< Lamentations 4 >
1 Oh how is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! how are the stones of the sanctuary poured out at the corners of every street.
Taukiri e! tona haumarurutanga o te koura! tona putanga ketanga o te koura parakore, tino pai! Kua ringihia nga kohatu o te wahi tapu ki te ahunga mai o nga ara katoa.
2 The precious sons of Zion, valued equal to pure gold, how are they now esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!
Ko nga tamariki a Hiona, ko nga mea papai, i rite nei ki te koura parakore, taukiri e! kua kiia ratou he haka oneone, he mea hanga na nga ringa o te kaipokepoke.
3 Even wild beasts offer the breast, they give suck to their young ones: the daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness.
Ko nga kirehe mohoao nei hoki, e tukua iho ana te u e ratou, e whakangotea ana e ratou a ratou kuao: kua taikaha te tamahine a toku iwi, kua rite ki nga otereti o te koraha.
4 The tongue of the suckling cleaveth to its palate by reason of thirst: babes ask for bread, there is not one to break it for them.
Piri ana te arero o te tamaiti ngote u ki te ngao o tona mangai i te hiainu: e tono ana nga kohungahunga i te taro ma ratou, heoi kahore he tangata hei whatiwhati atu ma ratou.
5 Those that used to eat dainty food are desolate in the streets: they that were reared up on scarlet now embrace dunghills.
Ko te hunga i kai i nga mea papai, kei te noho mokemoke i nga ara: ko te hunga i whakatupuria i roto i nga kakahu ngangana, kei te awhi i nga puranga paru.
6 For greater is the iniquity of the daughter of my people than the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as it were in a moment, and no human hands were laid on her.
No te mea ko te he o te tamahine a toku iwi nui atu i te hara o Horoma, i hurihia ohoreretia ra i mua, kahore hoki he ringa i u ki a ia.
7 Her crowned princes were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more brilliant in body than pearls, more than the sapphire, their countenance:
Ko ona rangatira pai atu i te hukarere te pokekore, ma atu hoki ratou i te waiu, puwhero ake o ratou tinana i nga rupi, orohina ake ratou ki te oro o te hapaira.
8 Darker than black is now their visage; they are not to be recognized in the streets: their skin is shriveled fast upon their bones; it is dry, it is become like wood.
Mangu iho to ratou mata i tetahi ngarahu; kahore ratou e mohiotia i nga ara: piri tonu o ratou kiri ki o ratou wheua; kua memenge, kua rite ki te rakau.
9 Happier are those slain by the sword than those slain by hunger; for those poured forth their blood, being pierced through, —[these perished] without the fruits of the field.
Ko te hunga i patua e te hoari, pai ake to ratou i to te hunga i patua e te hemokai; no te mea ka honia noatia enei, ka werohia, he kore hoki no nga hua o te mara.
10 The hands of merciful women cooked their own children: they became food unto them in the downfall of the daughter of my people.
Ko nga wahine, ko te hunga aroha, kei te kohua i a ratou tamariki ki o ratou ringa: he kai era ma ratou i te wawahanga o te tamahine a toku iwi.
11 The Lord hath let loose all his fury: he hath poured out the fierceness of his anger: and he hath kindled a fire in Zion, which hath devoured her foundations.
Kua whakapaua e Ihowa tona riri nui, kua ringihia mai e ia tona riri nui; kua tahuna hoki e ia he ahi ki Hiona, na reira i pau ai ona turanga.
12 The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not believe that an adversary or an enemy could ever enter within the gates of Jerusalem.
Kihai i whakapono mai nga kingi o te whenua, kihai ano hoki nga tangata o te ao, tera te hoariri raua ko te hoa whawhai e tomo mai ki nga kuwaha o Hiruharama.
13 [But it hath happened] because of the sins of her prophets, the iniquities of her priests, that had shed in the midst of her the blood of the righteous.
I pera ai he hara no ona poropiti, he he no ona tohunga kua whakaheke nei i nga toto o te hunga tika ki waenganui ona;
14 They wandered about blindly in the streets, they became defiled with blood; so that men were not able to touch their garments.
E kopikopiko ana ratou ano he matapo i nga ara; kua poke ratou i te toto, te pa ai te tangata ki o ratou kakahu.
15 Depart, ye unclean, they called out unto them: depart, depart, touch not. So they flee away and also wander about: men say among the nations, They shall no more sojourn there.
I karanga ratou ki a ratou; Haere atu, e poke ana; haere atu, haere atu, kei pa; i to ratou whatinga, i a ratou e atiutiu noa atu ana, i ki nga tangata i roto i nga tauiwi, Kahore he nohoanga iho mo ratou ki konei.
16 The anger of the Lord hath divided them; he will no more look at them: the faces of the priests they respected not, and the elders they spared not.
Kua wehewehea ratou e te riri o Ihowa: e kore ia e titiro ki a ratou i muri nei: kihai ratou i whakaaro ki nga kanohi o nga tohunga, kihai i manako ki nga kaumatua.
17 Even now our eyes anxiously wait for our valueless help: in our waiting have we waited for a nation that cannot help.
E matawaia tonu ana o tatou kanohi i tatou e titiro ana ki te awhina tekateka noa mo tatou: i a tatou e tiaki atu ana, i whanga noa tatou ki te iwi e kore e whakaora.
18 They hunt our steps, that we cannot walk in our streets: our end is near, our days are full: for our end is come.
E whaia ana e ratou o tatou hikoinga, te haere ai tatou i o tatou waharoa: kua tata to tatou whakamutunga, kua rite o tatou ra; no te mea kua tae mai to tatou whakamutunga.
19 Swifter were our pursuers than the eagles of heaven: upon the mountains did they hotly follow us: in the wilderness did they lie in wait for us.
Nui atu te tere o o tatou kaiwhai i to nga ekara o te rangi: i arumia tatou e ratou i runga i nga maunga; i whanga mai ano ratou ki a tatou i te koraha.
20 The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the Lord, was caught in their pits, he, of whom we said, Under his shadow shall we live among the nations.
Ko te manawa o o tatou pongaponga, ko ta Ihowa i whakawahi ai, i mau ki roto ki a ratou rua; i ki ra tatou mona, Ma tona taumarumarunga iho ka ora ai tatou i roto i nga tauiwi.
21 Be glad and rejoice, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of 'Uz: also unto thee shall the cup pass; thou wilt be drunken, and make thyself naked.
Kia hari, kia koa, e te tamahine a Eroma e noho na i te whenua o Uhu; ka tae atu ano te kapu ki a koe; ka haurangi koe, ka whakarere ano koe i ou kakahu.
22 Brought to an end is thy iniquity, O daughter of Zion; He will no more carry thee away into exile: He visiteth thy iniquity, O daughter of Edom; He layeth open thy sins.
Kua rite te whiu mo tou he, e te tamahine a Hiona; heoi ano tana whakaraunga i a koe: ka whiua e ia tou he, e te tamahine a Eroma, ka hurahia ano e ia ou hara.