< Judges 13 >
1 And the children of Israel did again the evil in the eyes of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.
Reer binu Israa'iilna waxay haddana sameeyeen wax Rabbiga hortiisa ku xun, markaasaa Rabbigu gacanta u geliyey reer Falastiin intii afartan sannadood ah.
2 And there was a certain man of Zor'ah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoach; and his wife was barren, and did not bear.
Oo waxaa jiray nin reer Sorcaah ah, oo jilibkiisuna ahaa reer Daan, magiciisana waxaa la odhan jiray Maanoo'ax, oo naagtiisuna madhalays bay ahayd, oo ma ay dhali jirin.
3 And there appeared an angel of the Lord unto the woman, and he said unto her, Behold, thou art barren, and hast not born; but thou wilt conceive, and bear a son.
Markaasay malaa'igtii Rabbigu naagtii u muuqatay, oo ku tidhi, Bal eeg, haatan waxaad tahay madhalays, oo waxba ma aad dhashid; laakiinse waad uuraysan doontaa, oo waxaad dhali doontaa wiil.
4 And now do beware, and drink neither wine nor strong drink, and eat not any thing unclean.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed iska jir, oo waan ku baryayaaye ha cabbin khamri ama wax kale oo lagu sakhraamo, oo wax aan nadiif ahaynna ha cunin;
5 For, lo, thou wilt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head; for a Nazarite of God shall the lad be from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.
waayo, bal eeg, waad uuraysan doontaa, oo waxaad dhali doontaa wiil, oo madaxiisana waa inaan mandiil la marin; waayo ilmuhu markuu dhasho iyo inta ka dambaysaba wuxuu noqon doonaa Nadiir Ilaah loo soocay; oo isagu wuxuu bilaabi doonaa inuu reer binu Israa'iil ka badbaadiyo gacanta reer Falastiin.
6 And the woman came and told her husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, and his appearance was like the appearance of an angel of God, very terrible; but I asked him not whence he might be, and his name he did not tell me.
Markaasaa naagtii timid oo ninkeedii u sheegtay, oo ku tidhi, Nin Ilaah baa ii yimid, jaahiisuna wuxuu u ekaa jaahii malaa'igta Ilaah oo aad looga cabsado. Anna ma aan weyddiin meeshuu ka yimid, isna iima uu sheegin magiciisa;
7 And he said unto me, Behold, thou wilt conceive, and bear a son; and now thou must drink neither wine nor strong drink, and not eat anything unclean; for the child shall be a Nazarite of God from the womb until the day of his death.
laakiinse wuxuu igu yidhi, Bal eeg, waad uuraysan doontaa, oo waxaad dhali doontaa wiil; oo haddaba ha cabbin khamri ama wax kale oo lagu sakhraamo; wax aan nadiif ahaynna ha cunin; waayo, ilmuhu markuu dhasho iyo ilaa maalinta dhimashadiisa wuxuu noqon doonaa Nadiir Ilaah loo soocay.
8 And Manoach entreated the Lord, and said, Hear me, O Lord, let the man of God, whom thou didst send, come again unto us, and instruct us what we shall do unto the child that is to be born.
Markaasuu Maanoo'ax Rabbiga baryay oo yidhi, Sayidow, waan ku baryayaaye, ninkii Ilaah oo aad soo dirtay, mar kale ha noo yimaado, oo ha na baro waxa aannu ku samayn lahayn wiilka dhalan doona.
9 And God hearkened to the voice of Manoach; and the angel of God came again unto the woman, as she was sitting in the field; and Manoach her husband was not with her.
Ilaahna codkii Maanoo'ax wuu maqlay, oo malaa'igtii Ilaahna naagtii bay mar kale u timid iyadoo berrinka fadhida; laakiinse Maanoo'ax oo ahaa ninkeedii lama uu joogin iyada.
10 And the woman made haste, and ran, and informed her husband; and she said unto him, Behold, there hath appeared unto me the man, that came unto me the other day.
Markaasay naagtii dhaqsatay oo orodday, oo ninkeeday u sheegtay, oo waxay ku tidhi, Bal eeg, waxaa ii muuqday ninkii maalintii ii yimid.
11 And Manoach arose, and went after his wife; and he came to the man, and said unto him, Art thou the man that spokest unto the woman? and he said, I am.
Markaasuu Maanoo'ax kacay, oo naagtiisii raacay, oo wuxuu u yimid ninkii, kolkaasuu ku yidhi, Ma waxaad tahay ninkii la hadlay naagta? Oo isna wuxuu yidhi, Waan ahay.
12 And Manoach said, If now thy words come to pass, what shall be [our] proceeding with the child, and what shall be done unto him?
