< Job 5 >

1 Do but call: is there one that will answer thee? and to whom of the saints wilt thou turn thyself?
“Job, [it is okay that you] continue to cry out for someone to help you, but [I am certain that] [RHQ] no angel will come to help you!
2 For vexation will prove death to a foolish man, and jealousy will slay the simple.
Foolish people die because of being (resentful/very angry at someone); people who are easily deceived are destroyed by their being jealous [of others].
3 I have myself seen the foolish taking root; but I suddenly held his habitation as accursed.
I have seen foolish people who seemed to be successful/prosperous, but suddenly [they experienced disaster/trouble because] someone cursed their home.
4 His children are far from help, and men crush them in the gate, with no one to deliver them.
Their sons are never safe; they (lose their case/are condemned) when someone (takes them to court/sues them), because there is no one to defend them.
5 [He it is] whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns, and the robber snatcheth eagerly after their substance.
Hungry people [steal] the crops that foolish people harvest, [and] eat [those crops]; they even steal the crops that grow among thorns, and greedy people take away the wealth of foolish people.
6 For wrong doth not come forth out of the dust, neither doth trouble grow up out of the ground;
But evil circumstances/sufferings are not produced by the soil; troubles do not grow up from the ground.
7 But man is born unto trouble, as young birds take up their flight.
People have troubles from the time that they are born just as surely as sparks shoot up [from a fire].
8 I, however, would have besought God, and unto God would I have committed my cause;
[“If I were suffering like you are, ] I would ask God [for help] and tell him (what I am complaining about/about my suffering).
9 Who doth great things which are unsearchable, marvelous things till they are without number;
He does great things, things that we cannot understand; we cannot even count the marvelous things that he does.
10 Who giveth rain upon the surface of the earth, and sendeth out waters over the face of the fields;
He sends rain on the ground; he sends water on our fields.
11 To set up the lowly on high, that those who mourn may rise high to happiness;
He exalts those who are humble, and causes those who mourn to be joyful (OR, safe, prosperous).
12 [But] who frustrateth the plans of the crafty, so that their hands cannot execute their well-devised counsel;
He causes crafty/cunning people to not be able to do what they plan to do, with the result that they achieve nothing.
13 Who catcheth the wise in their own craftiness; and the advise of the perverse is hastened on headlong;
He causes people who [think that they] [IRO] are wise to be trapped by the cunning things they try to do, with the result that they do not succeed.
14 By day they meet with darkness, and as though it were night they grope about in the noon of day;
[It is as though] even in the daytime they are covered by darkness, and grope around [trying to find the road] at noontime like people do at night.
15 But who saveth from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hand of the mighty, the needy one:
But God saves helpless people from being harmed by what [wicked people] say [MTY], he saves needy people from being injured by [MTY] powerful people.
16 And so cometh to the indigent hope, and iniquity stoppeth her mouth.
So, poor people confidently expect [that good things will happen to them] but God causes wicked [people] to stop talking.
17 Behold, happy is the man whom God admonisheth: despise then not the correction of the Almighty.
“But those whom God corrects/rebukes are happy; so do not despise/dislike it when [God] who is all-powerful disciplines you.
18 For he it is that woundeth, and bindeth up: he smiteth, and his hands do heal.
He wounds people, but then he puts bandages on those wounds; he hurts people, but he [SYN] also heals them.
19 In six distresses will he deliver thee; and in seven there shall no evil touch thee.
He will rescue you many times from your troubles, with the result that nothing evil will happen to you.
20 In famine he redeemeth thee from death; and in war from the power of the sword.
When there is a famine, he will not allow you to die, and when there is a war, you will not be killed [MTY].
21 Against the scourge of the tongue shall thou he hidden; and thou needest not be afraid of destruction when it cometh.
God will protect you when people slander [MTY] you; you will not be afraid when many things [around you] are destroyed.
22 At destruction and famine canst thou laugh; and thou needest not have any fear of the beasts of the earth.
You will [be able to] laugh/scoff when things are destroyed and when there is famine, and you will not be afraid of wild animals.
23 For with the stones of the field shalt thou have thy covenant; and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee.
You will not worry about [having big] rocks in your fields [that will make plowing difficult], and you will not worry about [being attacked by] wild animals there.
24 And thou shalt know that there is peace in thy tent; and thou wilt look over thy habitation, and shalt miss nothing.
In your tent, you will know that things will go well for you, and when you look at your livestock, you will see that (they are all there/none of them is missing).
25 And thou shalt know that thy seed is numerous, and thy offspring as the herbage of the earth.
You will be sure that you will have many descendants, who will be as numerous as blades of grass.
26 Thon wilt go in a ripe age unto the grave, as a shock of corn is carried home in its season.
You will become very old before you die, like sheaves of grain continue to grow until it is time to harvest them.
27 Behold this, we have searched it out, so it is: hear it, and do thou note it well for thyself.
[“My friends and I] have thought carefully about these things, and [we know that] they are true, so pay attention to what I have said!”

< Job 5 >