< Job 30 >

1 But now they who are younger than I in years laugh at me, whose fathers I scorned to put as equals with the dogs of my flocks.
“Kodwa manje bayangiklolodela, amadoda angabantwana kimi, oyise engangingabehlisa ngibelusise izimvu zami.
2 Yea, what possible use can the strength of their hands be unto me, over whom old age hath passed fruitlessly?
Amandla ezandla zabo ayengangisiza ngani mina, ngoba amadlabuzane abo ayesephelile;
3 Who suffer for want and famine in solitude; who flee into the wilderness [where all is] darkness, ruin, and desolation;
sebejujukile ngokuswela langendlala, bazula elizweni elomileyo emangweni eyinkangala engelalutho ebusuku.
4 Who crop off mallows by the bushes, and have broom-bush roots as their bread;
Enkotheni khonale bakha imibhida emunyu, ukudla kwabo kuzimpande zezihlahla.
5 Who are driven forth from among [men], who are shouted after as though they were thieves,
Baxotshwa ebantwini bakibo, bathethiswa kungathi babengamasela.
6 To dwell in the caverns of the valleys, in holes of the earth, and on naked cliffs.
Kwasekumele bahlale ezihotsheni zezifula ezomileyo, ezimbalwini emadwaleni lemilindini emhlabathini.
7 Among the bushes they shriek; under briers they are huddled together,
Bakhonya phakathi kwezihlahla baququbala ezixukwini.
8 The children of the worthless, yea, the children of the nameless, who were outcasts from the land.
Base bengabantu abaphansi abangaselabizo, sebexotshiwe elizweni.
9 But now I am become their song, and I am become a byword unto them.
Kodwa manje amadodana abo asengihaya ngengoma; sengiyisiga kubo.
10 They loathe me, they keep themselves far from me, and from my face they withhold not their spittle.
Bayangenyanya njalo bamela khatshana lami; kabathikazi ukungikhafulela ebusweni.
11 Because he hath loosened the cord of my bow, and afflicted me, they have also cast off the bridle before me.
Khathesi njengoba uNkulunkulu eselithukulule idandili lami wangitshaya ngezinhlupheko, sebeklamasa kabasazithinti.
12 Against my right hand rise up this swarm of worthless youths: they push away my feet, and they level against me their calamity-bringing paths.
Kwesokunene kwami ixuku liyangihlasela; bathiya inyawo zami ngemijibila bakhe imibundu yokungivimbezela.
13 They destroy my footpath, they help forward my downfall, without any one to aid them.
Badiliza indlela yami; bayaphumelela ukungibhidliza besithi ‘Akekho ozamsiza.’
14 As [through] a broad breach they come: amidst a loud noise they rolled themselves along.
Bahlasela ingathi bafohlela esikhaleni esivulekileyo; beza bethululeka phezu kwezinqwaba zamanxiwa.
15 Terrors have turned their face against me; they chase like the wind my glory: and like a cloud is my happiness passed away.
Ukwesaba okukhulu kungiphethe; isithunzi sami sobuntu singathi siphethwe ngumoya, ukuvikeleka kwami kunyamalala njengeyezi.
16 And now my soul is poured out over me; the days of affliction have seized on me;
Manje impilo yami isincipha; insuku zokuhlupheka zingibambe nko.
17 All night it holloweth out my bones out of my body; and my pursuers take no rest.
Ubusuku bugwaza amathambo ami; lokuqaqamba kobuhlungu bami kakupheli.
18 Through the Almlghty's power is my garment made unknown: like the opening of my coat hath he enclosed me.
Ngamandla akhe amakhulu uNkulunkulu unjengelembu kimi; uyangikhama ngamabheqe entanyeni yami.
19 He hath cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes.
Ungivoxela edakeni, ngicina sengiluthuli lomlotha.
20 I cry aloud unto thee, but thou answerest me not: I stand up, and thou fixest thy regard against me.
Ngikhala kuwe, Oh Nkulunkulu, kodwa kawuphenduli; ngiyasukuma, kodwa uyangikhangela kuphela.
21 Thou art changed into a cruel master toward me: with the strength of thy hand thou assailest me.
Ungisukela ngesihluku; ungihlasela ngamandla esandla sakho.
22 Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to pass away, and dissolvest in me all wise counsel.
Uyangihlwitha ngiphetshulwe ngumoya; ngiphoseke le lale phakathi kwesiphepho.
23 For I know that thou wilt bring me back to death, and to the house of assembly for all the living.
Ngiyazi ukuthi uzangilalisa phansi ekufeni, endaweni emiselwe konke okuphilayo.
24 But doth not a man stretch out his hand among ruins? or doth one not cry out therefrom [for help] when he meeteth his downfall?
Ngempela kakho ombeka isandla umuntu oswelayo nxa ekhalela ukusizwa esebunzimeni.
25 Did I not weep for him that was hard pressed by misfortune? was not my soul grieved for the needy?
Kangibakhalelanga yini labo abahluphekileyo? Umoya wami kawubazwelanga usizi abayanga na?
26 That I hoped for good, but there came evil; and I waited for light, and there came darkness!
Kodwa ngathi ngilindele ubuhle, kweza ububi; ngathi ngilindele ukukhanya kweza ubumnyama.
27 My bowels heave, and rest not: the days of affliction have overcome me.
Ukudunguluka ngaphakathi kwami kakukhawuli; insuku zokuhlupheka zingijamele.
28 I walk about mournfully without sunlight: when I rise up, in the assembly, I cry with pain.
Ngihamba nje ngimnyama kubi, kungesikutshiswa lilanga; ngiyasukuma enkundleni ngicele uncedo.
29 I am a brother to [howling] monsters, and a companion to ostriches.
Sengingumfowabo wamakhanka, umkhula wezikhova.
30 My skin hangeth down black from me, and my bones are burnt from heat.
Isikhumba sami siba mnyama, siyaxathuka; umzimba wami uyatshisa ngomkhuhlane.
31 And thus is changed to mourning my harp, and my pipe to the sound of weeping.
Ichacho lami selilungiselwe isililo, lomqangala wami ulindele umkhosi wokukhala.”

< Job 30 >