< Job 8 >

1 Then answered Bildad the Shuchite, and said,
Markaasaa Bildad oo ahaa reer Shuuxii u jawaabay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
2 How long wilt thou speak these things? and [let] like a mighty wind be the words of thy mouth?
Ilaa goormaad waxyaalahan ku hadlaysaa? Oo ilaa goormaa erayada afkaagu ahaanayaan sida dabayl xoog badan?
3 Should God pervert justice? or should the Almighty pervert righteousness?
War ma Ilaah baa garsooridda qalloociya? Mase Ilaaha Qaadirka ah baa caddaaladda qalloociya?
4 If thy children have sinned against him, then did he send them off through the means of their transgression.
Haddii carruurtaadii ay isaga ku dembaabeen, Wuxuu iyagii u gacangeliyey xadgudubkoodii.
5 If thou wilt earnestly seek for God, and make thy supplication to the Almighty;
Haddaad aad u barido Ilaah, Oo aad baryootankaaga hor dhigto Qaadirka,
6 If thou become pure and upright: surely then will he watch over thee, and restore thy righteous habitation.
Haddaad daahir ahaan lahayd oo aad qummanaan lahayd, Sida xaqiiqada ah haatan wuu kuu toosi lahaa, Oo hoyga xaqnimadaadana wuu barwaaqayn lahaa.
7 And thy beginning will have been small; because thy latter end will grow up greatly.
Oo in kastoo bilowgaagii yaraa, Haddana ugudambaystaadu aad bay u weynaan lahayd.
8 For ask, I pray thee, of an earlier generation, and prepare thyself to [stand by] the research of their fathers; —
Waan ku baryayaaye bal qarniyadii hore wax weyddii, Oo bal soo garwaaqso waxyaalihii ay awowayaashood fatasheen,
9 For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because a [mere] shadow are our days upon earth; —
(Waayo, innagu waxaynu nahay qoonkii shalayto oo qudha, oo waxba garan mayno, Maxaa yeelay, cimrigeenna aan dhulka joognaa waa sida hoos oo kale.)
10 Behold, these will truly teach thee, they will speak unto thee, and out of their very heart will they bring forth words:
War sow iyagu wax kuma bari doonaan, oo wax kuuma sheegi doonaan, Oo sow qalbigooda kaalama hadli doonaan?
11 Can the bulrush shoot upward without mire? can the meadow-grass grow up without water?
War miyaa cawdu ka bixi kartaa meel aan dhoobo lahayn? Cawsduurkuse miyuu bixi karaa biyola'aantood?
12 It is yet in its greenness, not yet cut down, when it withereth before any other grass.
Intuu weli cagaarka yahay oo aan la gooyn, Wuu ka hor engegaa dhalatada kale oo dhan.
13 So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hope of the hypocrite will perish:
Kuwa Ilaah illooba oo dhan wadiiqooyinkoodu waa sidaas oo kale, Oo ninkii cibaadalaawe ah rajadiisuna way baabba'daa.
14 [It is he] whose trust will be cut off, and but a spider's web is that in which he confideth.
Oo kaas kalsoonaantiisu way kala jajabtaa, Oo aaminaaddiisuna waa sida xuubcaaro oo kale.
15 He leaneth against his house, but it shall not stand: he layeth fast hold on it, but it shall not remain erect.
Wuxuu ku tiirsan doonaa gurigiisa, laakiinse gurigiisu ma taagnaan doono. Aad buu u xajin doonaa, laakiinse siima uu adkaan doono innaba.
16 He is in full vigor before the sun, and over his garden his shoots go forth.
Isagu waa ku cagaar qorraxda, Oo laamihiisa curdanka ahuna waxay ka soo kor baxaan beertiisa.
17 His roots are twisted about a stoneheap, he selecteth [for himself] a place of stones.
Oo xididdadiisuna waxay isku duuduubaan taallo dhagaxyo ah, Oo wuxuu fiiriyaa meesha dhagaxyada.
18 But when men destroy him from his place, then will it deny him, saying, I have never seen thee.
Isaga haddii meeshiisa laga baabbi'iyo, Markaasay inkiri doontaa isaga, oo waxay odhan doontaa, Anigu kumaba arag.
19 Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the [same] dust others will grow up.
Farxadda jidkiisu waa sidaas, Oo waxaa dhulka ka soo bixi doona kuwa kaleto.
20 Behold, God will not reject a perfect man, and will not hold fast by their hand the evil-doers:
Ilaah marnaba xoori maayo nin qumman, Kuwa sharka falase tiirin maayo.
21 Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with joyful shouting.
Wuxuu afkaaga ka buuxin doonaa qosol, Bushimahaagana qaylo farxad leh,
22 They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the tent of the wicked shall be no more.
Kuwa ku neceb waxay xidhan doonaan ceeb, Teendhada sharrowyaduna mar dambe siima jiri doonto.

< Job 8 >