Markaasuu Maanoo'ax yidhi, Haddaba markii sidaad tidhi ay rumowdo, wiilku caynkee buu noqon doonaa, shuqulkiisuna muxuu ahaan doonaa?
13 And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoach, Of all that I have said unto the woman must she beware.
Markaasay malaa'igtii Rabbigu Maanoo'ax ku tidhi, Kulli wixii aan u sheegay oo dhan naagtu ha iska jirto.
14 Of any thing that cometh of the grape-vine she may not eat, and wine or strong drink she may not drink, and any thing unclean she may not eat: all that I commanded her must she observe.
Iyadu waa inaanay cunin wax ka soo baxa geedcanab, oo yaanay cabbin khamri ama wax kale oo lagu sakhraamo, oo wax aan nadiif ahaynna yaanay cunin; oo kulli wixii aan ku amray oo dhan ha dhawrto.
15 And Manoach said unto the angel of the Lord, Let us, I pray thee, detain thee, and we will make a kid ready for thee.
Maanoo'axna wuxuu malaa'igtii Rabbiga ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, aan ku raajinno intii aannu orgi yar kuu diyaarinayno.
16 And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoach, Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread; but if thou wilt offer a burnt-offering, thou must offer it unto the Lord; for Manoach knew not that he was an angel of the Lord.
Oo malaa'igtii Rabbiguna waxay Maanoo'ax ku tidhi, In kastoo aad i raajiso, anigu cuni maayo cuntadaada; oo haddaad diyaarisid allabari la gubo, waa inaad Rabbiga u bixisid. Waayo, Maanoo'ax ma uu ogayn inay malaa'igtii Rabbiga tahay.
17 And Manoach said unto the angel of the Lord, What is thy name, that, when thy word cometh to pass, we may do thee honor?
Markaasuu Maanoo'ax malaa'igtii Rabbiga ku yidhi, Magacaa, si markay erayadaadu ahaadaan, aannu kuu murwayno?
18 And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Why is it that thou wilt ask after my name, seeing it is secret?
Malaa'igtii Rabbiguna waxay ku tidhi, Maxaad magacayga u haybsanaysaa, waaba yaabe?
19 And Manoach took the kid and the meat-offering, and offered it upon the rock unto the Lord: and he did wondrously; and Manoach and his wife looked on.
Sidaas daraaddeed Maanoo'ax wuxuu qaaday orgigii yaraa iyo qurbaankii hadhuudhka ahaa, oo dhagax dushiis buu Rabbiga ugu bixiyey; oo malaa'igtiina yaab bay samaysay, Maanoo'ax iyo afadiisiina way fiiriyeen.
20 And it came to pass, when the flame went up from off the altar toward heaven, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar; and Manoach and his wife looked on, and they fell on their faces to the ground.
Waayo, markii ololkii meesha allabariga ka kacay xagga samada, ayay malaa'igtii Rabbigu kor u raacday ololkii meesha allabariga; Maanoo'ax iyo afadiisiina way fiiriyeen; oo intay dhaceen ayay wejigoodii dhulka saareen.
21 And the angel of the Lord was no longer visible to Manoach and to his wife: then knew Manoach that he was an angel of the Lord.
Laakiinse malaa'igtii Rabbigu mar dambe uma ay muuqan Maanoo'ax iyo afadiisii. Markaasaa Maanoo'ax ogaaday inay ahayd malaa'igtii Rabbiga.
22 And Manoach said unto his wife, We shall surely die, because a divine being have we seen.
Oo Maanoo'axna wuxuu afadiisii ku yidhi, Hubaal waynu dhimanaynaa, maxaa yeelay, waxaynu aragnay Ilaah.
23 But his wife said unto him, If the Lord were pleased to kill us, he would not have received from our hand a burnt-offering and a meat-offering, nor would he have let us see all these things, and at this time he would not have let us hear [such a thing] as this.
Laakiinse afadiisii waxay ku tidhi, Hadduu Rabbigu doonayo inuu ina dilo, inagama uu aqbaleen qurbaan la gubo iyo qurbaan hadhuudh ah, oo waxyaalahan oo dhanna inama uu tuseen, oo haatanna inooma uu sheegeen waxyaalo caynkan ah.
24 And the woman bore a son, and called his name Samson; and the child grew up, and the Lord blessed him.
Oo naagtiina wiil bay dhashay, oo magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Samsoon; wiilkiina wuu koray, Ilaahna wuu barakeeyey isagii.
25 And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him in Machaneh-dan between Zor'ah and Eshtaol.
Oo Ruuxii Rabbiguna wuxuu bilaabay inuu ku dhaqaajiyo Maxaneh Daan, oo u dhexaysa Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool.