< Leviticus 7 >

1 And this is the law of the trespass-offering: It is most holy.
Hii ndiyo sheria ya sadaka ya hatia. Kwa sababu hiyo ni sadaka takatifu sana.
2 On the place where they kill the burnt-offering shall they kill the trespass-offering; and the blood thereof shall be sprinkled upon the altar round about.
Ni lazima waichinje sadaka ya hatia mahali panapostali kuchinjwa, na ni lazima watainyunyiza damu yake pande zote za madhabahu.
3 And all its fat shall be offered up from it; the rump, and the fat that covereth the inwards,
Mafuta yote yaliyomo ndani yake yataondolewa: mafuta ya mkiani, mafuta yaliyo sehamu za ndani,
4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is on the flanks, and the midriff above the liver, with the kidneys shall he remove the same:
zile figo mbili pamoja na mafuta yaliyo juu yake, yaliyo karibu na kiuno, na yanayofunika ini—nyama hii yote lazima iondolewe pamoja na hizo figo.
5 And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made by fire unto the Lord; it is a trespass-offering.
Kuhani ataviteketeza vipande hivi juu ya madhabahu viwe dhabihu iliyofanywa kwa Yahweh kwa moto. Hii ni sadaka ya hatia
6 Every male among the priests may eat thereof; in a holy place shall it be eaten: it is most holy.
Kila mwanaume miongoni mwa familia ya kuhani anaweza kula sehemu ya sadaka hii. Lakini ni lazima iliwe ndani ya mahali patakatifu kwa sababu ni takatifu sana.
7 As the sin-offering is, so is the trespass-offering; there is one law for them: the priest that maketh atonement therewith, his shalt it be.
Nayo sadaka ya dhambi ni kama ilivyo sadaka ya hatia. Ni sheria ileile hutumika kwa zote mbili. Zote ni mali ya kuhani azitumiaye kufanya upatanisho.
8 And the priest that offereth any man's burnt-offering, —the skin of the burnt-offering which he hath offered shall belong to this priest alone.
Kuhani atoaye sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya mtu yeyote anaweza kuchuku ngozi ya sadaka hiyo kwa ajili yake mwenyewe.
9 And every meat-offering that is baked in the oven, and all that is dressed in the deep pan, and in the flat pan, shall belong to the priest that offereth it alone.
Kila sadaka ya nafaka inayookwa mekoni, na kila sadaka kama hiyo ipikwayo kaangoni au kwenye sufuria itakuwa ya kuhani aitoaye.
10 And every meat-offering which is mingled with oil, or dry, shall belong to all the sons of Aaron, to one as much as the other.
Kila sadaka ya nafaka, ama iwe unga mkavu au uliochanganywa na mafuta ya zeitu itakuwa ya ukoo wa Aroni kwa usawa.
11 And this is the law of the sacrifice of peace-offering, which one may happen to offer unto the Lord.
Hii ndiyo sheria ya dhabihu ya sadaka za amani, ambazo watu watazitoa kwa Yahweh.
12 If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then shall he offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and fine flour, well sodden, made into cakes mingled with oil.
Iwapo mtu yeyote anaitoa ili kuonyesha shukrani kwa Yahweh, basi ataitoa pamoja na dhabih uya mikate iliyotengenezwa bila hamira, bali kwa mafuta ya zeituni yaliyochanganywa na unga lakini bila hamira, na maandazi yaliyotengenezwa bila hamira, bali yaliyopakwa mafuta juu yake, na mikate miembamba iliyofanywa kwa unga laini uliochanganywa na mafuta.
13 Together with cakes of leavened bread shall he bring his offering, with the sacrifice of his thanksgiving peace-offering.
Kwa kusudi la kutoa shukrani, pia anapaswa kutoa pamoja na sadaka yake ya amani, vipande vya mikate iliyotiwa hamira.
14 And he shall offer thereof one out of every oblation for a heave-offering unto the Lord; to the priest that sprinkleth the blood of the peace-offering—to him shall it belong.
