the Lord, and he heard our voice, and he sent a messenger, and caused us to go forth out of Egypt; and, behold, we are in Kadesh, a city at the outmost end of thy border.
amma da muka yi kuka a gaban Ubangiji, ya kuwa ji mu, sai ya aiko mala’ika, ya fitar da mu daga Masar. “Yanzu ga mu a Kadesh, garin da yake kan iyakar yankinka.
17 Let us pass, we pray thee, through thy country; we will not pass through field, or through vineyard, and we will not drink the water of the wells: by the king's highway will we go, we will not turn to the right hand nor to the left, until we have passed thy border.
Muna roƙonka, ka yarda mana mu bi ta ƙasarka. Ba za mu bi ta wani fili, ko gonar inabi ba, ko mu sha ruwa daga wata rijiya ba. Za mu bi ta babban hanyar sarki, ba kuwa za mu kauce dama, ko hagu ba, har mu wuce yankinka.”
18 And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass through my land, lest I come against thee with the sword.
Amma Edom ya amsa ya ce, “Ba za ku bi ta nan ba; in kuka kuskura, za mu fito, mu yaƙe ku da takobi.”
19 And the children of Israel said unto him, We will go by the highway: and if we drink of thy water, I and my cattle, then will I pay its value; I will do thee no injury, only on foot will I pass through.
Sai Isra’ilawa suka amsa, suka ce, “Za mu bi ta babbar hanya, in mu, ko dabbobinmu suka sha ruwanku, za mu biya. Mu dai muna so mu wuce ne kawai.”
20 And he said, Thou shalt not pass through; and Edom came out against him with much people, and with a strong hand.
Sai mutanen Edom suka sāke amsa suka ce, “Ba za ku bi nan ba dai.” Sai Edom ya fito da runduna mai ƙarfi da yawa gaske a kan Isra’ila.
21 And as Edom thus refused to permit Israel to pass through his border, Israel turned away from him.
Da yake Edom suka ƙi su bar su su ratsa yankinsu, sai Isra’ila suka juya suka janye daga gare su.
22 And they set forward from Kadesh; and the children of Israel, the whole congregation, came unto mount Hor.
Dukan Jama’ar Isra’ilawa suka tashi daga Kadesh, suka zo Dutsen Hor.
23 And the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron at mount Hor, by the boundary of the land of Edom, as followeth,
A Dutsen Hor, kusa da iyakar Edom, Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa da Haruna,
24 Aaron shall be gathered unto his people; for he shall not enter into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel, because ye rebelled against my order at the waters of Meribah.
“Haruna zai rasu. Ba zai shiga ƙasar da na ba Isra’ilawa ba, domin ku biyu, kun ƙi ku bi umarnina a ruwan Meriba.
25 Take Aaron and Elazar, his son, and cause them to go up unto mount Hor:
Ka kawo Haruna da ɗansa Eleyazar, ka kai su a bisan Dutsen Hor.
26 And cause Aaron to take off his garments, and clothe therewith Elazar his son; and Aaron shall be gathered in, and he shall die there.
Ka tuɓe taguwar Haruna ka sa wa ɗansa Eleyazar, gama Haruna zai rasu a can.”
27 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded; and they went up to mount Hor before the eyes of all the congregation.
Musa ya yi yadda Ubangiji ya umarta. Suka hau Dutsen Hor a idon dukan jama’a.
28 And Moses caused Aaron to take off his garments, and he clothed therewith Elazar his son; and Aaron died there on the top of the mount; and Moses and Elazar then came down from the mount.
Musa ya tuɓe taguwar Haruna, ya kuma sa wa Eleyazar ɗan Haruna. Nan kuwa Haruna ya mutu a bisa dutsen. Sa’an nan Musa da Eleyazar suka sauka daga dutsen,
29 And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was departed, they wept for Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel.
sa’ad da dukan jama’a kuwa suka ji cewa Haruna ya mutu, sai dukan gidan Isra’ila suka yi makoki dominsa har kwana talatin.

< Numbers 20 >