< Job 26 >

1 Then answered Job, and said,
Pamenepo Yobu anayankha kuti,
2 What assistance hast thou given to the powerless? [how] hast thou helped the arm without strength?
“Wamuthandizadi munthu wopanda mphamvu! Walimbitsadi dzanja la munthu wofowoka!
3 How hast thou counselled the unwise? and what sound wisdom hast thou made known so plentifully?
Wapereka malangizo kwa munthu amene alibe nzeru! Ndipotu waonetsadi nzeru zochuluka!
4 To whom hast thou told words? and whose spirit came from thee?
Kodi wakuthandiza ndani kuti uyankhule mawu awa? Ndipo ndi mzimu wa yani umene unayankhula pakamwa pako?
5 The departed are called into being beneath the waters, and their inhabitants.
“Mizimu ya anthu akufa ikunjenjemera pansi pa madzi, ndi zonse zokhala mʼmadzimo.
6 Naked is the nether world before him, and there is no covering for the place of corruption. (Sheol h7585)
Dziko la anthu akufa ndi lapululu pamaso pa Mulungu; chiwonongeko ndi chosaphimbidwa. (Sheol h7585)
7 He stretched out the north over empty space; he suspended the earth on nothing;
Mulungu anayala thambo la kumpoto pa phompho; Iye anakoloweka dziko lapansi mʼmalo mwake pamene panali popanda nʼkanthu komwe.
8 He bound up the waters in his clouds; and the cloud bursteth not under their weight;
Amasunga madzi ambiri mʼmitambo yake, koma mitamboyo siphulika chifukwa cha kulemera kwa madziwo.
9 He closed up the surface of his throne, spreading over it his cloud;
Iye amaphimba mwezi wowala, amawuphimba ndi mitambo yake.
10 A fixed limit he compassed off over the face of the waters, for the division of the light and darkness.
Mulungu anawalembera madzi malire wonga uta, kukhala malire pakati pa kuwunika ndi mdima.
11 The pillars of heaven tremble greatly, and are astounded at his rebuke.
Mizati yochirikiza mitambo yakumwamba imanjenjemera, ndi kudabwa pa kudzudzula kwake.
12 By his power he split in pieces the sea, and by his understanding he crushed [its] pride:
Ndi mphamvu zake anatontholetsa nyanja; ndi nzeru zake anakantha chirombo cha mʼmadzi chija chotchedwa Rahabe.
13 By his breath the heavens [acquired] beauty; his hand hath created the flying serpent.
Ndi mpweya wake anayeretsa zamumlengalenga, dzanja lake linapha chinjoka chothawa chija.
14 Lo, these are ends of his ways; for how slight a whisper is heard [by us] of him! but the thunder of his mighty deeds who can understand?
Zimenezi ndi pangʼono chabe mwa ntchito yake; tingomva pangʼono za Iye ngati kunongʼona! Kodi ndani angathe kudziwa kukula kwa mphamvu zake?”

< Job 26 >