Ni lazima atatoa moja kila aina ya sadaka hizi kama sadaka iliyoletwa kwa Yahweh. Nayo itakuwa ya makuhani wanaonyunyizia damu ya sadaka ya amani kwenye madhabahu.
15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of his thanksgiving-peace-offering shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until the morning.
Mtu anayeleta sadaka ya amani kwa kusudi la kutoa shukrani ni lazima ataila nyama ya sadaka yake siku ya kutoa dhabihu. Hatakiwi kusaza chochote kilicho cha sadaka hiyo hata asubuhi ya pili.
16 But if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow, or a voluntary offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he offereth his sacrifice: and on the morrow also shall what is left thereof be eaten.
Lakini iwapo dhabihu ya matoleo yake kusudi lake ni nadhiri, au kwa kusudi la sadaka ya hiari, nyama yake italiwa siku iyo hiyo aitoapo dhabihu yake, lakini chochote kinachosalia cha sadaka hiyo kinaweza kuliwa siku inayofuata.
17 But what is left of the flesh of the sacrifice, on the third day shall it be burnt with fire.
Hata hivyo, nyama yoyote ya dhabihu inayobaki siku ya tatu ni lazima ichomwe moto.
18 And if the intention was to eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offering on the third day, it shall not be favorably received; to him who offereth it shall it not be accounted; it shall be an abomination, and the person that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity.
Iwapo kipande chochote cha nyama hiyo ya dhabihu kinachobaki kinaliwa katika siku ya tatu, hakitakubalika, wala hakitatolewa kwa aliyeitoa. Kitakuwa ni kitu cha kuchukiza, na mtu akilaye atabeba hatia ya dhambi mwenyewe yake.
19 And the flesh, that toucheth any unclean thing, shall not be eaten, with fire shall it be burnt: and as for the flesh, every one that is clean may eat thereof.
Nyama yoyote inayogusa kitu kilicho najisi haitaliwa. Ni lazima ichomwe moto. Na kwa ajili ya nyama inayobaki, yeyote aliye safi anaweza kuila.
20 But the person that eateth the flesh of the sacrifice of peace-offering, that pertaineth unto the Lord, having his uncleanness upon him, even that person shall be cut off from his people.
Hata hivyo, mtu najisi anayekula nyama kutoka kwenye dhabihu ya matoleo ya amani ambayo ni ya Yahweh yapasa mtu huyu akatiliwe mbali kutoka kwa watu wake.
21 And any person that toucheth any unclean thing, as the uncleanness of man, or any unclean beast, or any abominable unclean thing, and eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace-offering, which pertaineth unto the Lord, even that person shall be cut off from his people.
Iwapo mtu yeyote anagusa kitu chochote kilichonajisi—iwe ni unajisi wa binadamu, au wa mnyama aliyenajisi, au wa kitu fulani kilichonajisi na chenye kuchukiza, na kisha akala baadhi ya nyama ya dhabihu ya sadaka ya amani iliyotolewa kwa Yahweh, lazima mtu huyo akatiliwe mbali kutoka kwa watu wake.
22 And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
Kisha Yahweh akazungumza na Musa, akisema,
23 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Every manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat shall ye not eat.
“Zungumza na watu wa Israeli na uwaambie, 'hamruhusiwi kula mafuta ya fahali au kondoo au mbuzi.
24 And the fat of a beast that dieth of itself, and the fat of that which is torn by beasts, may be used for any manner of work, but ye shall in no wise eat of it.
Mafuta ya mnyama yoyote afaye peke yake bila ya kuwa dhabihu, au mafuta ya mnyama yeyote aliyeraruliwa na wanyama pori, yanaweza kutumika kwa makusudi mengine, lakini hakika hamtayala.
25 For whosoever eateth the fat of the cattle, of which one can offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord, even the person that eateth it shall be cut off from his people.
Yeyote atakayekula mafuta ya mnyama ambayo watu wanaweza kuyatoa kuwa dhabihu ya iliyofanywa kwa Yahweh kwa moto, mtu huyo lazima atakatiliwa mbali kutoka kwa watu wake.
