< Job 27 >

1 And Job continued taking up his parable, and said,
Ayuba kuwa ya ci gaba da magana,
2 As God liveth, who hath removed justice from me; and by the Almighty, who hath embittered my soul:
“Na rantse da Allah mai rai, wanda ya danne mini gaskiyata, Maɗaukaki, wanda ya sa nake cikin ɗacin rai.
3 All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;
Muddin ina da rai a cikina kuma numfashin Allah yana cikin hancina,
4 Shall my lips not speak any wrong, nor shall my tongue utter deceit.
bakina ba zai faɗi mugun abu ba, harshena kuma ba zai yi ƙarya ba.
5 Far be it from me that I should justify you; till I depart hence will I not allow [any one] to take my integrity away from me.
Ba zan taɓa yarda cewa kuna da gaskiya ba; har in mutu, ba zan daina kāre mutuncina ba.
6 I have laid fast hold on my righteousness, and I will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me [for my conduct] during all my life.
Zan ci gaba da adalcina, ba zan fasa ba; lamirina ba zai taɓa yashe ni ba, dukan kwanakin raina.
7 Like the wicked is [therefore] my enemy, and he that riseth up against me like a wrong-doer.
“Bari maƙiyana su zama kamar mugaye, masu gāba da ni kuma su zama kamar marasa adalci.
8 For what is the hope of the hypocrite, when he hath gained unjust wealth, when God casteth forth his soul?
Gama wane bege marar tsoron Allah yake da shi, lokacin da aka datse shi, lokacin da Allah ya ɗauke ransa?
9 Will God hear his cry, when distress cometh upon him?
Ko Allah yana sauraron kukansa lokacin da ƙunci ya auko masa?
10 Or can he find delight in the Almighty? can he call on God at all times?
Ko zai sami farin ciki daga Maɗaukaki? Ko zai yi kira ga Allah a kowane lokaci?
11 I will instruct you concerning what is in the hand of God: [the way] which is with the Almighty will I not conceal.
“Zan koya muku game da ikon Allah; ba zan ɓoye hanyoyin Maɗaukaki ba.
12 Lo! ye yourselves have all beheld it: why is it then that ye deal in such vanities?
Duk kun ga wannan ku da kanku saboda haka me ya sa kuke maganganun nan marasa ma’ana?
13 This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the portion of tyrants, which they shall receive from the Almighty.
“Ga abin da mugaye za su samu gādon da azzalumi zai samu daga Maɗaukaki.
14 If his children be multiplied, it is only for the sword; and his offspring will not be satisfied with bread.
Kome yawan’ya’yansa, takobi za tă gama da su; zuriyarsa ba za su taɓa samun isashen abinci ba.
15 Those of his that are left to escape will be buried by death; and his widows will not be able to weep.
Waɗanda suka tsira annoba za tă kashe su, kuma gwaurayensu ba za su yi kukan mutuwarsu ba.
16 Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare garments [as plentifully] as the clay:
Ko da yake ya tara azurfa kamar ƙasa, tufafi kuma kamar tarin ƙasa,
17 He may prepare, but the righteous will clothe himself [therewith], and the silver the innocent will divide.
abin da ya tara masu adalci za su sa marasa laifi za su raba azurfarsa.
18 He buildeth his house like the moth, and like a hut that a keeper hath made.
Gidan da ya gina kamar gidan gizo-gizo, kamar bukkar mai tsaro.
19 Rich will he lie down, but will not be gathered [into the grave]: one openeth his eyes, and he is no more.
Attajiri zai kwanta, amma daga wannan shi ke nan; lokacin da zai buɗe idanunsa, kome ya tafi.
20 Like a flood will terror overtake him, in the night a tempest will steal him away.
Tsoro zai kwashe shi kamar ambaliyar ruwa; Da dare iska za tă tafi da shi.
21 The east wind will lift him up, and he must be gone; and it hurleth him like a storm out of his place.
Iskar gabas za tă tafi da shi; shi ke nan ya ƙare; za tă share shi daga wurinsa.
22 And [God] will cast [evil] upon him, and bare no pity: out of his hand [his wealth] will surely escape.
Za tă murɗe shi ba tausayi, lokacin da yake guje wa ikon iskar.
23 Men will clap their hands over him, and will hiss after him out of his place.
Zai tafa hannu yă yi tsaki yă kawar da shi daga wurinsa.”

< Job 27 >