< Job 23 >

1 Then answered Job, and said,
Sa’an nan Ayuba ya amsa,
2 Even now is my complaint bitter: my suffering is heavier than my groans.
“Ko a yau, ina kuka mai zafi; hannunsa yana da nauyi duk da nishin da nake yi.
3 Oh who would grant that I knew where I might find him! that I might attain to his Judgment throne!
Da a ce na san inda zan same shi; da a ce zan iya zuwa wurin da yake zama!
4 I would put in order before him my cause, and my mouth would I fill with arguments.
Zan kai damuwata wurinsa in yi gardama da shi.
5 I should know the words which he might answer me, and understand what he might say unto me.
Zan nemi in san abin da zai ce mini, in kuma auna abin da zai ce mini.
6 Would he with his power contend against me? he would truly not lay such doings to my charge.
Zai yi gardama da ni da ikonsa mai girma? Babu, ba zai zarge ni da laifi ba.
7 There would an upright one argue with him; and I should be allowed to escape for ever by my judge.
Mai adalci ne zai kawo ƙara a wurinsa, kuma zan samu kuɓuta daga wurin mai shari’an nan har abada.
8 But, lo, I go eastward—and he is not there; and to the west— and I cannot perceive him;
“Amma in na je gabas, ba ya wurin; in na je yamma, ba zan same shi ba.
9 When he doth great things at the north, I behold him not; he hideth himself in the south—and I see him not.
Sa’ad da yake aiki a arewa, ba ni ganinsa; sa’ad da ya juya zuwa kudu, ba na ganinsa.
10 But he knoweth the way that I take: were he to probe me, I should come forth as gold.
Amma ya san hanyar da nake bi; sa’ad da ya gwada ni zan fito kamar zinariya.
11 On his steps my foot hath held fast: his way have I kept, and swerved not.
Ƙafafuna suna bin ƙafafunsa kurkusa; na bi hanyarsa ba tare da na juya ba.
12 From the commandment of his lips have I also not moved away: as a fixed statute for me have I treasured up the sayings of his mouth.
Ban fasa bin dokokin da ya bayar ba; na riƙe maganarsa da muhimmanci fiye da abincin yau da gobe.
13 But he is unchangeably one, and who can turn him? And what his will desireth, even that he doth.
“Amma ya tsaya shi kaɗai, kuma wa ya isa yă ja da shi? Yana yin abin da yake so.
14 For he will bring to completion what hath been destined for me: and like these hath he many other things with him.
Yana yi mini abin da ya shirya yă yi mini, kuma yana da sauran irinsu a ajiye.
15 Therefore am I terrified at his presence: I will reflect, and be in dread of him.
Shi ya sa na tsorata a gabansa; sa’ad da na yi tunanin wannan duka, nakan ji tsoronsa.
16 Still God hath made timid my heart, and the Almighty hath terrified me;
Allah ya sa zuciyata ta yi sanyi; Maɗaukaki ya tsorata ni.
17 Because I was not destroyed before this darkness, and because he hath not hidden from my face [this] gloom.
Duk da haka duhun bai sa in yi shiru ba, duhun da ya rufe mini fuska.

< Job 23 >