< Job 23 >

1 Then answered Job, and said,
Waphendula uJobe wathi:
2 Even now is my complaint bitter: my suffering is heavier than my groans.
“Lalamuhla ukusola kwami kulokhu kubuhlungu kabi, isandla sakhe siyasinda loba ngibubula kangaka.
3 Oh who would grant that I knew where I might find him! that I might attain to his Judgment throne!
Ngabe ngiyakwazi lapho engingamfumana khona; aluba nje bengingaya emzini wakhe!
4 I would put in order before him my cause, and my mouth would I fill with arguments.
Bengizayibeka kuhle indaba yami phambi kwakhe ngigcwalise umlomo wami ngamazwi empikiswano.
5 I should know the words which he might answer me, and understand what he might say unto me.
Bengizakuzwa ukuthi yena uphendula athini, ngikuhlolisise lokho akutshoyo.
6 Would he with his power contend against me? he would truly not lay such doings to my charge.
Kambe angangiphikisa ngamandla na? Hatshi, angazake angethese cala.
7 There would an upright one argue with him; and I should be allowed to escape for ever by my judge.
Lapho umuntu oqotho ubengendlala indaba yakhe phambi kwakhe, njalo bengizakhululwa lanini kumahluleli wami.
8 But, lo, I go eastward—and he is not there; and to the west— and I cannot perceive him;
Kodwa nxa ngisiya empumalanga, yena kakho khona; nxa ngisiya entshonalanga, kangimfumani khona.
9 When he doth great things at the north, I behold him not; he hideth himself in the south—and I see him not.
Nxa esemsebenzini enyakatho, kangimboni; angaphendukela eningizimu, kangiboni lokuthi tshazi kwakhe.
10 But he knoweth the way that I take: were he to probe me, I should come forth as gold.
Kodwa uyayazi indlela engihamba ngayo; nxa esengilingile, ngizaphuma senginjengegolide.
11 On his steps my foot hath held fast: his way have I kept, and swerved not.
Inyawo zami bezilokhu zilandelana lezinyathelo zakhe; ngalela endleleni yakhe angaze ngaphambuka.
12 From the commandment of his lips have I also not moved away: as a fixed statute for me have I treasured up the sayings of his mouth.
Angigudlukanga emilayweni yezindebe zakhe; ngiwenze igugu amazwi omlomo wakhe ukwedlula isinkwa sami sansukuzonke.
13 But he is unchangeably one, and who can turn him? And what his will desireth, even that he doth.
Kodwa uzimele yedwa, ngubani ongaphikisana laye na? Uyenza loba yini ayifunayo.
14 For he will bring to completion what hath been destined for me: and like these hath he many other things with him.
Uyagcwalisa isimiso sakhe ngami, njalo manengi amacebo anjalo awagcinileyo.
15 Therefore am I terrified at his presence: I will reflect, and be in dread of him.
Yikho-nje ngithuthumela ukuma phambi kwakhe; ngithi ngingakukhumbula konke lokhu ngimesabe.
16 Still God hath made timid my heart, and the Almighty hath terrified me;
UNkulunkulu usenze inhliziyo yami yaphela amandla; uSomandla usengethusile.
17 Because I was not destroyed before this darkness, and because he hath not hidden from my face [this] gloom.
Kodwa kawuyikungithulisa umnyama lo, umnyama lo onzima ovala ubuso bami.”

< Job 23 >