26 Moreover ye shall eat no manner of blood, in any of your dwellings, whether it be of fowl or of cattle.
Hamtakula damu yoyote katika mojawapo ya nyumba zenu, ama iwe kutoka kwa ndege au mnyama.
27 Whatsoever person it be that eateth any manner of blood, even that person shall be cut off from his people.
Yeyote alaye damu yoyote, mtu huyo lazima akatiliwe mbali kutoka kwa watu wake.'”
28 And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
Kwa hiyo Yahweh akazungumza na Musa na akasema,
29 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, He that offereth the sacrifice of his peace-offering unto the Lord shall bring his oblation unto the Lord from the sacrifice of his peace-offering.
“Zungumza na watu wa Israeli na uwaambie, 'Yeye atoaye dhabidhu ya sadaka ya amani kwa Yahweh lazima alete sehemu ya dhabihu yake kwa Yahweh.
30 His own hands shall bring it, as the fire-offerings of the Lord: the fat with the breast shall he bring, the breast that it may be waved for a wave-offering before the Lord.
Mikono yake mwenyewe lazima iilete hiyo sadaka ifanywayo kwa Yahweh kwa moto. Naye atayaleta hayo mafuta pamoja na kidari, ili kwamba kidari kiweze kutikiswa kuwa sadaka ya kutikiswa mbele za Yahweh.
31 And the priest shall burn the fat upon the altar; but the breast shall belong to Aaron and to his sons.
Kuhani atayachoma mafuta hayo juu ya madhabahu, lakini kile kidari kitakuwa mali ya Aroni na uzao wake.
32 And the right shoulder shall ye give unto the priest for a heave-offering, of the sacrifices of your peace-offerings.
Ni lazima utatoa paja la kulia kwa kuhani kama sadaka iliyotokana na dhabihu ya sadaka yako ya amani.
33 The one that offereth the blood of the peace-offerings and the fat, among the sons of Aaron, shall have the right shoulder for his part.
Yule kuhani, mmoja wa wazao wa Aroni, atoaye damu na mafuta ya sadaka ya amani—ni lazima atapata paja la kulia kama mgao wake wa sadaka.
34 For the breast which hath been waved and the shoulder which hath been lifted up have I taken from the children of Israel from the sacrifices of their peace-offerings; and I have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons as a fixed portion for ever from the children of Israel.
Kwa kuwa nimetwaa kidari, na paja la sadaka ya kutikiswa kutoka kwa watu wa Israeli uwe mchango wao, na amepewa Aroni kuhani na wanawe kuwa mgao wao wa kawaida.
35 This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, from the fire-offerings of the Lord, on the day when he brought them near to become priests unto the Lord;
Huu ndiyo mgao wa Aroni na uzao wake utokanao na matoleo yaliyofanywa kwa Yahweh kwa moto, siku ile Musa alipowaweka wakfu ili kumtumikia Yahweh katika kazi ya kuhani.
36 Which the Lord commanded to give unto them, on the day that he anointed them, from the children of Israel, as a fixed portion for ever throughout their generations.
Huu ndio mgao ambao Yahweh aliamru waweze kupewa kutoka kwa watu wa Israeli, katika siku hiyo aliyowatia mafuta ya upako wawe makuhani. Nao utakuwa mgao wao wa kila siku katika vizazi vyote.
37 This is the law of the burnt-offering, of the meat-offering, and of the sin-offering, and of the trespass-offering, and of the consecration-offering, and of the sacrifice of the peace-offering;
Hii ndiyo sheria ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa, ya sadaka ya nafaka, ya sadaka ya dhambi, ya sadaka ya hatia, ya sadaka ya kuweka wakfu, na ya dhabihu, ya sadaka za amani,
38 Which the Lord commanded Moses on mount Sinai, on the day that be commanded the children of Israel to offer their oblations unto the Lord, in the wilderness of Sinai.
ni sheria ambazo Yahweh alizitoa kwa Musa kwenye Mlima Sinai siku aliyowaamru watu wa Israeli kutoa dhabihu zao kwa Yahweh katika jangwa la Sinai.'”

< Leviticus 7 >