< Job 6 >

1 Then answered Job, and said,
respondens autem Iob dixit
2 Oh that my vexation could be truly weighed, and my calamity; oh that men might lift it up in the balances at once!
utinam adpenderentur peccata mea quibus iram merui et calamitas quam patior in statera
3 For now it is already heavier than the sand of the sea: therefore are my words confused.
quasi harena maris haec gravior appareret unde et verba mea dolore sunt plena
4 For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof my spirit drinketh it: the terrors of God set themselves in array against me.
quia sagittae Domini in me sunt quarum indignatio ebibit spiritum meum et terrores Domini militant contra me
5 Doth the wild ass bray over the grass? or loweth the ox over his fodder?
numquid rugiet onager cum habuerit herbam aut mugiet bos cum ante praesepe plenum steterit
6 Is ever tasteless food eaten without salt? or is there any flavor in the white of an egg?
aut poterit comedi insulsum quod non est sale conditum aut potest aliquis gustare quod gustatum adfert mortem
7 My soul refuseth to touch them: they are unto me like disgusting food.
quae prius tangere nolebat anima mea nunc prae angustia cibi mei sunt
8 Oh that some one would grant the accomplishment of my request; and that God would grant me the fulfillment of my hope!
quis det ut veniat petitio mea et quod expecto tribuat mihi Deus
9 Yea, that it would please God that he might crush me: that he would let loose his hand, and make an end of me!
et qui coepit ipse me conterat solvat manum suam et succidat me
10 Then would this be still my comfort; yea, I would rejoice in my pain while be would not spare: that I have not gainsaid the commands of the Holy One.—
et haec mihi sit consolatio ut adfligens me dolore non parcat nec contradicam sermonibus Sancti
11 What is my strength, that I should wait? and what my end, that I should yet longer retain my patience?
quae est enim fortitudo mea ut sustineam aut quis finis meus ut patienter agam
12 Is the strength of stones my strength? or is my flesh brazen?
nec fortitudo lapidum fortitudo mea nec caro mea aerea est
13 Truly, am I not without my help in me? and is not wise counsel driven far away from me?
ecce non est auxilium mihi in me et necessarii quoque mei recesserunt a me
14 As though I were one who refuseth kindness to his friend, and forsaketh the fear of the Almighty:
qui tollit ab amico suo misericordiam timorem Domini derelinquit
15 My brothers are treacherous as a brook, like flowing brooks they pass along;
fratres mei praeterierunt me sicut torrens qui raptim transit in convallibus
16 Which are made turbid by reason of the ice, wherein the snow hideth itself;
qui timent pruinam inruet super eos nix
17 At the time when they feel the warmth, they vanish; when it is hot, they are quenched out of their place.
tempore quo fuerint dissipati peribunt et ut incaluerit solventur de loco suo
18 The paths of their course wind themselves along; they go in the wilderness and are lost.
involutae sunt semitae gressuum eorum ambulabunt in vacuum et peribunt
19 The caravans of Thema look hither, the travelling companies Sheba hope for them;
considerate semitas Theman itinera Saba et expectate paulisper
20 But they stand ashamed because they had trusted; they come thither and are made to blush.
confusi sunt quia speravi venerunt quoque usque ad me et pudore cooperti sunt
21 For truly now ye are like such a one: ye see my terrible state and are afraid.
nunc venistis et modo videntes plagam meam timetis
22 Have I then ever said, Give me something, and out of your property offer a bribe in my behalf?
numquid dixi adferte mihi et de substantia vestra donate mihi
23 And deliver me from the hand of the adversary? and redeem from the hand of tyrants?
vel liberate me de manu hostis et de manu robustorum eruite me
24 Teach me, and I will indeed remain silent; and wherein I erred give me to understand.
docete me et ego tacebo et si quid forte ignoravi instruite me
25 How pleasant are straightforward words! but what doth arguing prove?
quare detraxistis sermonibus veritatis cum e vobis nullus sit qui possit arguere
26 Do ye think to reprove words, and [to regard] as wind the speeches of one that is despairing?
ad increpandum tantum eloquia concinnatis et in ventum verba profertis
27 Yea, ye would cast any thing upon the fatherless, and ye would dig a pit against your friend.
super pupillum inruitis et subvertere nitimini amicum vestrum
28 But now, if it please you, turn yourselves toward me, and [say] whether I would lie before your face.
verumtamen quod coepistis explete praebete aurem et videte an mentiar
29 Reflect again, I pray you, there will be no wrong: yea, reflect once more, my righteousness [will be found] therein.
respondete obsecro absque contentione et loquentes id quod iustum est iudicate
30 Is there any wrong on my tongue? or should my palate not understand [if I spoke] what is iniquitous?
et non invenietis in lingua mea iniquitatem nec in faucibus meis stultitia personabit

< Job 6 >